viernes, 30 de julio de 2010

Le Creuset lanza un set de moldes de silicona para que aprovechando las vacaciones del cole los más pequeños se inicien en el mundo de la cocina.

Los Sets de 6 unidades (magdalenas ) están compuestos por divertidos y veraniegos colores como son el azul, amarillo, rojo, kiwi y rosa.

moldes de silicona para magdalenas

moldes de silicona de colores para magdalenas

Los moldes están realizados en silicona 100% duradera y resistente. La ventaja que tienes los moldes de silicona sobre otros es que no necesitan ser engrasados ni usar molde metálico, al contrario, estos van directamente al horno y una vez listos se dejan enfriar y después ya se pueden desmoldar y servir. Además de ser aptos para el lavavajillas horno, micrioondas y refrigerador.

molde de silicona con forma de corazón pasteles

molde de silicona con forma de estrella

miércoles, 28 de julio de 2010

Silicone rubber Cases for snacks, an idea applicable to Vending

Lekue envases packaging bocadillos alimentacion consumo food snacks vending expendedoras machines maquinas The manufacturer of silicone products for hotels and restaurants Lékué has launched a new concept of packaging or packaging for snacks, with a possible application in the field of vending Snack & Food.

Lekue consumer packaging food packaging feeding snacks vending snack vending machines is a maquinasSe covers 100% silicone manufactured in platinum with the form and the standard size of a sandwich. The creator intended to replace the classic disposable wrapping paper, plastic or aluminum.

The idea has several advantages, since it is a hygienic and environmentally friendly way to preserve food. In addition, the silicone material is non-stick and easy to clean and can even write about it.

Although the company has not confirmed their aspirations and potential use in the vending channel, it is not strange to think that these bags could be used as a new format for better preservation and dispatch of ready meals. Remember that the segment Snacks & Food away from home is one of the fastest growing sales and innovations in the vending industry, with ideas that we have seen in as pizza vending machines, the vending frozen or canned snacks.

martes, 27 de julio de 2010

The world market for biodegradable plastics, or bioplastics "is registering double-digit growth, if it continues at this rate, is expected to reach th

The world market for biodegradable plastics, or bioplastics "is registering double-digit growth, if it continues at this rate, is expected to reach the figure of 6,000 million (4,634 million euros) in 2015 and to double to 12,000 million dollars in 2025.

While currently 65% of bioplastics is used to produce packaging for food and beverages, it is expected that in 2025 a quarter of them destined for the automotive and electronics sector, with a higher profit margin. The biodegradable plastics industry also believes that medicine is one of its key niche markets, and is expected to use in this sector will generate profit margins ten times greater than those that currently have the cups and plastic utensils . According to forecasts by the European Bioplastics Manufacturers, production capacity will more than triple between 2007 and 2011, to a figure of 1.5 million tonnes, also in 2025, will be used by 15% to 20 % less oil for production of plastics, and instead will be used as raw material plants, algae and bacteria.

As an analysis of the global production of bioplastics, are now about 500 companies engaged in production and processing of bioplastics. Because the sector is characterized by high growth and numerous innovations, represents a significant magnet for entrepreneurs and investors. For this reason, it is expected that the number of companies dedicated to bioplastics to become 5,000 in ten years, a figure ten times higher than today. The consultant Helmut Kaiser notes that, worldwide, less than 3% recycled plastics, compared with 30% of paper and 35% of metals. Numerous attempts to convert plastic waste into bags and clothes have attracted much attention from the media, but did not reduce the mountains of waste plastics, or the accumulation of plastic trash on artificial islands which deform the sea.

Biodegradable plastics are gaining popularity because a growing number of consumers prefer to buy organic products. However, to produce bio-plastics are increasingly used agricultural land, which would otherwise be earmarked for food production. Maize is the main source of bioplastics and its use for this purpose competes with its use as food, tortillas in Mexico and corn flakes in Japan. The increased demand and subsequent price increases have meant that the staple is getting more expensive. The complexity of the situation has forced the UN to warn politicians and industry leaders that the trend towards organic plastics could affect food security.

To produce bio-plastics are increasingly used agricultural land would go for food production

In a world where more than one billion people go to bed hungry every day, the choice between saving oil and provide a meal a day requires rethinking our business models. In addition, one cup made of bioplastic is no different from one made with fossil fuels. Once they are trapped in a landfill without air or heat, neither is degraded.

Obtaining raw materials for plastics has forced scientists and entrepreneurs to rethink the strategy. NatureWorks, a Japanese-American joint venture company created by Cargill and Teijin, continues to use corn as source of starch. This has generated a debate on the use of genetically modified corn, which now dominates the U.S. market and has entered the force in Europe with the recent announcement that NatureWorks will double its production in the Old Continent to 140,000 tonnes per year. Furthermore, the debate goes beyond genetics, since for the cultivation of corn is needed much more of fertilizers and herbicides to grow soybeans.

Yoshihiro Shirai Professor, Institute of Natural Sciences belonging to the Kyushu Institute of Technology (ITK) in Japan, chose a simple but very innovative solution to this problem. He noted that restaurants in Japan throw away large quantities of food. Given the large accumulation of trash at local landfills and the widespread desire to reduce carbon dioxide emissions, Professor Shirai studied all existing techniques and designed together with his colleagues and students an acid production unit polilático (APL) in which the raw material is waste of foods rich in starch. Although the starch content is less than the difference in the corn, their model is financially compelling and beneficial effects on the environment are greater than any other method of bioplastics production, especially production of APL from corn.

Initial economic gains
Fukuoka City had put in place by a composting program to reduce the amount of waste in landfills. Japan is an island with little living room and taxes that apply to landfills are the highest in the world. Do not get in landfills discarded food restaurants generates profits: instead of paying for municipal services to pick up trash, restaurants pay the producer of plastic to do so. Far from genetically modified maize, which needs a lot of irrigation and therefore empty aquifers, Professor Shirai created the first factory in collaboration with Ebara environmental company, which aims to achieve the goals of zero waste and zero emissions. It is also the largest manufacturer of jets in Japan.

The production volume is very small compared to the 100,000 tons produced bioplastics industry. This implies that Professor Shirai could not use the usual technological processes for economic reasons. Therefore chose a simple fermentation process generates APL night in batches. Although conversion rates are much lower than those obtained with corn, the cost in terms of energy derived from transport and processing is only a fraction of the normal market, and also production can be adjusted depending on the size local landfills.

The opportunity
Professor Shirai and ITK did not have the ambition to create a new industry, but its main purpose was to demonstrate that small-scale processing of food waste in plastics made with APL was feasible from a technical and commercial. Even with a production capacity of one ton a day, the process is viable commercially, simply because the selling price of plastic bags used for garbage collection is ten times greater than the cost of its raw material : oil.

It is likely that the large margin of profit to attract new entrepreneurs to the market. The bags made from fossil fuels would be replaced with bags of polymers made from discarded food and the production of these polymers would not affect the production of food for human consumption. Furthermore, it would eliminate emissions of methane from the decomposition of food and would extend the economic life of landfills. Actually, it's a business model that could apply entrepreneurs around the world.

Gunter Pauli is the author of 'The Blue Economy'

martes, 20 de julio de 2010

La industria del coche eléctrico: Los Pros y contras de invertir en híbridos

Había un montón de rumores que rodean la salida a bolsa reciente de Tesla Motors (Nasdaq: TSLA). El fabricante de autos deportivos impulsados por electricidad se convirtió en el primer coche EE.UU. fabricante de tomar esa ruta desde que Ford (NYSE: F) salió a bolsa en 1956.

Los inversores que también la quería. Tesla tuvo que aumentar el número de acciones inicial 11,1 millones a 13,3 millones. Y hasta subió la original de $ 14 - $ 16 etiqueta de precio a $ 17.

Los inversores individuales no fueron los únicos que les gusta lo que vio. En mayo, Toyota ADR (NYSE: TM) firmó un contrato para una participación de US $ 50 millones en Tesla. Y se comprometió a cooperar con ella en la construcción de automóviles.

Daimler también han comprado en ella, en poco menos de 10% de la compañía el año pasado. Se iba a vender el 40% de su participación a un fondo controlado por el gobierno de Abu Dhabi. Pero Tesla aún suministra el fabricante alemán de automóviles con baterías y cargadores para la versión eléctrica de su Smart Fortwo coche.

En general, la salida a bolsa se muy bien para una empresa que apenas ha vendido 1.000 vehículos en 109.000 dólares cada uno. Tesla también ha perdido más en particular 290 millones dólares desde su creación en 2003. Y espera que esa tendencia continúe a medida que empujan su modelo S.

Ese coche en serie llamado mercado se espera que cueste 50.000 dólares por vehículo. Y eso es con el subsidio del gobierno.

Peor aún, a medida que Tesla hacia el mercado ordinario, la competencia se hace más rígida.

Con todo lo que contra ella, parece lógico preguntarse cómo la empresa nunca puede sobrevivir ...

Cargo Mercado Eléctrico coche es de baja

Casi todos los fabricantes de automóviles en todo el mundo tiene un modelo eléctrico o híbrido en las obras.

Sin embargo, que en su mayoría reconocen que las ventas de los coches 'van a empezar ... el mejor de los modestos. Los mayores costos y la falta de amplia difusión recarga infraestructura mantener a los clientes en la bahía.

Al Bedwell, un experto en tecnología del automóvil con JD Power, lo resumió así: "Diez años en el futuro, más del 90% de los coches serán los coches convencionales que tenemos ahora. 10% serán híbridos o los vehículos eléctricos. "

Apenas impresionante, sobre todo teniendo en cuenta que de esa cifra, dice, todos los vehículos eléctricos se representan apenas un 3%.

Naturalmente, lo que hace riesgoso invertir en ellos. Sobre todo teniendo en cuenta los miles de millones necesarios para construir las baterías de iones de litio para alimentarlos.

Wolfgang Bernhart, socio de Roland Berger Strategy Consultants, no tiene mucha confianza en la industria:

"Los vehículos eléctricos puros batería será una figura más bien pequeña: con arreglo a criterios optimistas, para Europa, menos del 5% en 2020. A escala mundial, la cifra será aún menor. "

El Electric Slide o la escalera eléctrica

Carlos Ghosn, presidente ejecutivo de Renault ADR (ROSA: RNSDF) y Nissan ADR (ROSA: NSANY), lo ve de otro. Se prevé con cero emisiones - principalmente eléctricos - turismos capturar una décima parte del mercado mundial en 2020.

Y se pronostica una escasez de capacidad de producción de plug-in de automóviles y las baterías necesarias para impulsarlas en dos años.

Roland Berger, una vez más en profundo desacuerdo sin embargo. En su lugar, predice una burbuja de la tecnología costosa que forman alrededor de esas baterías.

El resultado: los productores de la batería ya la construcción de fábricas en los EE.UU., Europa y Asia acabará con el doble de la capacidad necesaria para abastecer plug-in de coches ... ... conservadora para el año 2015.

La compañía va a prever que, en consecuencia, sólo seis a ocho de los 20 o global para que los jugadores sobrevivirán los próximos cinco a siete años. Y Wolfgang Bernhart advierte específicamente, "Es un poco como algunas de las exageraciones de Internet".

Es cierto que Wall Street bullishly afirma que las ventas de baterías de iones de litio-llegará a 25 mil millones dólares en 2015. Y para el año 2020, se espera que alcancen los $ 66 billones.

Pero si Roland Berger lo hizo bien, el exceso de oferta reflejaría los problemas crónicos de las plantas infrautilizadas entre los propios fabricantes de coches. Eso expondría a la industria a gran presión a la baja sobre los precios y las ganancias.

Un eléctrico - o Electrocutado - El futuro

Es cierto que los toros tienen una cosa a su favor en la forma del derrame de petróleo de BP.

Ese desastre ha despertado la industria del automóvil eléctrico. Los políticos, inversores y consumidores de repente tienen un renovado interés en las fuentes de energía alternativas.

Así que junto con Tesla, se han comprado:

* Fabricante de la batería Ener1 (NASDAQ: VHE)
* Fabricante de baterías A123 Systems (NASDAQ: AOne)
* Batería de iones de litio componente empresa Polypore International (NYSE: PPO)

Sin embargo, las pilas y los vehículos no pueden escapar a la falta de infraestructura adecuada. Sin estaciones de carga de nuevo, ambos serán afectados significativamente.

Si los gobiernos y las empresas a obtener una decisión al respecto, a continuación, la industria tiene una oportunidad. Si no es sin embargo, señor Ghosn y sus compatriotas tienen un futuro menos-que-positivo por delante.

viernes, 16 de julio de 2010

The fully electric Nissan Leaf is expected to roll, pollution free, into showrooms and garages in December.

The arrival of the economical -- by electric car standards -- but range-limited vehicle is heavily anticipated in Brevard County.

"We've had a lot of inquiries," said Marc Jones, the sales manager at Pat Fischer Nissan in Titusville said.

Customers can begin ordering the car April 20.

The four-door sedan has a 100-mile range, a limitation Jones doesn't expect will weaken demand.

"I see this thing going over pretty good," he said. "The average person doesn't drive more than 100 miles in a day's time."

After a $7,500 rebate, the car will cost just over $25,000. It costs $3 per day to charge and could be cost efficient for the right driver.

The numbers, however, wouldn't add up for Alan Legath, 53, of Dunnellon, a Marion County town southwest of Ocala.

The computer applications administrator and retired traffic accident investigator believes that replacing the battery pack every two years would negate any fuel savings, even before factoring the increased price of the environmentally friendly car.

"The Leaf looks like it would be good until you do the math," he said in an e-mail responding to a request for reader feedback on electric cars.

Additionally, the Leaf works best with a specially installed 220-volt charger in the home, though it can be charged from a 110-volt ordinary outlet, which takes far longer.

But the environmental bona fides -- the Leaf doesn't even have a tailpipe -- may help consumers overcome other perceived shortcomings.

"I would be very interested in buying a zero or low emissions car, but only when it makes financial sense," said David W. Bock, manager of sustainability in the Environmental, Health and Safety department at Harris Corp.

Bock expects to keep his 1999 Taurus for several more years. But he'd eventually like to purchase an "environmentally friendly" car that inflicts minimal damage on both the planet and his wallet.

"It should not take a lot of extra effort or money to own and operate it," Bock said. "I would be willing to accept some inconveniences, such as shorter travel range between recharges, fewer places to get service, etc."

jueves, 15 de julio de 2010

The normalizing the use of slurry on farms as fertilizer and amendment Cantabria organic farms of dairy cattle and prevent them from becoming toxic wa

The normalizing the use of slurry on farms as fertilizer and amendment Cantabria organic farms of dairy cattle and prevent them from becoming toxic waste for physical-chemical or biological have been the basis of the project, from the Centre Agrarian Research and Training (CIFA), has been developed in the region. Save much of the costs with farmers in the management and use of this material, is another advantage is achieved with the implementation of this study.
Under the name "Identification and minimization of health risks associated with the agricultural use of effluent from dairy cattle farms," coordinated by Patricia Santorum and developed from the Area of Animal Production Systems of CIFA, is part of a research paper recently presented , thanks to which we have obtained the necessary knowledge to determine appropriate management of effluent organic pastoral areas, relying on their status as non-organic substances and hazardous waste.
The original idea of the study was to convey that the application of manure and slurry on forage crops is widely accepted as the method of valuation less harmful to the environment and, on the other hand, this management system should be completed with hygienic standards medical devices to comply with new European regulations on animal feed.
The slurry sampling and types of treatment, which were conducted from May 2004 until November 2007, occurred in farms of small and medium size of the region, ie those whose annual milk quota was less than 500 000 kg.
"This project aimed to define the storage systems, wastewater treatment and application being made in Cantabria. In this way, we have determined the levels of fertilizers (nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium) and micro-organisms in different types of dung, to analyze the health risk present in livestock effluents depending on the type of operation and the treatment they receive, validate the effectiveness of the storage of slurry and assess the health risk involved in irrigation of fodder crops with effluent from dung, "says Santorum, principal investigator of the project.
Following this approach, we have managed to write a series of recommendations for farmers to facilitate reducing the risks associated with handling of effluents.
Each of the farmers have been collaborators reported the composition of the slurry, and the amount recommended to be paid on crops.
These calculations were done in accordance with Community legislation and autonomous on the protection of waters against pollution caused by nitrates from agricultural sources. They were also informed the composition of their lands and the needs of phosphorus, potassium and lime.
Agricultural policy
According to direct aid created under the Agricultural Policy of the European Union relating to good agricultural and environmental conditions, in northern Spain have been established as enforceable conditions, including limiting the stocking or the submission of a alternative plan or withdraw their waste management.
In this context, it has become necessary to undertake the study of farming and design a proper waste management.
In this regard, the application of manure and slurry on forage crops is recognized as the method of recovery, provided that the distribution of the residue does not exceed the nitrogen levels recommended by the European regulations.
"In the dairy cattle farms, slurry is usually stored in the muck until the weather conditions and use of the fields are suitable for irrigation on agricultural land. However, this management system should be supplemented by medical and hygienic criteria appropriate to the new rules on animal feed and fertilizer products, "says the coordinator Patricia Santorum. "The recent regulation is to ensure the hygiene of foodstuffs for animal production and, in this way, protecting human and animal health."

miércoles, 14 de julio de 2010

flying cars: Taking a trip by air and land without having to change vehicles is made possible with these hybrid models

Coches voladores: el futuro para  escapar de los  atascos

Taking a trip by air and land without having to change vehicles is made possible with these hybrid models; just push a button and 154,000 euros. Although it will take to escape the traffic, because these trailers are licensed aircraft pilot.

Ian Fleming, the author himself became legendary British agent 007, fantasized in the 60s with a rickety old car could fly. Chitty Chitty Bang Bang, besides being a child icon of several generations, contains an idea as old as the invention of the Wright brothers: two means of locomotion in one.

The U.S. Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) has taken a decisive step in the final certification of Terrafugia Transition as a model of light aircraft, with its 649 kg maximum takeoff weight (including two passengers and fuel). The company, following on the permit, has announced that it will ready their equipment at the end of 2011. "There has been a little misinformation that has been streamed online. The exemption granted by the FAA weight of 49 kilos over the type in which we enter is fundamental to the granting of the final license, but is not certified as such ', this supplement explains Richard Gersh, vice president of Terrafugia . The company, formed by alumni of MIT (Massachusetts Institute of Tec) is committed to making your car on a massive scale. This industrial production (which is expected between 300 and 400 units annually over the next five years) will ensure a sale price of 154,000 euros. "Anyone can buy a Ferrari, but Ferrari does not fly," says Gersh. They claim that they have already booked an order for 70 units.

The idea exploited by the marketing department of the company, seems to promise to future owners the power to fly in the midst of a jam. Once convinced by the ruse, the company rectified: it is not a flying car, but a plane stock. That is, suitable only for licensed pilots, of course, have a driving license. If someone wants to request a unit you have to have both papers, find the nearest airport with a runway of more than 750 meters, ask permission, pay the fees and file the flight plan. Taking off in traffic is still far. For private pilots, the Terrafugia offers several advantages for the same price, have two vehicles, save the rental or purchase of aircraft and the 'air garage' and once on the ground and pressing a button, the transition from 30 seconds, allowed to continue traveling as a saloon with folded wings on the sides.

His actions as a coach are two meters high by five wide, and its importance as a plane, eight feet. Reaches an altitude of 3000 meters and a speed of 185 km / h in air and 104 km / h on land. The travel distance: 650 km. Its engine is an explosion, with pistons, like cars, and fuel is the same. "What is new is that they have succeeded in making the transition easy, with one engine and there is no need to mount it," says Jose Manuel Gil García, aeronautical engineer.

A historical obsession
The Terrafugia Transition is not the first vehicle of its kind, even as far as commercial aspirations are concerned. We need to go back to the beginning of the century to find documentation on these early mills flyers. In November 1921, Rene Tampier flew successfully on French soil in a biplane stock, their wings were gathered along the sides and a landing gear was four wheels to gain stability.
During the Second World War, the fantasy went further: what better way to surprise the enemy to put their own tanks from the air?, "And download a number of jeeps? In 1940 the Soviet engineer Olague Konstantinovich Antonov Antonov flew KT, a tank glider, with a small manufacturing was abandoned for lack of funds and interest. Around the same time, Raoul Hafner in England to try his luck with a jeep for four people.

But you do not go that far. Some aircraft have been announced rolling in recent years and hope to make their deliveries: the model for military Humvee Transformer TX Flying car or means half are in the process Parajet paragliding. There are those that use ethanol as the Skycar from Moller International announced for 2012 at a price of EUR 398 000 and others who had great response, but which have been parked for lack of funding. Airco is the case of Milner Motors. A model that was showcased at the Auto Show in New York, 2008) and has failed to develop. "We finished the prototype of Airco stock for the expo, but we focused on our electric car. It requires the hiring of an engineering company and that's pretty expensive. If it was, we estimate that the cost would be about 358 000 euros, "says Jim Milner, founder of Milner Motors.

The problems have been addressed since then occupy a not inconsiderable list of mental challenges, "the engines of aircraft and cars do not move well. The aircraft are designed to operate at a constant speed. The cars have to be much more flexible. The power transmission to the wheels or the propeller also pose problems, "Gil García detailed. In addition, the wheel of a car does not provide the third dimension and top-down direction of the planes is done by pedals, so combine the modes of navigation is not easy.
Today and in the absence of air traffic control, thousands of Chitty Chitty Bang Bang only traffic would move heaven without sparing anyone the queue to go to the beach.

martes, 13 de julio de 2010

History of the electric car

Technological revolutions are always accompanied by large changes, and fate of our beloved planet next will be the introduction of electric cars.

We are always on the side GeeksRoom ecological and alternative energy use for that reason I want to share a little story about the electric car, and nothing better than to pick up everything as graphics, it has published infographicworld people.

One detail that I can forward their investment is that by the year 1832 was no doubt that he had great vision at the time, thinking that in future this would be a technology that would help greatly to our beloved land. :-)

lunes, 12 de julio de 2010

Instant Boob Job Bra new silicone rubber for the women tits

El Instant Boob Job Bra (The Sun)

El Instant Boob Job Bra (The Sun)

Ha salido a la venta en Gran Bretaña un sujetador que aumenta el pecho dos tallas de copa y lo mantiene firme . El “Instant Boob Job Bra” también busca moldear los senos de manera natural, en contra de otros super-refuerzos que pueden deformar los pechos, aplastándolos,según ha informado el diario The Sun.

Utiliza microbolas que moldean al cuerpo de una manera realista, a diferencia del relleno de silicona o de tela. Los fabricantes también dicen que las bolas no almacenan el calor, como sí ocurre con la silicona, por eso las hace perfectas para el clima caliente.

La tienda de lencería erótica Ann Summers venderá el sujetador por 22 libras (25 euros) hasta un tamaño enorme, una talla 40DD.

Una portavoz de la cadena de ropa interior femenina ha señalado: "Gran Bretaña está muy por delante en la tecnología de sostén. Nuestro equipo ha estado trabajando incansablemente para descubrir la una solución definitiva sin pasar por el quirófano".

lunes, 5 de julio de 2010

Used successfully in Brazil sewage as fertilizer sugar cane

Used successfully in Brazil sewage as fertilizer sugar cane

A project of Brazilian researchers showed that the mud left after the treatment of wastewater can be effectively used as fertilizer on sugar cane plantations.

The project, which gives added value to residential liquid waste and solve an environmental problem, was developed by researchers at the Center for Nuclear Energy in Agriculture (Cena), University of Sao Paulo (USP), reported on July 4 this center academic in its site.

The technology is very important for Brazil because the country is the largest producer and exporter of cane sugar, refined sugar and sugar cane ethanol.

Also helps to reduce expenditure in the country with fertilizer imports, mostly from abroad and have become the brunt of Brazilian farmers.

According to Cassio Hamilton Abreu Junior specialist, project coordinator, the residual sludge in the lagoons of sewage treatment can replace 100 percent of the marinade mineral nitrogen needed for plant growth.

The technical and economic feasibility of the technology was tested with a pilot project developed on a farm in Rio das Pedras, municipality in the state of Sao Paulo, the largest sugar cane producer in the country.

In addition to testing the use of sludge as fertilizer, the project also analyzed, and rule out the possible contamination of soil, groundwater and the food itself.

Junior Abreu said that despite the possible use of wastewater in agriculture is explored for more than 30 years in the country, Brazil has made less progress in this area that the United States or countries in Europe and Asia.

"As a Brazilian soils are poor in organic matter, use of waste in agriculture is being intensively investigated in the country because it is a rich source of organic matter and can replace the mineral dressing," according to the specialist.

The technology also has environmental benefits because it prolongs the life of the landfill to which the mud is thrown, reduce treatment costs of waste and reduce environmental impacts of sewage.

But the technology also requires care.

"Despite the mud of the lagoons of sewage treatment has significant organic matter and nutrients for agriculture, such as nitrogen and phosphorus, can also contain pathogens, heavy metals and harmful organic compounds," he adds.

The technology was tested in the eucalyptus plantations and pulp paper Pepel Suzana and sugar cane crops Cosan Group, the world's largest producer of sugar cane and ethanol.

Experiments on sugar cane were the first to score because your cycle is less, since the delay eucalyptus seven years.

"In the cane got a productivity increase of 12 percent in local fertilize with nitrogen in place of mud," said the specialist.

"The results allow us to state that 100 percent of mineral nitrogen dressing should be applied in the cultivation of sugar cane can be replaced by treated sewage sludge," he added.

Junior Abreu said that the material replaced in a 30 percent match required by the crop but did not work as a substitute for potassium.

viernes, 2 de julio de 2010

Molde de silicona para huevos

Molde para huevos escalfados

Características del Molde de silicona para huevos escalfados:
  • Fabricado en silicona
  • Resiste hasta 260 ºC
  • Apto para lavavajilals
  • El juego incluye 2 unidades

Precio: 6.50€

jueves, 1 de julio de 2010

Zapatillas reciclables para el verano

La marca de calzado Timberland ha confeccionado de cara al verano la primera sandalia reciclable en un 70 por ciento tras su uso, que se desmonta para que sus componentes puedan ser reutilizados y para reducir el impacto medioambiental.

De esta forma, cuando el usuario quiera deshacerse de estas sandalias, deberá depositarlas en un punto de venta Timberland, y la marca se encargará de su desensamblado y reciclado.

Además, el nuevo calzado de la línea 'Earthkeepers' --que también incluye botas y náuticos-- es ecológico pues está fabricado en piel extra suave proveniente de curtidurías con categoría de plata, es decir, que realizan un uso reducido de la energía. Asimismo, sus suelas están realizadas en un 42 por ciento con caucho reciclado procedente de neumáticos.

Por otro lado, la sandalia es "cómoda", según ha señalado la marca y, como novedad para esta colección, incluye látex en las suelas para conseguir colores diferentes del negro y que éstas sean "más estéticas". El calzado está disponible en chocolate, morado, negro, rojo y canela.