Inventions that changed the course of humanity.
Jöns Jacob Berzelius
It was the first analyst Siglo XIX: in addition to carrying out as precisely as a huge number of analysis, we must attribute the discovery of several bodies simple: Hisinger and Berzelius discovered the element cerium in 1807, in 1817 identifies with Johan Gottlieb Gahn selenium, and as the third and final discovery thorium in 1829. His students discovered two other elements: in 1817 Johann August Arfvedson discovers lithium, and in 1830 Nils Sefström Gabriel discovers vanadium. Berzelius was who proposed the names of lithium and vanadium, as well as sodium. It was the first chemist who isolated the silicon (in 1823), zirconium (in 1824), thorium (in 1828) and titanium.
He studied combinations of sulfur with phosphorus, fluorine and fluoride, found a large number of chemical equivalents. It was practically the creator of organic chemistry. He introduced the concepts and words alotropía, catalysis, isomería, halogen, organic radical and protein. As philosopher as experimenter, consolidated the atomistic theory as well as the proportions of chemical invented and made universally accepted chemical formulas similar to the algebraic formulas with the aim of expressing the composition of the bodies. To explain the phenomena adopted the famous theory of dualism electro-chemical, and with this theory carried out many reforms in the nomenclature and classification. It was the precursor and developed a theory about the electrochemical and unites radicals. He also was among the first to mineralogy based on knowledge of the chemical elements of the bodies. The current system of chemical notation was adopted thanks to Berzelius, who was the one who proposed it in 1813. Berzelius was among the first who published a table of the atomic and molecular masses with acceptable accuracy.
Born in Väversunda Sörgård near VADSTENA in 1779, the son of a schoolteacher. He began studying medicine in 1796 at the University of Uppsala, while working at the chemistry lab of Johan Afzelius. This made him decide about chemistry. Soon began to experiment. Already in 1800 highlighted by his remarks about mineral waters of Medevi. He completed studies in Chemistry at the same time as those for Medicine, and received his Ph.D. in 1802.
Attempting to balance his work as a physician and assistant professor until 1806, when he became responsible for the courses of Chemistry of the Military Academy Carlsberg. Began publishing in 1806, along with Wilhelm Hisinger, some memories relaticionadas with physics, chemistry, minerologís. Between 1807 and 1831, was Professor of Botany, Medicine and Pharmacy in Stockholm, while still giving classes at the Institute of Chemistry Medical-Surgical Karoline Stockholm, between 1815 and 1832.
Berzelius was Permanent Secretary of the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences, which was a member since 1808, between 1818 and 1848 and associated with the Royal Society and the Institut de France, and a member of the Swedish Academy between 1837 and 1848. In 1832 left teaching to be able to devote himself entirely to research. In 1835 he married, and is named Freiherr (equivalent to the title of Baron), as a wedding gift by King Charles XIV of Sweden. For his work won the Copley Medal in 1836. He died in Stockholm in 1848.
Jöns Jacob Berzelius
It was the first analyst Siglo XIX: in addition to carrying out as precisely as a huge number of analysis, we must attribute the discovery of several bodies simple: Hisinger and Berzelius discovered the element cerium in 1807, in 1817 identifies with Johan Gottlieb Gahn selenium, and as the third and final discovery thorium in 1829. His students discovered two other elements: in 1817 Johann August Arfvedson discovers lithium, and in 1830 Nils Sefström Gabriel discovers vanadium. Berzelius was who proposed the names of lithium and vanadium, as well as sodium. It was the first chemist who isolated the silicon (in 1823), zirconium (in 1824), thorium (in 1828) and titanium.

Attempting to balance his work as a physician and assistant professor until 1806, when he became responsible for the courses of Chemistry of the Military Academy Carlsberg. Began publishing in 1806, along with Wilhelm Hisinger, some memories relaticionadas with physics, chemistry, minerologís. Between 1807 and 1831, was Professor of Botany, Medicine and Pharmacy in Stockholm, while still giving classes at the Institute of Chemistry Medical-Surgical Karoline Stockholm, between 1815 and 1832.

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