viernes, 31 de octubre de 2008
jueves, 30 de octubre de 2008
miércoles, 29 de octubre de 2008
Quimica, Chemical: Bioval Technologies Biodegradable Airsoft BBs
BioDegradable bbs from Cybergun for airsoft and its actually the best bbs i've used so far they're smooth and not dusty unlike the "Airstrike Biodegradable BBs" or the "Eco" bbs. People said that the "Eco bbs break and jams the gun so I think the Biodegradable bbs from Cybergun are one of the best biodegradable bbs out in the market.
martes, 28 de octubre de 2008
lunes, 27 de octubre de 2008
domingo, 26 de octubre de 2008
Quimica - Chemical: Expoquimia'08 cierra con más expositores y menos clientes / Expoquimia'08關閉更多的參展商和客戶少 / Expoquimia'08 closes with more exhibitors

Fair Expoquimia, Equiplast and Surfplast closes its doors with low-volume customers. The crisis affects everyone and be seen to customers in search of products equivalent to those with a good price. There are also many distributors wanting to expand product portfolio and visitors of all kinds of ages who are seeking jobs.
交易會Expoquimia , Equiplast和Surfplast關閉大門與小批量客戶。這場危機影響到每一個人,並視為客戶在搜索產品相當於一個好價錢。也有許多經銷商想擴大產品組合和遊客的各種年齡誰正在尋求就業機會。
Fair Expoquimia, Equiplast en Surfplast sluit haar deuren met
een laag volume klanten. De crisis raakt iedereen en gezien te worden aan klanten die op zoek zijn naar producten die gelijkwaardig zijn aan die met een goede prijs. Er zijn ook vele verkopers die willen uitbreiden product portfolio en bezoekers van allerlei leeftijden die op zoek zijn naar werk.
Messe Expoquimia, Equiplast und Surfplast schließt seine Pforten mit Low-Volume-Kunden. Die Krise betrifft alle und gesehen werden an Kunden auf der Suche nach Produkten, die denen mit einem guten Preis. Es gibt auch viele Händler zu wollen Produkt-Portfolio erweitern und Besucher alle Arten
von Alter, die Suche nach Aufträgen sind.
Fiera Expoquimia, Equiplast e Surfplast chiude le sue porte con ridotti volumi di clienti. La crisi colpisce tutti e deve essere visto per i clienti in cerca di prodotti equivalenti a quelle con un buon prezzo. Ci sono anche molti distributori che desiderano espandere portafoglio di prodotti e visitatori di tutti i tipi di età che sono alla ricerca di posti di lavoro.
sábado, 25 de octubre de 2008
Polychloroprene – Different Types of Chloroprene Rubber ( CR ) / Diferentes tipos de cloropreno - neopreno
Polychloroprene – Different Types of Chloroprene Rubber ( CR )
- Normal Linear Grades or General Purpose Grades
- Precrosslinked Grades
- Sulfur-Modified Grades
- Slow Crystallizing Grades
Normal Linear Grades or General Purpose Grades
General-purpose grades are mostly produced with n-dodecyl mercaptan as the chain transfer agent and occasionally with xanthogen disulfides. If xanthogen disulfides are used, the elastomers are more readily processible and give vulcanizates with improved mechanical properties.
Precrosslinked Grades
Precrosslinked grades consist of a blend of soluble polychloroprene and crosslinked polychloroprene. They show less swelling after extrusion (die swell) and better calenderability. Precrosslinked grades are particularly suitable for the extrusion of profiled parts.
Sulfur-Modified Grades
Sulfur-modified grades are copolymers of chloroprene and elemental sulfur. The viscosity is adjusted – in contrast to general-purpose grades - mostly after polymerization by “peptization” of the polysulfide bonds by e.g. thiuramdisulfides as peptization agents. Sulfur modification improves the breakdown of the rubber during mastication (lowering of viscosity). Sulfur-modified grades are used in particular for parts exposed to dynamic stress, such as driving belts, timing belts or conveyor belts because of their excellent mechanical properties. But the polymers are less stable during storage and the vulcanizates less resistant to aging.
Slow Crystallising Grades
Slow crystallising grades are polymerized with 2,3-dichloro-1,3-butadiene as a comonomer. This comonomer reduces the degree of crystallisation by introducing irregularities into the polymer chain. High polymerization temperatures also make structural irregularities, if this comonomer is not available. Crystallisation resistant grades are used to produce rubber articles, which have to retain their rubbery properties at very low temperatures.
Polychloroprene - Diferentes Tipos de caucho cloropreno (CR)
- Normal lineal grados o los grados de propósito general
- Grados Precrosslinked
- Azufre-Modified Grados
- Baja cristalizar grados
Normal lineal grados o los grados de propósito general
General para fines grados son en su mayoría producidos con n-dodecil mercaptano como la cadena de agente de transferencia y, en ocasiones, con xanthogen disulfides. Si xanthogen disulfides se utilizan, los elastómeros son más fácilmente processible y dar vulcanizates con mejores propiedades mecánicas.
Precrosslinked Grados
Precrosslinked grados consisten de una mezcla de soluble polychloroprene y crosslinked polychloroprene. Se muestran menos hinchazón después de la extrusión (die swell) y mejor calenderability. Precrosslinked grados son especialmente adecuados para la extrusión de piezas perfiladas.
Azufre-Modified grados
Azufre modificados grados son copolímeros de cloropreno y azufre elemental. La viscosidad se ajusta - en contraste con los fines generales grados - en su mayoría después de la polimerización por "peptization" de la polysulfide bonos, por ejemplo, por thiuramdisulfides como peptization agentes. Modificación de azufre mejora la distribución de la goma durante la masticación (reducción de la viscosidad). Azufre modificados grados se utilizan en particular para las partes dinámico expuestos a estrés, tales como correas, cinturones o calendario cintas transportadoras, debido a sus excelentes propiedades mecánicas. Sin embargo, los polímeros son menos estables durante el almacenamiento y la vulcanizates menos resistentes al envejecimiento.
Bajos grados de cristalización
Bajos grados de cristalización: son polimerizados con 2,3-dicloro-1 ,3-butadieno como un comonomérica. Este comonomérica reduce el grado de cristalización mediante la introducción de las irregularidades en la cadena de polímero. Alto polimerización temperaturas también las irregularidades estructurales, comonomérica si este no está disponible. Cristalización resistentes a los grados se utilizan para producir artículos de caucho, que han de conservar sus propiedades elástica a temperaturas muy bajas.
- Normal Linear Grades or General Purpose Grades
- Precrosslinked Grades
- Sulfur-Modified Grades
- Slow Crystallizing Grades
Normal Linear Grades or General Purpose Grades
General-purpose grades are mostly produced with n-dodecyl mercaptan as the chain transfer agent and occasionally with xanthogen disulfides. If xanthogen disulfides are used, the elastomers are more readily processible and give vulcanizates with improved mechanical properties.
Precrosslinked Grades
Precrosslinked grades consist of a blend of soluble polychloroprene and crosslinked polychloroprene. They show less swelling after extrusion (die swell) and better calenderability. Precrosslinked grades are particularly suitable for the extrusion of profiled parts.
Sulfur-Modified Grades
Sulfur-modified grades are copolymers of chloroprene and elemental sulfur. The viscosity is adjusted – in contrast to general-purpose grades - mostly after polymerization by “peptization” of the polysulfide bonds by e.g. thiuramdisulfides as peptization agents. Sulfur modification improves the breakdown of the rubber during mastication (lowering of viscosity). Sulfur-modified grades are used in particular for parts exposed to dynamic stress, such as driving belts, timing belts or conveyor belts because of their excellent mechanical properties. But the polymers are less stable during storage and the vulcanizates less resistant to aging.
Slow Crystallising Grades
Slow crystallising grades are polymerized with 2,3-dichloro-1,3-butadiene as a comonomer. This comonomer reduces the degree of crystallisation by introducing irregularities into the polymer chain. High polymerization temperatures also make structural irregularities, if this comonomer is not available. Crystallisation resistant grades are used to produce rubber articles, which have to retain their rubbery properties at very low temperatures.
Polychloroprene - Diferentes Tipos de caucho cloropreno (CR)
- Normal lineal grados o los grados de propósito general
- Grados Precrosslinked
- Azufre-Modified Grados
- Baja cristalizar grados
Normal lineal grados o los grados de propósito general
General para fines grados son en su mayoría producidos con n-dodecil mercaptano como la cadena de agente de transferencia y, en ocasiones, con xanthogen disulfides. Si xanthogen disulfides se utilizan, los elastómeros son más fácilmente processible y dar vulcanizates con mejores propiedades mecánicas.
Precrosslinked Grados
Precrosslinked grados consisten de una mezcla de soluble polychloroprene y crosslinked polychloroprene. Se muestran menos hinchazón después de la extrusión (die swell) y mejor calenderability. Precrosslinked grados son especialmente adecuados para la extrusión de piezas perfiladas.
Azufre-Modified grados
Azufre modificados grados son copolímeros de cloropreno y azufre elemental. La viscosidad se ajusta - en contraste con los fines generales grados - en su mayoría después de la polimerización por "peptization" de la polysulfide bonos, por ejemplo, por thiuramdisulfides como peptization agentes. Modificación de azufre mejora la distribución de la goma durante la masticación (reducción de la viscosidad). Azufre modificados grados se utilizan en particular para las partes dinámico expuestos a estrés, tales como correas, cinturones o calendario cintas transportadoras, debido a sus excelentes propiedades mecánicas. Sin embargo, los polímeros son menos estables durante el almacenamiento y la vulcanizates menos resistentes al envejecimiento.
Bajos grados de cristalización
Bajos grados de cristalización: son polimerizados con 2,3-dicloro-1 ,3-butadieno como un comonomérica. Este comonomérica reduce el grado de cristalización mediante la introducción de las irregularidades en la cadena de polímero. Alto polimerización temperaturas también las irregularidades estructurales, comonomérica si este no está disponible. Cristalización resistentes a los grados se utilizan para producir artículos de caucho, que han de conservar sus propiedades elástica a temperaturas muy bajas.
viernes, 24 de octubre de 2008
En 2009, el consumo PP mundo llegará a 51.3m mt.
En 2009, el consumo PP mundo llegará a 51.3m mt.
Una de las razones detrás del aumento vertiginoso en el consumo PP es la expansión de sus áreas de aplicación en paralelo de su sustitución de otros polímeros (principalmente, poliestireno y el PVC). Otra razón que afecta a PP popularidad es su precio, que a menudo actúa como un factor decisivo cuando medio ambientalmnte puede competir con otros polímeros. Como resultado, el polipropileno obtiene una ventaja en su aplicación en los llamados plásticos de ingeniería utilizadas en la electrónica, automoción y otras industrias.
Una de las razones detrás del aumento vertiginoso en el consumo PP es la expansión de sus áreas de aplicación en paralelo de su sustitución de otros polímeros (principalmente, poliestireno y el PVC). Otra razón que afecta a PP popularidad es su precio, que a menudo actúa como un factor decisivo cuando medio ambientalmnte puede competir con otros polímeros. Como resultado, el polipropileno obtiene una ventaja en su aplicación en los llamados plásticos de ingeniería utilizadas en la electrónica, automoción y otras industrias.
el consumo PP mundo llegará a 51.3m mt.,
En 2009
jueves, 23 de octubre de 2008
miércoles, 22 de octubre de 2008
Quimica - Chemical: Processing fluorosilicones

Te fluorosilicone rubber products are supplied as one-part, millable materials that can be cured by the addition of a peroxide catalyst. They can be provided as a base material for customer compounding, or as a fully compounded formulation, ready to run. Available in a range of durometer hardnesses, properly compounded fluorosilicones meet certain MIL, AMS, ASTM and other specifications.
Fluorosilicone its versatility, rubber offers exceptional design efficiency and processing flexibility:
• Molding – Parts can be manufactured in a variety of shapes and sizes via compression, transfer or injection molding.
• Extrusion – Tubing and complex profiles can be extruded easily.
• Calendering – Fluorosilicone rubber can be calendered into long, thin sheets of uniform thickness, either unsupported or fabric reinforced. Ideal for flat seals and bands.
• Fabric coating – Bases and compounds can be dispersed in ketones or other solvents to be coated onto fabrics or other substrates. Heat cure follows solvent removal.
Fluorosilicone its versatility, rubber offers exceptional design efficiency and processing flexibility:
• Molding – Parts can be manufactured in a variety of shapes and sizes via compression, transfer or injection molding.
• Extrusion – Tubing and complex profiles can be extruded easily.
• Calendering – Fluorosilicone rubber can be calendered into long, thin sheets of uniform thickness, either unsupported or fabric reinforced. Ideal for flat seals and bands.
• Fabric coating – Bases and compounds can be dispersed in ketones or other solvents to be coated onto fabrics or other substrates. Heat cure follows solvent removal.
Procesamiento de fluorosilicones es tan fácil como tradicionales de caucho de silicona.
Te fluorosilicone productos de caucho son ofrecidos como una parte, millable materiales que se pueden curar mediante la adición de un catalizador de peróxido. Ellos pueden ser siempre como un material de base para la composición del cliente, o como una formulación totalmente agravado, está listo para ejecutarse. Disponible en una gama de durezas durometer, debidamente agravado fluorosilicones cumplir con ciertos MIL, AMS, ASTM y otras especificaciones.
Fluorosilicone su versatilidad, el caucho ofrece excepcional eficiencia en el diseño y procesamiento de la flexibilidad:
• Moldeo - Partes pueden ser fabricadas en una variedad de formas y tamaños a través de la compresión, transferencia o moldeado por inyección.
• Extrusión - Tubos y perfiles complejos pueden ser fácilmente extruido.
• Calandrias - Fluorosilicone de goma puede ser calendered en largo, delgadas láminas de espesor uniforme, ya sea o no tejido reforzado. Ideal para piso sellos y bandas.
• Tejido de revestimiento - Bases y sus compuestos pueden ser dispersos en cetonas u otros solventes que en los tejidos de revestimiento o de otros sustratos. Calor cura sigue eliminación de disolvente.
Te fluorosilicone productos de caucho son ofrecidos como una parte, millable materiales que se pueden curar mediante la adición de un catalizador de peróxido. Ellos pueden ser siempre como un material de base para la composición del cliente, o como una formulación totalmente agravado, está listo para ejecutarse. Disponible en una gama de durezas durometer, debidamente agravado fluorosilicones cumplir con ciertos MIL, AMS, ASTM y otras especificaciones.
Fluorosilicone su versatilidad, el caucho ofrece excepcional eficiencia en el diseño y procesamiento de la flexibilidad:
• Moldeo - Partes pueden ser fabricadas en una variedad de formas y tamaños a través de la compresión, transferencia o moldeado por inyección.
• Extrusión - Tubos y perfiles complejos pueden ser fácilmente extruido.
• Calandrias - Fluorosilicone de goma puede ser calendered en largo, delgadas láminas de espesor uniforme, ya sea o no tejido reforzado. Ideal para piso sellos y bandas.
• Tejido de revestimiento - Bases y sus compuestos pueden ser dispersos en cetonas u otros solventes que en los tejidos de revestimiento o de otros sustratos. Calor cura sigue eliminación de disolvente.
特氟矽橡膠產品的供應作為一個部分, 材料,可以治愈的,增加了過氧化氫的催化劑。它們可提供的基本材料為客戶配製,或作為一個完全複雜的制定,準備運行。可在一系列的硬度,妥善複雜fluorosilicones滿足某些軍用,醫療輔助隊,美國ASTM和其他規格。
特氟矽橡膠產品的供應作為一個部分, 材料,可以治愈的,增加了過氧化氫的催化劑。它們可提供的基本材料為客戶配製,或作為一個完全複雜的制定,準備運行。可在一系列的硬度,妥善複雜fluorosilicones滿足某些軍用,醫療輔助隊,美國ASTM和其他規格。
प्रसंस्करण fluorosilicones के रूप में पारंपरिक रूप में सिलिकॉन रबर आसान है.
ते fluorosilicone रबर उत्पादों का एक हिस्सा है, एक पेरोक्साइड कि उत्प्रेरक के अलावा द्वारा इलाज किया जा सकता है millable सामग्री के रूप में आपूर्ति की जाती है. वे ग्राहक समझौता, या एक पूरी तरह जटिल निर्माण के रूप में, चलाने के लिए तैयार करने के लिए एक आधार सामग्री के रूप में प्रदान की जा सकती है. Durometer hardnesses की एक सीमा में, ठीक से जटिल fluorosilicones Available कुछ मिल, AMS, ASTM और अन्य विशेषताओं से मिलने.
Fluorosilicone अपनी बहुमुखी, रबड़ असाधारण डिजाइन दक्षता और प्रसंस्करण लचीलापन प्रदान करता है:
• साँचे में ढालने का कार्य - भाग आकृति और कई आकारों में संपीड़न, हस्तांतरण या इंजेक्शन मोल्डिंग के द्वारा निर्मित किया जा सकता है.
• जगह लेना - टयूबिंग और जटिल प्रोफाइल extruded आसानी से किया जा सकता है.
• Calendering - Fluorosilicone रबड़ की वर्दी मोटाई की लंबी, पतली चादरें, या तो असमर्थित या कपड़े में calendered किया जा सकता है प्रबलित. आदर्श फ्लैट सील मछली और बैंड के लिए.
• फैब्रिक कोटिंग - कुर्सियां और यौगिकों ketones या अन्य सॉल्वैंट्स में वस्त्रों या अन्य substrates पर लेपित होने की छितरी किया जा सकता है. गर्मी का इलाज विलायक हटाने का पालन करती है.
ते fluorosilicone रबर उत्पादों का एक हिस्सा है, एक पेरोक्साइड कि उत्प्रेरक के अलावा द्वारा इलाज किया जा सकता है millable सामग्री के रूप में आपूर्ति की जाती है. वे ग्राहक समझौता, या एक पूरी तरह जटिल निर्माण के रूप में, चलाने के लिए तैयार करने के लिए एक आधार सामग्री के रूप में प्रदान की जा सकती है. Durometer hardnesses की एक सीमा में, ठीक से जटिल fluorosilicones Available कुछ मिल, AMS, ASTM और अन्य विशेषताओं से मिलने.
Fluorosilicone अपनी बहुमुखी, रबड़ असाधारण डिजाइन दक्षता और प्रसंस्करण लचीलापन प्रदान करता है:
• साँचे में ढालने का कार्य - भाग आकृति और कई आकारों में संपीड़न, हस्तांतरण या इंजेक्शन मोल्डिंग के द्वारा निर्मित किया जा सकता है.
• जगह लेना - टयूबिंग और जटिल प्रोफाइल extruded आसानी से किया जा सकता है.
• Calendering - Fluorosilicone रबड़ की वर्दी मोटाई की लंबी, पतली चादरें, या तो असमर्थित या कपड़े में calendered किया जा सकता है प्रबलित. आदर्श फ्लैट सील मछली और बैंड के लिए.
• फैब्रिक कोटिंग - कुर्सियां और यौगिकों ketones या अन्य सॉल्वैंट्स में वस्त्रों या अन्य substrates पर लेपित होने की छितरी किया जा सकता है. गर्मी का इलाज विलायक हटाने का पालन करती है.
martes, 21 de octubre de 2008
Quimica - Chemical: La crisis llega a Expoquimia / The crisis reached Expoquimia
The crisis reached Expoquimia, many companies have become the standard of exhibitors and visitors the first day has been minimal. Some companies have not received either a visit on the first day of exhibition, where the majority of visits were to see a familiar or spend the rumors of suspension of payments from other companies that were not in the Expoquimia.
Die Krise erreicht Expoquimia, viele Unternehmen haben sich die Qualität der Aussteller und Besucher am ersten Tag wurde minimal. Einige Unternehmen noch nicht erhalten haben entweder einen Besuch am ersten Tag der Ausstellung, wo die Mehrheit der Besuche waren, um zu sehen, ein vertrautes oder verbringen die Gerüchte der Aussetzung der Zahlungen aus anderen Unternehmen, die nicht in der Expoquimia.
La crisi ha raggiunto Expoquimia, molte aziende sono diventate lo standard di espositori e visitatori il primo giorno è stato minimo. Alcune aziende non hanno ricevuto una visita o il primo giorno di fiera, dove la maggior parte delle visite sono state a vedere un familiare o le voci di spesa di sospensione dei pagamenti da altre imprese che non sono stati in Expoquimia.
lunes, 20 de octubre de 2008
domingo, 19 de octubre de 2008
Quimica, Chemical: LSR, Liquid silicone rubber prevents the natural process of decomposition
"The preservation of the bodies with polymer is a technique by which the human tissue is permanently preserved using liquid silicone rubber, which prevents the natural process of decomposition. Showing 17 human bodies and more than 200 bodies into nine thematic galleries to display the operation of various systems of the human body. In addition, you can view the consequences of disease in the human body. "
sábado, 18 de octubre de 2008
Quimica - Chemical: El caucho de silicona vulcanizado en polvo
El caucho de silicona vulcanizado en polvo (SVP) obtenidos a partir de caucho de silicona de trituración mecánica existe en un estado muy agregados. La distribución de tamaño de partícula de SVP es amplio, que van desde 2 μ m a 110 μ m con un promedio de tamaño de partícula de 33 μ m. X-ray espectroscopia fotoelectrónica (XPS) y de infrarrojos (IR) Espectroscopía de estudios muestran que no hay cambio químico en la superficie de goma después de la molienda mecánica del calor edad (200 ° C/10 días) vulcanizate caucho de silicona. Además de SVP en caucho de silicona aumenta la viscosidad Mooney, Mooney scorch tiempo, la viscosidad de cizalla y energía de activación de flujo viscoso. Medición de curar las características pone de manifiesto que la incorporación de SVP en la virgen de caucho de silicona provoca un aumento mínimo en par, pero marginal disminución de par máximo y la tasa de curación constante. Sin embargo, la energía de activación de curar muestra una tendencia creciente al aumentar la carga de SVP. Expectedly, la incorporación de SVP no altera el cristal de goma de transición y el frío las temperaturas de cristalización de caucho de silicona, como se observa en la dinámica mecánica espectros. Además, se observó que en la incorporación incluso de un alto de carga de SVP (es decir, 60 PAR), la resistencia a la tracción y la rotura de la fuerza de caucho de silicona se redujo en un sólo alrededor del 20%, y el módulo se redujo en un 15%, mientras que la dureza, tensión conjunto y la pérdida de histéresis se someten a cambios marginales y el estrés de compresión-relajación no cambia significativamente. Microscopía de Fuerza Atómica estudios revelan que la incorporación de SVP en caucho de silicona no causa cambios significativos en la morfología superficial.
viernes, 17 de octubre de 2008
jueves, 16 de octubre de 2008
Quimica, Chemical: Designed the swimsuit world's fastest
In its design has been applied computational fluid dynamics
Using computational fluid dynamics or CFD, a team of engineers from the University of Nottingham, in England, has designed the swimwear world's fastest, up from different tissues depending on the areas of lesser or greater friction. The company Speedo, which has participated in the investigation, has applied techniques NASA and other international research institutes, as well as ANSYS, a global leader in providing simulation software for design, to create this new swimwear , Which had already been beaten three of the world speed records. For Martinez Yaiza. A technical modelling highly specialized computer, developed at the University of Nottingham, in England, has been used in the design of the swimsuit fastest in the world. Professor Herve Morvan, of the School of Mechanical, Materials and Manufacturing Engineering of the university, has participated as counsel for the department AQUALAB development and research company Speedo, which specialises in the manufacture and design swimsuits competition. The result: LZR Racer trunks with which, as reported by Speedo, have already been beaten three of the world speed records.
Fluids and informatics
The University of Nottingham published in a communique that Speedo has applied techniques NASA and other international research institutes, as well as industrial partners such as ANSYS, a global leader in providing simulation software for design, to create this new trunks.
Specifically, Morvan and his team have been charged with computer models of fluid flow, in this case water around the body of swimmers. Morvan specializes in computational fluid dynamics (CFD), with experience in quantitative techniques, physics and fluid turbulence chemically reactive, particularly in the context of environment and water flows of air.
The computational fluid dynamics or CFD is a branch of fluid mechanics that applies numerical methods and algorithms to analyze and solve problems related to the flow of fluids.
Computers are used to perform millions of calculations that are required to simulate the interaction of fluids and gases with the complex surfaces used in the design.
The CFD technology is commonly used in the aeronautics industry and other sectors related applications or biomedical sports. In the case of this design swimwear, Speedo in AQUALAB of engineers examined 400 athletes and explored a number of prominent athletes.
The physical fabric and carried to the supplements
Using the CFD analysis, Morvan and his team were able to identify areas of the body of athletes that occurred in greater friction with the water for swimming.
With this data, designers could locate in the trunks of low-friction fabric, developed by Speedo, in the most convenient. According Morvan, thanks to the computational fluid dynamics, has been able to create a swimwear that produces a 5% less resistance to contact with water than the previous one created by Speedo swimwear in 2007, the FS Pro, with which the swimmers exceeded 21 world records.
As accompaniment to this design, in addition, the company has created a pair of eyeglasses (the Sidewinder and Aquasocket), covered with thermoplastic rubber, and a hat (Aqua-V ™) especially for swimming races.
For this design was also used CFD technology, as reported by Speedo, in order to identify areas of greatest resistance around the eyes and the head of swimmers.
Subsequently, silicone is used differently depending on the density strength of each area: a density thicker at the top of the hat to reduce wrinkles, a density finest in the middle section to allow the cap be extended and coupling better, and a section at the base around the birth of hair that provides a stable and ergonomic adjustment.
Overcoming resistance
According Swimming Online, when a swimmer moves in the water are three types of resistance: resistance form or pressure, the resistance by waves (when the body moves between water and air) resistance and friction.
The pressure resistance is the most important of the three, and is because swimming is generated during a gradient of pressure that impedes the progress of the body. This is mainly because the water stops flowing LAMINAR, appearing turbulent flows. The frictional resistance, but is less important, is that more has revolutionized the aesthetics of swimmers with the development of full-body bathing suits.
The bathing suits that mimic shark skin currently exists to reduce this resistance by nearly 8% thanks to the so-called "Riblet effect", which is the effect produced by dentículos icroscópicos of shark skin on contact with water, causing the vertical vortex or spirals of water, allowing it to maintain near the surface, thereby avoiding the appearance of areas of low pressure and turbulent flows.
The new Speedo swimwear, has a fabric that even goes beyond that of previous products of the same brand (of the saga "FastSkin" imitators of the shark skin), known as LZR Pulse, which repels water and reduces vibration of muscle and skin through a careful compression.
Using computational fluid dynamics or CFD, a team of engineers from the University of Nottingham, in England, has designed the swimwear world's fastest, up from different tissues depending on the areas of lesser or greater friction. The company Speedo, which has participated in the investigation, has applied techniques NASA and other international research institutes, as well as ANSYS, a global leader in providing simulation software for design, to create this new swimwear , Which had already been beaten three of the world speed records. For Martinez Yaiza. A technical modelling highly specialized computer, developed at the University of Nottingham, in England, has been used in the design of the swimsuit fastest in the world. Professor Herve Morvan, of the School of Mechanical, Materials and Manufacturing Engineering of the university, has participated as counsel for the department AQUALAB development and research company Speedo, which specialises in the manufacture and design swimsuits competition. The result: LZR Racer trunks with which, as reported by Speedo, have already been beaten three of the world speed records.
Fluids and informatics
The University of Nottingham published in a communique that Speedo has applied techniques NASA and other international research institutes, as well as industrial partners such as ANSYS, a global leader in providing simulation software for design, to create this new trunks.
Specifically, Morvan and his team have been charged with computer models of fluid flow, in this case water around the body of swimmers. Morvan specializes in computational fluid dynamics (CFD), with experience in quantitative techniques, physics and fluid turbulence chemically reactive, particularly in the context of environment and water flows of air.
The computational fluid dynamics or CFD is a branch of fluid mechanics that applies numerical methods and algorithms to analyze and solve problems related to the flow of fluids.
Computers are used to perform millions of calculations that are required to simulate the interaction of fluids and gases with the complex surfaces used in the design.
The CFD technology is commonly used in the aeronautics industry and other sectors related applications or biomedical sports. In the case of this design swimwear, Speedo in AQUALAB of engineers examined 400 athletes and explored a number of prominent athletes.
The physical fabric and carried to the supplements
Using the CFD analysis, Morvan and his team were able to identify areas of the body of athletes that occurred in greater friction with the water for swimming.
With this data, designers could locate in the trunks of low-friction fabric, developed by Speedo, in the most convenient. According Morvan, thanks to the computational fluid dynamics, has been able to create a swimwear that produces a 5% less resistance to contact with water than the previous one created by Speedo swimwear in 2007, the FS Pro, with which the swimmers exceeded 21 world records.
As accompaniment to this design, in addition, the company has created a pair of eyeglasses (the Sidewinder and Aquasocket), covered with thermoplastic rubber, and a hat (Aqua-V ™) especially for swimming races.
For this design was also used CFD technology, as reported by Speedo, in order to identify areas of greatest resistance around the eyes and the head of swimmers.
Subsequently, silicone is used differently depending on the density strength of each area: a density thicker at the top of the hat to reduce wrinkles, a density finest in the middle section to allow the cap be extended and coupling better, and a section at the base around the birth of hair that provides a stable and ergonomic adjustment.
Overcoming resistance
According Swimming Online, when a swimmer moves in the water are three types of resistance: resistance form or pressure, the resistance by waves (when the body moves between water and air) resistance and friction.
The pressure resistance is the most important of the three, and is because swimming is generated during a gradient of pressure that impedes the progress of the body. This is mainly because the water stops flowing LAMINAR, appearing turbulent flows. The frictional resistance, but is less important, is that more has revolutionized the aesthetics of swimmers with the development of full-body bathing suits.
The bathing suits that mimic shark skin currently exists to reduce this resistance by nearly 8% thanks to the so-called "Riblet effect", which is the effect produced by dentículos icroscópicos of shark skin on contact with water, causing the vertical vortex or spirals of water, allowing it to maintain near the surface, thereby avoiding the appearance of areas of low pressure and turbulent flows.
The new Speedo swimwear, has a fabric that even goes beyond that of previous products of the same brand (of the saga "FastSkin" imitators of the shark skin), known as LZR Pulse, which repels water and reduces vibration of muscle and skin through a careful compression.
miércoles, 15 de octubre de 2008
Quimica, Chemical: Plastination corpses with silicone rubber, the boundary between art and science
Gunther von Hagens, German scientist and artist has been engaged in Plastino corpses, art or science truth is that it was a very profitable business for its creator who buy corpses at prices convenient and laminating for sale to high costs to schools Medicine. Business round because besides many of these corpses are part of their presentations which are visited by millions of people. The Plastino is to use a vacuum to be filled with a polymer reagent, such as silicone rubber or polyester, the biological material.
martes, 14 de octubre de 2008
Quimica, Chemical: Silicone rubber to maken an artificial skin flexible to give robots human sensations

This is a team of researchers at the University of Tokyo, led by Takao Soneya found. They used to do so electónicos circuits as pressure sensors and semiconductors as censors of tempertura. The combination resulted in a film that allowed the two sensations at once.
It is a flexible material, might stretch twice its natural size and has a capacity 540 times more conductive than the rubber.
According to one of the researchers, Tsuyoshi Sekitani, "The cybernetic beings, the new fellow man, must be covered with electronic components to measure temperature, prssure and other environmental factors, in order to live in harmony with humans."
This material comes to resolving defects and other materials that are used to simulate human skin as silicone and other polymers.
The magnificent properties of this material suggests it may have many other applications such as automotive being installed in a steering wheel in order to detect the training of drivers or sportswear in order to study physiological parameters.
We must wait a few years so that the driver elastic polymer-based carbon nanotubes (so called) arrives at large industry, after spending controls toxicological relevant.
lunes, 13 de octubre de 2008
Quimica, Chemical: Toys erotic silicone for women, The Chinese balls

The Chinese balls: Who does not remember the famous ball product of this ancient culture. While at the beginning of his popularity had the role to improve the elasticity and also the tone of both vaginal walls as well annals for women development and achieve greater control of their muscles at the time having sex; today , And at the same time as technology advances, the toy industry takes sexual different dimensions so now the ball is used as a basis for different toys female stimulants. Thus, in its early balls were made of rubber or plastic and linked by strands of different sizes as this depended on the taste of the woman who practices such action. Therefore, the balls Chinese stimulate different points of the vaginal and anal cavities both. However, today are manufactured with silicone and therefore are the most silent, moreover, that vibrate with every move your body and stimulate it, giving a massage and also exercising the vaginal muscles; indeed, Current balls can be used for several hours.
domingo, 12 de octubre de 2008
sábado, 11 de octubre de 2008
Medio Ambiente: Enviromental: Ahorrar agua en tiempos de crisis

Ett sätt att spara, är återanvändning av vatten från duschen. I en stad som Barcelona kan spara ungefär 72 euro per år. Sättet att göra det med rätter i traditionell dusch eller badkar som inte tillåter återanvändning av vatten. Det sätt är att använda hinkar där individen är placerad inuti och vattnet strömmar för att fylla hinken. När fyllas i olika delar av duschen kommer att flyttas till en annan 2 eller 3 skopor till cirka duschen. I slutet uppnås genom att ha fyllde kuber utgör ungefär beroende på dusch mellan 3-6 långa serier av toalett.
viernes, 10 de octubre de 2008
jueves, 9 de octubre de 2008
Quimica, Chemical: Silicone Block Mold
Block mold explanation. This is the most basic mold method for silicone rubber. This is a good method when speed is more important than overall cost.
We used 73-45 platinum silicone for this particular mold. A cut block mold like this works best with rubber that is shore A20 or higher. This means a medium rubber. Soft rubber such as Gel-10 would be too soft and would distort at the seams.
Chemical: Silicone Block Mold,
miércoles, 8 de octubre de 2008
martes, 7 de octubre de 2008
lunes, 6 de octubre de 2008
Quimica, Chemical: foam slicer cutting machine POLYURETHANE
The most general definition of foam is a substance that is formed by trapping many gas bubbles in a liquid or solid. It can also refer to anything that is analogous to such a phenomenon, such as quantum foam. Often people mean polyurethane foam (foam rubber), Styrofoam or some other manufactured foam when they are using the term. It can be considered a type of colloid.
From the early 20th century, various types of specially manufactured solid foams came into use. The low density of these foams made them excellent as thermal insulators and flotation devices, and their lightness and compressibility made them ideal as packing materials and stuffings. Some liquid foams, called fire retardant foams, found use in extinguishing fires, especially oil fires.
Foam, in this case meaning "bubbly liquid", is also produced as an often unwanted by-product in the manufacture of various substances. For example, foam is a serious problem in the chemical industry, especially for biochemical processes. Many biological substances, for example proteins, easily create foam on agitation and/or aeration. Foam is a problem because it alters the liquid flow and blocks oxygen transfer from air (therefore preventing microbial respiration in fermentation processes). For this reason, anti-foaming agent compounds, like silicone oils, are added to prevent these problems.
domingo, 5 de octubre de 2008
Quimica, Chemistry: Development of Fire formulations for polyolefins
Development of Fire formulations for polyolefins
Since its inception, Gaiker has worked to develop screenings fireproofing for the manufacture of products for extrusion and injection for the sectors of automotive, electrical-electronics and construction. As examples of possible final destinations of these materials are: fireproof panels for construction, coatings power cables cars, profiles and tubes fireproofing for the electricity sector.
Recent activities in this area have been focused on the development of compounds with parent olefins, nanoparticles minerals and expandable graphite, as burdens ignifugantes novel and halogen-free.
The nanoparticles used in the development of these compounds are clay, in particular, montmorillonite, with laminar structure. Theoretically, sheets, forming a network during the three-dimensional progress-fire by promoting the formation of a crust that prevents subsequent dripping polymer burning.
The expandable graphite, the special offers to expand dramatically. When an outbreak is subjected to heat, were charred and forms a protective thermal barrier that reduces the amount of heat and gases that are generated, which are responsible for continuing the combustion process.
The high expansion of graphite, between 150 and 250 times its volume at high temperatures, reduces load levels to add. It is compatible with other additives retardant and can act synergistically with them.
With the combination of nanoparticles and expandable graphite, has tried to take this action ignifugante of graphite and action antigoteo of nanoparticles, to obtain screenings polyolefins fireproofing and high performance with low percentages of conventional cargo ignifugante.
He then outlined the results of comparative 4 formulations fireproof Polypropylene (PP), by referring to the DB without additives. These formulations are:
DB + 55% Mg (OH) 2
DB + 5% nanoparticles (NNP) + 25% Mg (OH) 2
DB + 5% expandable graphite (graf) + 25% Mg (OH) 2
DB nanoparticles + 5% + 5% + 20% expandable graphite Mg (OH) 2
The previous mixtures have been prepared by double-screw extruder co-rotating, and have been subjected to various tests to assess their characteristics compared with fire (and speed indicators Oxygen's Liberation heat generated) and its mechanical properties in traction.
Since its inception, Gaiker has worked to develop screenings fireproofing for the manufacture of products for extrusion and injection for the sectors of automotive, electrical-electronics and construction. As examples of possible final destinations of these materials are: fireproof panels for construction, coatings power cables cars, profiles and tubes fireproofing for the electricity sector.
Recent activities in this area have been focused on the development of compounds with parent olefins, nanoparticles minerals and expandable graphite, as burdens ignifugantes novel and halogen-free.
The nanoparticles used in the development of these compounds are clay, in particular, montmorillonite, with laminar structure. Theoretically, sheets, forming a network during the three-dimensional progress-fire by promoting the formation of a crust that prevents subsequent dripping polymer burning.
The expandable graphite, the special offers to expand dramatically. When an outbreak is subjected to heat, were charred and forms a protective thermal barrier that reduces the amount of heat and gases that are generated, which are responsible for continuing the combustion process.
The high expansion of graphite, between 150 and 250 times its volume at high temperatures, reduces load levels to add. It is compatible with other additives retardant and can act synergistically with them.
With the combination of nanoparticles and expandable graphite, has tried to take this action ignifugante of graphite and action antigoteo of nanoparticles, to obtain screenings polyolefins fireproofing and high performance with low percentages of conventional cargo ignifugante.
He then outlined the results of comparative 4 formulations fireproof Polypropylene (PP), by referring to the DB without additives. These formulations are:
DB + 55% Mg (OH) 2
DB + 5% nanoparticles (NNP) + 25% Mg (OH) 2
DB + 5% expandable graphite (graf) + 25% Mg (OH) 2
DB nanoparticles + 5% + 5% + 20% expandable graphite Mg (OH) 2
The previous mixtures have been prepared by double-screw extruder co-rotating, and have been subjected to various tests to assess their characteristics compared with fire (and speed indicators Oxygen's Liberation heat generated) and its mechanical properties in traction.
sábado, 4 de octubre de 2008
Quimica, Chemistry: Flame retardants of last generation. Applicability in polyolefins
Certain European directives and in particular the directive 2002/95/EC on the restriction of use of certain hazardous substances in electrical and electronic equipment, are pushing to be eliminating the use of halogenated ignifugantes in all kinds of materials. Although Decabromo Difenileter is an exception (as the Commission's decision taken on October 15, 2005), the fact is that is spreading gradually ignifugantes the use of halogen-free in other applications.
In this context, substances such as graphite expandable, and various types of nanorefuerzos constitute routes further moves in the field of fireproof plastics.
The nanocomposites differ from traditional composites in the size of reinforcements, at least at one of its dimensions presents lengths in the nano scale, compared to the normal reinforcements micron size. The dispersal of such nanocargas in a plastic matrix, gives the material a substantial improvement in physical properties, thermal and mechanical.
The influence of different nanorefuerzos as nanoarcillas, nanoparticles of silica, carbon nanotubes and nanofiber in the fire behaviour of plastics, is being studied very much in isolation and in combination with other ignifugantes and smoke suppressants.
In this regard, polyolefins are one of the parents surveyed more in the field of nanocomposites, and particularly on improving its reaction to fire.
Traditionally, fireproofing systems more employees in polyolefins differ depending on the application (automotive, electrical-electronic, or construction) but also depending on the type of polymer (polyethylene or polypropylene). In general the most widely used ignifugantes, were based on chlorinated paraffins and metal hydroxides.
On the other hand, nanorefuerzos that the largest number of applications marketing degree and have achieved are the nanoarcillas and nanofiber carbon nanotubes and single or multiple wall. The interest of its implementation in polyolefins, se basa en el que se produce positive effect in reducing time of ignition and the elimination of leakage due to the formation of a layer of charcoal that protects the rest of the material spreading fire.
Within this framework, and within a project funded by the Department of Industry, Commerce and Tourism, Gaiker, has undertaken an effort to develop formulations fireproof polyolefins based nanorefuerzos and other ignifugantes halogen-free. The compounds obtained, have been assessed on its reaction to fire.
In this context, substances such as graphite expandable, and various types of nanorefuerzos constitute routes further moves in the field of fireproof plastics.
The nanocomposites differ from traditional composites in the size of reinforcements, at least at one of its dimensions presents lengths in the nano scale, compared to the normal reinforcements micron size. The dispersal of such nanocargas in a plastic matrix, gives the material a substantial improvement in physical properties, thermal and mechanical.
The influence of different nanorefuerzos as nanoarcillas, nanoparticles of silica, carbon nanotubes and nanofiber in the fire behaviour of plastics, is being studied very much in isolation and in combination with other ignifugantes and smoke suppressants.
In this regard, polyolefins are one of the parents surveyed more in the field of nanocomposites, and particularly on improving its reaction to fire.
Traditionally, fireproofing systems more employees in polyolefins differ depending on the application (automotive, electrical-electronic, or construction) but also depending on the type of polymer (polyethylene or polypropylene). In general the most widely used ignifugantes, were based on chlorinated paraffins and metal hydroxides.
On the other hand, nanorefuerzos that the largest number of applications marketing degree and have achieved are the nanoarcillas and nanofiber carbon nanotubes and single or multiple wall. The interest of its implementation in polyolefins, se basa en el que se produce positive effect in reducing time of ignition and the elimination of leakage due to the formation of a layer of charcoal that protects the rest of the material spreading fire.
Within this framework, and within a project funded by the Department of Industry, Commerce and Tourism, Gaiker, has undertaken an effort to develop formulations fireproof polyolefins based nanorefuerzos and other ignifugantes halogen-free. The compounds obtained, have been assessed on its reaction to fire.
viernes, 3 de octubre de 2008
jueves, 2 de octubre de 2008
miércoles, 1 de octubre de 2008
Mixing light emitting pigment in silicone rubber by piggywigs
Mixing silicone rubber on a 2 roll mill in the Polycomp plant in Vorden, the Netherlands. A light emitting pigment adds extra glow to the process!
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