jueves, 30 de septiembre de 2010
Ein elektrisches Auto, das ohne Batterien aufzuladen, arbeitet
E-Quickie genannt, ist ein Prototyp Elektroauto äußerst effizient, weil sie nicht brauchen, um die Batterien wieder aufladen zu bedienen. Nutzen Sie die Energie erhalten Sie direkt von den Straßen.
Wird mittels elektrischer Induktion, ähnlich denen, Teppiche zum Aufladen Gadgets (Powermat ist am besten bekannt) erzielt, aber in Bewegung, als es um elektrische Energie Sender auf den Boden bekommen erobert mit Wireless Receiver im Boden bewegt sich Auto. Die Entwicklung wurde von Studenten an der Universität Karlsruhe in Deutschland als Teil eines Forschungsprojektes für die Bequemlichkeit der drahtlosen Übertragung von Energie getan werden, um ein Fahrzeug zu bewegen.
Nicht nur die Technik überrascht, die Energie, die E-Quickie-Laufwerke, auch die Effizienz in Material und Konstruktion zu erhalten, wurden alle Komponenten, die Schüler mit den erforderlichen Belastung im Verstand gebildet. Somit wiegt das Auto 60 Kilogramm, sind aber zuversichtlich, dass sie das Gewicht auf 40 Kilo zu reduzieren. Der Mechanismus der elektrischen Induktion ist ein zentrales Thema dieser: der Motor, aber sehr kleine Akkus zu erreichen, da im Idealfall die Energie kommt von Emittenten in den Straßen, ist es notwendig zu halten, in Batterien für längere Zeit, sie zu fördern.
Das reduzierte Gewicht ermöglicht es, auch mit nur zwei Pferdestärken, die mit einer Geschwindigkeit von 50 Kilometern pro Stunde bewegen kann.
miércoles, 29 de septiembre de 2010
Cascos de moto de fibra de vidrio con tuneo fashion
Cascos de moto tuneados http://thechemistrysideoftheforce.blogspot.com/
Motos y vehiculos de 2 ruedas, cascos originales tuneados
martes, 28 de septiembre de 2010
Ecological packaging for fresh salads
Novamont, Filogea Ecor and Bologna have been presented in the first container for salads compostable, biodegradable and non-GM.
Salad biocompostableSe container is a container that, in addition to keeping food fresh, longer service life and is sustainable. This release will enable the packaged salad industry to provide users with a rate of 100% compostable packaging with no genetically modified components allow it.
The new compostable packaging is made from Mater-Bi, the bioplastic developed by Novamont natural, biodegradable and compostable in accordance with Italian standard UNI EN 13432 and can ensure the same strength and performance than traditional plastics. It is made partly from renewable resources of agricultural origin.
lunes, 27 de septiembre de 2010
China on the top of the masterbatch producers
China accounts for 60% of the market demand and production of masterbatch products
China has therefore become a strong exporter of full range of masterbatch products, with the exception of the varieties of additives, where investment in production has slowed to 30% annual growth additive masterbatches for the past five years. The demand for additives masterbatch products tractor will be a strong growth for China's masterbatch industry, to the extent that plastics processors and end users demand more functionality and performance of their products. Other markets will be led by its use in consumer products and packaging, while continuing away from the direct use of pigments and dry mixes.
Chart masterbatch product demand in South Asia, by country.
Other emerging markets also
As we can see in the chart, South Korea and Thailand are also two strong masterbatch product markets, achieving a 11% and 9% of regional demand, respectively. Both countries have developed their markets masterbacthes well as its processing industry is relatively sofistticada and usually operates with high standards.
A strong market growth in recent years, albeit from a relatively small base, has been Vietnam, which has experienced significant growth in plastics processing. However, the use of so-called masterbatch is still relatively unsophisticated, but has already attracted a number of foreign investors for the production of such as Clariant and Culamix.
South Korea and Thailand are also two strong markets masterbatch with 11% and 9% of regional demand, respectively
In general, Asian plastics processors are increasingly demanding products and raw materials more sophisticated. This has had an impact on the masterbatch industry, most technically advanced companies in product development and alienation from the use of dry pigments and compounds. Regarding the structure of demand, Asia presents a color masterbatch demand slightly higher than white or black, reflecting the widespread demand for manufacturing color of consumer products in the region. A significant proportion of additive masterbatch demand is explained by the use of masterbatch market antifibrilación for flat woven raffia fiber.
Although later expected some slowdown in growth rates of the masterbatch in Asia, there is still significant scope for market development in the region. Future demand will be fueled by the twin trends of increased production of plastic components, packaging, consumer goods and other products of the region and the continued penetration of masterbatch in comparison with competing methods to color. The impact of the recession has been relatively moderate in most Asian countries and masterbatch demand continued to grow last year at around 6% and is expected to move between 7 and 8% per annum for 2013, which will rise to a total demand of the region of over 1.2 million tonnes.
The masterbatch is available in granular form, either similar in size to most polymer granules or miniature
Some curiosities about the masterbatch
Since its introduction in the 1960s masterbatch market has entered strongly in the traditional market of the colored compound. Specifically, a masterbatch is a concentrate of specific color and / or performance-enhancing additive such as anti-static, UV stabilizer, metal deactivator, etc., Which is added to a base polymer to impart these attributes. Usually occurs in granular form, either similar in size to most polymer granules or miniature, known as micro granules.

La Cina rappresenta il 60% della domanda di mercato e produzione di prodotti masterbatch
La Cina è quindi diventata un esportatore di forza della gamma di prodotti masterbatch, con l'eccezione delle varietà di additivi, dove ha subito un rallentamento degli investimenti in produzione e il 30% di crescita annua masterbatches additivi per gli ultimi cinque anni. La domanda di masterbatch additivi trattore prodotti sarà una forte crescita per l'industria masterbatch della Cina, nella misura in cui i trasformatori di materie plastiche e gli utenti finali richiedono più funzionalità e le prestazioni dei loro prodotti. Altri mercati sarà guidata dal suo uso nei prodotti di consumo e packaging, pur continuando lontano dalla utilizzazione diretta di pigmenti e secco mescola.
Grafico della domanda di prodotti masterbatch in Asia meridionale, per paese.
Altri mercati emergenti anche
Come si può vedere nel grafico, Corea del Sud e Thailandia sono anche due forti mercati di prodotti masterbatch, raggiungendo un 11% e il 9% della domanda regionale, rispettivamente. Entrambi i paesi hanno sviluppato i loro mercati masterbacthes e la sua industria di trasformazione è relativamente sofistticada e di solito opera con standard elevati.
Una forte crescita del mercato negli ultimi anni, pur partendo da una base relativamente piccola, è stato il Vietnam, che ha registrato una crescita significativa della lavorazione delle materie plastiche. Tuttavia, l'uso di masterbatch cosiddetti è ancora relativamente poco sofisticato, ma ha già attirato un gran numero di investitori stranieri per la produzione dei quali Clariant e Culamix.
Corea del Sud e Thailandia sono anche due mercati di forte masterbatch con l'11% e il 9% della domanda regionale, rispettivamente
In generale, asiatici processori plastiche sono sempre più esigenti prodotti e materie prime più sofisticate. Ciò ha avuto un impatto sul settore masterbatch, le aziende tecnologicamente più avanzate nello sviluppo di prodotti e di alienazione l'uso di pigmenti asciutti e composti. Per quanto riguarda la struttura della domanda, l'Asia presenta una domanda di masterbatch colore leggermente superiore a quello bianco o nero, che riflette la diffusa domanda di colore fabbricazione di prodotti di consumo nella regione. Una quota significativa della domanda di additivi masterbatch si spiega con l'uso di antifibrilación masterbatch di mercato per piatto in fibra di rafia intrecciata.
Anche se poi previsto un rallentamento nei tassi di crescita del masterbatch in Asia, c'è ancora un ampio margine di sviluppo del mercato nella regione. La domanda futura sarà alimentato dalle tendenze gemello di aumento della produzione di componenti in plastica, imballaggi, beni di consumo e altri prodotti della regione e la continua penetrazione di masterbatch in confronto con i metodi concorrenti al colore. L'impatto della recessione è stata relativamente moderata nella maggior parte dei paesi asiatici e masterbatch domanda ha continuato a crescere l'anno scorso a circa il 6% e si prevede di muoversi tra il 7 e l'8% annuo per il 2013, che sarà luogo a una domanda complessiva della regione di oltre 1,2 milioni di tonnellate.
Il masterbatch è disponibile in forma granulare, sia di dimensioni simili a granuli più polimero o in miniatura
Alcune curiosità sulla masterbatch
Dalla sua introduzione nel mercato del masterbatch 1960 è entrata con forza nel mercato tradizionale del composto colorato. In particolare, un masterbatch è un concentrato di colori specifici e / o di ottimizzazione delle prestazioni, come additivo anti-statico, stabilizzatore UV, disattivatore metallo, ecc, che viene aggiunto un polimero a base di impartire questi attributi. Di solito si verifica in forma granulare, sia di dimensioni simili a granuli più polimero o in miniatura, noto come microgranuli.
domingo, 26 de septiembre de 2010
日本の自動車会社三菱は、来年12月ののi - MiEV』の電気自動車を含む14欧州市場で、起動されます確認して、スペイン語、23000ユーロに5750ユ 日本の自動車会社三菱は、来年12月ののi - MiEV』の電気自動車を含む14欧州市場で、起動されます確認して、スペイン語、23000ユーロ

日本の自動車会社三菱は、来年12月ののi - MiEV』の電気自動車を含む14欧州市場で、起動されます確認して、スペイン語、23000ユーロに5750ユーロの助成金を含めるように減少した29000ユーロの価格でMovele計画。
スペインに加えて、三菱車のesre 12月以来、ドイツの市場で販売、オーストリア、ベルギー、デンマーク、フランス、オランダ、アイルランド、イタリア、ノルウェー、ポルトガル、スウェーデン、スイス、イギリス。
sábado, 25 de septiembre de 2010
현대 BlueOne, 최초의 전기 한국어

현대 자동차가 최초의 전기 자동차를 선보였다. '라는 BlueOne'이이 종류의 한국에서 일어나고의 첫 번째 자동차이며 꽤 좋은 성능을 약속 : / 시간과 140km의 자율성 130km의 최고 속도.
27 만 현대 무엇이 전기 자동차를 만드는 현재 현대 i10을 기반으로 투자는 총. 처음에는 30 단위는 증거 BlueOne '한국의 여러 정부 기관에 제공까지 2012 것입니다. 해당 날짜에 어느 2,500 단위 조작 될 모델의 생산을 시작합니다.
BlueOne, 그의 이름이 블루 드라이브 현대의 전략에서 따온 단어 '에'차례 -, 그리고 3.58 미터 길이 1.59 미터의 넓은 측정 높이 1.54 미터이다. 자사의 전기 모터가 16.4 kWh의 충전식 리튬 이온 폴리머에 의해 제공됩니다 및 81 HP와 21.4 mkg 최대 토크의 최대 전력을 제공합니다. 이러한 전지의 선택은 볼륨 무게의 감소로 인해 승객을위한 더 큰 공간으로 돌아갑니다 30-40% 각각입니다.
의 성능은 위에서 말한 바와 같이, 꽤 좋은, 13.1 초, 단일 청구에 / h의 140 킬로미터 자치 130km의 속도에 가속도 / h의 de0 100 킬로미터 있습니다. 이와 관련, BlueOne 두 가지 방법을 충전했다 : 220 세대 브이, 그 과정에서 6 시간 소요, 그리고 380 브이 25 분 안에 80 %의 충전을 허용의 전력 산업의 현재.
viernes, 24 de septiembre de 2010
This NEC bioplastic is made of cellulose and cardanol, a combination that provides durability and makes it suitable for consumer electronics equipment
The novelty of this bioplastic is that it takes far less percentage of plastic additives from oil and up to 70% organic material. In addition, the organic part comes from non-edible plants or parts not usable for food, such as cashew nut shells. The bioplastic will reuse products and materials to produce a more environmentally friendly and easy to recycle.
. With this combination, satisfactory results are achieved that are equal to or better than other materials already on the market.
For example, is three times more resistant to water than cellulose acetate or hold more than double the force that the resin of polylactic acid (PLA, for its acronym in English). It also resists heat twice as well as the PLA and it takes half the time to make it.
Currently, the PLA is used in electronics, automobiles and other products for general use. It is also used instead of normal because plastic is stronger and resistant to fire.
The good news is that this new bioplastic material will soon be in a variety of mobile devices. And is that NEC could equip different products with this new bioplastic by 2013.
jueves, 23 de septiembre de 2010

プロジェクトは、一緒にマツダ広島大学は、今後5年間で、その車に使用するためにバイオマスからのバイオプラスチックを作成することを目的日本の会社をもたらします。 http://thechemistrysideoftheforce.blogspot.com/
具体的には、プロジェクトはバンパーと計器盤の製造に使用可能ですポリプロピレンを構築しようとする。 http://thechemistrysideoftheforce.blogspot.com/
これらのする問題、このバイオプラスチック"地球温暖化との闘いに役立つ意志の使用は、1手on、および、上に食べ物のsupply不安の解消記載上のマツダの広報担当者、他の"彼らは、ゴミやuse because他の産業からチップ材。
miércoles, 22 de septiembre de 2010
Installing thermal insulation foam

When people think about think foam insulation in the winter to stay warm and save money in their accounts ...
When people think about think foam insulation in the winter to stay warm and save money on their heating bills. This thinking is especially common in northern climates, where some houses were not insulated very well. The idea is that adding a layer of foam insulation from the exterior of your home would save lots of money on your gas bill.
There are other benefits of insulating foam which I would like to speak in the rest of this article. The foam insulation when compared to fiberglass has several attractive benefits. The number one on the list of many people is that it is a much easier material to handle. No itchy on your skin. There has to be coiled and is easier to transport. It is lighter and can cover more area than a roll of fiberglass insulation. All this is accomplished without sacrificing the "R value" which is the measure of effectiveness of any insulator.
In fact, it is more dense than the typical roll of fiberglass insulation foam has a better quality of insulation per inch of thickness and therefore the applications of thin material can give an equal or greater value protection against the cold.
We have been talking about protection from the cold in our talk about the foam insulation, but what most people forget is that protection against cold in winter is also protection against the escape of heat from your house winter. Regardless of the type of insulation you use, will also serve during the summer the cold does not escape the house, if you use an air conditioner. This will not only save money in the winter and will protect him from the cold, but also save money in the summer and keep it fresh.
So if you are thinking about putting vinyl on the inside of the house or some other material, consider covering the outside of the house with at least one thin layer of foam insulation. You will be warmer and cooler when they want to be, and not vice versa. It's easy to tack a little of this material, which means it will not cost much money, especially when you consider what you'll be saving in the long term.
Related articles:
1. Foam Mattresses latex and memory foam
2. Polymer rubber jelly type Crafts
3. Using fire-resistant acoustic absorbers
4. Installing fences PVC or vinyl for the front porch
5. Market Polymer Rubber Stamps
martes, 21 de septiembre de 2010
How and to use the fiberglass?
Among the products developed by industry and tuning kits are the most commonly used are fiberglass. It is a flexible, lightweight, durable and relatively easy to use, which has earned the reputation in these types of work.
Fiberglass is a material used in motorcycle racing fairings, and may be in supersport, superbike, formula extreme ...
This type of fairing kits are cheaper and easier to assemble, and to all a series of shrouds supersport as are all grilles, headlights and plastics can be about 20 pieces, all these are replaced by just 3 or 4 piece fiberglass kit, which are also much lighter and much easier to replace when a fall.
Fiberglass fairings for yamaha jog rr. These fairings are often used both for tuning, and for competitions scooter.
Fiberglass is also frequently used in the tuning for both motorcycles and for cars, sometimes we get bored of seeing the neighbor, who knows if for the sake of boredom or in good faith, has decided to buy the same bike that we and decided to take the first step in transforming our bike aesthetic.
Modifying a motorcycle is more aesthetically to have a different bike to the other, is something like shape our personality in our bike and try to be the best and most beautiful when we decided to take this step we have two options to the garage or do it ourselves by decantaría I personally do it myself, is something that when finished will fill us with pride and satisfaction.
hints you some examples:
Here you have a little help if you dare to do it yourselves
You need to take protective measures not to hurt us both to make work more comfortable.
For that matter, the measures most are minimum:
1. Work in a ventilated place better and more appropriately illuminated.
2. Use over-ca-ri-lla.
3. Gloves.
4. Glasses pro-tec-to-flush.
You have to keep in mind that going to cause a chemical reaction that will give off harmful gases and, above all, stinky ... In addition, the fiberglass fabric may cause allergic skin reactions especially annoying, as if you would have done a great a Ortigal.
Where is pur-chase?
The material can be found at any hardware store, car spare parts or boating, because fiberglass is widely used for helmets ... It is even possible that at any drug store or paint store ... Also in stores is possible because construction the resin-free fiberglass insulation is used to heat homes. But at this point I return to emphasize what not to confuse the fiberglass putty of glass ...
The presentations that I know are two: either in kit form it comes in 1 square meter of fabric and resin and catalyst to work, leaving about 10 euros or so separate out the fabric about 4 euros meters and about 20 liter of polyester resin ...
Material to make a mold:
I like wood but has the drawback of the songs ... I know that the polystyrene is also used and, in fact, the majority use this material because it can get more easily rounded, but I do not like it because I find it very difficult to achieve perfect symmetry, they have to go to rough estimates ... may be that the solution is to make the plywood mold and fill the edges with plaster or even silicon, giving a rounded shape with round support of any element (eg a can of soda) ... To make fuel tanks, which are usually made of fiber although I am not supporter of anything, I think that the best way is the plaster giving way with a balloon filled with water ...
1. Wax or oil the mold more easily take off the piece.
2. Fiberglass Fabric
3. Polyester resin which is sold in cans with a catalyst that comes in a separate tube. characteristics can vary from manufacturer to manufacturer and there are more or less rapid resins to react ... I am personally very upset because the slow, contrary to what may seem bad to me are correct ...
1. Keyhole saw
2. Drill
3. Spatula
4. Sandpaper.
1. Construction of a mold
2. Make a piece using the mold
3. Part Polishing
4. Finish.
Let's look at each of these phases.
Construction of a mold
It is a matter of manual work of cole-gio. The complexity of this mold and is up to you.
To make the mold you can use almost any material: from polietireno (Styrofoam) to plaster through wood.
The mold should be on the outside of the piece: that way when desmoldeis, the piece will almost polished. If you are perfectionists and you want the inside out I also perfect, you have to make a mold and a counter-mold, so that the piece is the result of glass fiber is the filling between the sandwich between the mold and the counter . Obviously, the countermould shall provide the thickness you want in the resulting piece.
Personally and for those who do not have much experience in this, I recommend plywood and glue Imedi transparent, it is easy to use and enables you to effortlessly symmetries. The plaster has the advantage of allowing more rounded, but is more laborious because you have to make a mold prior.
You have to take into account that the fiberglass has the advantage that it sticks to itself, so that once made a piece tengais later and following the same procedure you can add fiberglass parts such as brackets, hooks, etc. .
Make a piece using the mold
Part Manufacturing
Once we have the mold (and the counter if any) comes the fun part of the case ... The first thing to do is cut the fiberglass cloth so that it covers the entire surface you like it come out. The more layers do them, the thicker the piece will end. With two layers is usually sufficient.
Then untareis areas where the fiberglass will be in contact with the mold generously with anything slimy and greasy, as well, when both desmoldeis not stick to the mold piece, otherwise difficult to see unmold you succeed.
When you have all this preparation, is the climax. We'll take a plastic container (a glass or bottle of water to which you've previously cut off the narrow part. Typically, polyester resin boat say they first put the resin into the mold, then fiberglass. Personally I I do the opposite: put the material into the mold (it is often difficult because it runs) and then pour the resin ... Let each choose his method but the end result will be the same ... I do so because the conditions I now I will explain ... For glass resin from acting, it is necessary to add the catalyst and mix well ... The catalyst is what causes the chemical reaction that then I will tell you ... The only problem is that this reaction occurs in an indefinite time: depending on environmental conditions, especially temperature, occurs before or after ... is not instantaneous, but when it starts no one can stop ... Some say that it has to do with a room temperature of 25 degrees they say which is the ideal temperature for the reaction and fiberglass stiffness gain by crystallization ... Personally I disagree deeply about it: maybe that works with people accustomed to working with fiberglass usually ...
Personally, I have been working with the polyester resin at 5 degrees and the reaction has usually only has given me more time to distribute it ... We take the plastic container, pour the polyester resin, we add the catalyst in the proportion indicated by the manufacturer and the mix with a stick or a spatula until we see that the catalyst (usually a bright color: red) disappears in the honey-colored resin ... ... It costs nothing and immediately pour all that content onto the fiberglass evenly in pan with a spatula, reaching the entire surface of the part ... but without rushing Hurry: we normally about ten minutes of leeway to conclude this operation ... It's like when they divide the oil in a skillet to cover the entire area ... you will see how glass material seems to dissolve like a sugar in milk ... Once divided, if you have done the countermould You place it ... And if not, well played ... wait 10-15 minutes have made a mixture of resin with the catalyst will begin to hear a few clicks: is the chemical reaction will begin to smoke ... it is not simply the result of this reaction that gives off much heat and water vapor and a stink Qui no wiggle you: if you do it indoors, I assure you it will cast those emanations respireis ... No ... wait you half an hour.
If the piece is too large, you may incorporate appropriate stiffness win metálicospara nerves or to place the hooks ... It is at this stage that you can incorporate ...
Part Polishing
Before removing from pan that was used to, with the coping saw, cut all the edges along the edge of the mold ... you will realize that it is easy ... with a jigsaw and drill holes that you can make you feel like it ...
Unmold ... you have the piece I made ...
To clean the piece and free of oil residue from when I was in the mold, use solvent degreased ... Once the piece, you can sand it to finish polishing ... and is ready to give the primer and paint. Keep in mind that the color of the piece will come out white, but that can change the resin tinting fiberglass color you like before mixing with the catalyst ...
And that's it ... Now you can you manufacture your own airplane fuselage.
lunes, 20 de septiembre de 2010
multifunctional ecological curious ... this is a practical raincoat in bioplastic made of potato starch, a quality that makes it 100% compostable and
This layer will protect you from inclement weather in any circumstance ... you can use it wherever and whenever you want ... this will be their first attack, when not in use came into effect his other offers to the user.
The interior has seeds of trees, plants, flowers, shrubs, etc ... Then, when you no longer serve to get in rather than throw it away, just be planted and let it grow ... life will be a contribution to the nature and the environment. http://thechemistrysideoftheforce.blogspot.com/
It is available in the store just Greenpeace and costs about 21 Euros.
domingo, 19 de septiembre de 2010
New submarine copy of white shark fiber glass

In NeoTeo've seen a lot of strange vehicles. Some worked very well, others less so. But we have never encountered something so intimidated impressive as Seabreacher X, created by Rob Innes for personal use. This small submarine shaped like a large shark and also immersed in water, is able to jump up to 3 feet high in the air.
The Seabreacher X can jump up to three meters high.
And when we say that looks like a shark, not a metaphor for how well it moves underwater. But literally looks like a shark. In its design, the vehicle has a dorsal fin, two sides and, in the case of X Seabreacher Rob Innes, very sharp teeth. In the area that least resembles a shark carries two seats and an engine of 260 horsepower that you can get to 80 mph on water and 32 miles submerged.
This fiberglass shark is nearly five meters and can do all kinds of tricks. You can go 80 kilometers per hour and sway from side to side without problem and can dive to get shot three feet into the air, like a real shark. In the future they improve the design so that it can spin 360 degrees, turning in midair and even turned backwards. He also said they would like to use it to run races, but its high price, few people would risk damaging one.
Of course, there is little practical use, but points to the pleasure. As they explained, is far from a submarine, since you can not dive much. So Rob says: "The Seabreacher is really for people with large incomes who want to have fun." And how much is this "great" income? Well, today the company created by his friend Rob Innes and Dan Piazza, Innespace, sell these vehicles to customers in Korea and in the Caribbean for a figure close to € 73,000. The next step? A vehicle similar to a hammerhead shark.
sábado, 18 de septiembre de 2010
Corn-based plastic that can tolerate heat
The current corn-based bioplastics are a good alternative to petroleum-based plastics, but have the disadvantage that can not tolerate the heat, so it can not be used in the food industry as packaging which is filled with the product a hot. However, scientists from the U.S. Agricultural Research (ARS) have reached a corn-based bioplastic that tolerate more heat.
The corn-based plastics are produced by fermenting corn sugar to produce lactic acid. Lactic acid is used to form polylactic acid, or PLA, which is a bioplastic. Researchers are developing a product called modifier deflection temperature heat can be mixed with the PLA to enhance its heat tolerance.
The switch is more than 90% from corn and is completely biodegradable. There are currently no switches of this type are commercially available for mixing with the PLA, so researchers are seeking a patent on the invention.
viernes, 17 de septiembre de 2010
Endesa vehículos eléctricos y cabinas telefonicas

Este plan, que se llevará a cabo en la flota de vehículos de corto recorrido, se desarrollará a partir de 2011
Endesa sustituirá el 30% de su flota de vehículos de corto recorrido por coches eléctricos, a partir del próximo año. La compañía, que tiene un firme compromiso con la movilidad sostenible, ha desarrollado un plan cuyo objetivo es la sustitución paulatina de todos los vehículos de combustión por vehículos eléctricos. En la actualidad, Endesa ya dispone de trece coches puramente eléctricos integrados en su flota que han servido para evaluar la adaptación de esta tecnología a las necesidades de la flota de la empresa.
Después de los estudios y pruebas realizadas con los vehículos eléctricos que estarán disponibles en el mercado español el próximo año, la compañía ha seleccionado inicialmente el segmento de vehículos de corto recorrido por considerar que cumplen los mismos requisitos de seguridad y prestaciones que los actuales vehículos de combustión. Los coches que, de momento, se van a incorporar están destinados al transporte de personas y a tareas que necesitan de pequeñas herramientas para ser llevadas a cabo. Sin embargo, y dado el continuo desarrollo y cambio de esta tecnología, Endesa se encuentra en un continuo estudio del estado de la tecnología y del mercado para, en un futuro próximo, llegar a la completa electrificación de su flota.
Como paso previo al plan, durante este año 2010, se está procediendo a la incorporación de vehículos eléctricos de diferentes fabricantes en fase de prueba y demostración, gracias a diferentes acuerdos con varias compañías del sector automovilístico: Endesa forma parte del proyecto de pruebas que el fabricantes japonés Toyota ha puesto en marcha en España para sus cinco Prius Enchufables; Bergé pondrá a disposición de la compañía los dos primeros vehículos eléctricos F3DM, que formarán parte del proyecto Smartcity que se desarrolla en Málaga; y está prevista también la incorporación de otros vehículos comerciales con interfaces bidireccionales, con los que se investigará con pruebas reales la tecnología V2G (vehicle to grid), una tecnología que permitirá que el coche no sólo reciba energía de la red sino que también la almacene y la ponga a disposición del sistema cuando sea necesario.
Este plan se enmarca en el firme compromiso de la compañía con el desarrollo del vehículo eléctrico como una de las vías para potenciar la lucha contra el cambio climático y contribuir al éxito de los objetivos de sostenibilidad y desarrollo económico, así como de creación de valor para sus accionistas. Como muestra del firme compromiso con el medio ambiente, ya en 2008, Endesa incorporó a su red de ventas 400 Toyota Prius Hibridos, el primer vehículo híbrido producido en serie.
jueves, 16 de septiembre de 2010
to get silicone rubber let's cover a few together in the bathroom, the first thing to do is clean the area to apply and dry
In this new video of how to get silicone, let's cover a few together in the bathroom, the first thing to do is clean the area to apply and dry, then serve applicator bottle, apply the silicone, leaving a good layer in places We seal, once it happened, sealed the area with your finger to enter the silicone into the cracks.
Silicone Rubber
After letting it dry at least a couple of hours (it is fast drying silicone) with a knife cut the surplus and remove it, thus ending the process.
As you can see is very simple. A greeting.
Después de dejar secar al menos un par de horas (se trata de silicona de secado rápido) con una cuchilla cortamos el sobrante y lo retiramos, terminando así el proceso.
Como véis es muy sencillo. Un saludo.
miércoles, 15 de septiembre de 2010
Bioserie is a company that is manufacturing biodegradable plastic and environmentally friendly as it is removed from plant materials, the company said the whole process is responsible to the environment, as additives and dyes are dyes from plants and contain no elements from oil or toxic petrochemicals or any element.
They say using renewable materials, and drastic reduction of CO2 emissions into the atmosphere.
For now covers Bioserie Apple products marketed as: Ipods, Ipads, Iphones etc. That if prices are not as friendly to our pockets but hopefully down over time, that if the designs are very beautiful and striking. Hopefully we will soon all be ijuemichica plastic items such biodegradable.
lunes, 13 de septiembre de 2010
An American Electric Car has developed a new electric vehicle battery that lasts longer than lithium
An American Electric Car has developed a new electric vehicle battery that lasts longer than lithium, requires less investment, is cheaper and completely recyclable. Zinc Air batteries, store three times more electricity than lithium and work used the oxygen in the air with zinc metal pellets as fuel to generate electricity also can result in thousands of millions of units, with zinc mined in the world in just 21 months, while it would take nearly two centuries in lithium must subtract the same amount to ride.
This fact has been confirmed by the Meridian International Research, which states: "The supply of lithium and future production is far from enough to keep world production of electric vehicles."
Furthermore, in contrast to lithium, zinc-air is absolutely respectful with the environment as its product, zinc oxide, is 100 percent recyclable and contains none of the toxic elements that exist in lithium batteries or other batteries. http://thechemistrysideoftheforce.blogspot.com/
domingo, 12 de septiembre de 2010
silicone rubber to make copy of vynil disc
In current times, and hardly care about copying CDs or DVDs, but whatever we download, we hear or see and whether we like it, go and buy it ... right?
Some of you may not have seen and / or played a vinyl record, but once all you could do was to burn music to a cassette tape. I never crossed his mind to copy a vinyl record to another, until I saw this post, where they explain step by step how to create / copy a disc of them. Looking at the photos, which then I leave here, seems an easy process. I wonder if in practice there is.
First step is done with a box or any container with glass bottom and is tightly sealed on the sides.
Then we put the original disk that you want to copy in the container with the side you want to copy up. For pipiolos say that these discs have two faces and both sides may contain music.
Then cover the disc with silicone and let dry for about 6 hours. Follow the instructions on using silicone.
Now take off the silicone.
Now we dump on the silicon (the face is recorded) and make sure liquid plastic that covers the entire area of the disc.
Finally separate the silicon and plastic make a hole right in the center of the disc.
And hopefully something will sound. :-)
Here you are also a couple of videos of the industrial process of creating these discs. Each video lasts less than 5 minutes. Take a look because they are worth.