martes, 14 de octubre de 2008

Quimica, Chemical: Silicone rubber to maken an artificial skin flexible to give robots human sensations

Some Japanese scientists develop artificial skin flexible to give robots human sensations such as touch.
This is a team of researchers at the University of Tokyo, led by Takao Soneya found. They used to do so electónicos circuits as pressure sensors and semiconductors as censors of tempertura. The combination resulted in a film that allowed the two sensations at once.
It is a flexible material, might stretch twice its natural size and has a capacity 540 times more conductive than the rubber.
According to one of the researchers, Tsuyoshi Sekitani, "The cybernetic beings, the new fellow man, must be covered with electronic components to measure temperature, prssure and other environmental factors, in order to live in harmony with humans."
This material comes to resolving defects and other materials that are used to simulate human skin as silicone and other polymers.
The magnificent properties of this material suggests it may have many other applications such as automotive being installed in a steering wheel in order to detect the training of drivers or sportswear in order to study physiological parameters.
We must wait a few years so that the driver elastic polymer-based carbon nanotubes (so called) arrives at large industry, after spending controls toxicological relevant.

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