miércoles, 9 de septiembre de 2009

Iten investigating novel biodegradable packaging made with agricultural commodities

Get a new package of non-food agricultural raw materials that after use can be eliminated thanks to its complete dissolution in water is the purpose of the research project ReBioFoam (Renewable Bio-polymer FOAMS), funded by the European Union under the FP7 and involving 10 partners from 8 European countries (Italy, Poland, Spain, Czech Republic, Ireland, Germany, Netherlands and United Kingdom), with the collaboration of ERRMA (European Renewable Raw Materials Association), association that promotes a European level the recovery of the use of renewable resources in the field of materials and energy. The Technological Institute of Packaging, Transportation and Logistics, Iten, will be responsible for conducting the tests on the prototypes that will be achieved.
Writing Interempresas

In the EU, each year there are 12 million tons of protective packaging for transport. The aim of the project, coordinated by Novamont Italian company specialized in the sector of bioplastics, a new process is to develop flexible, low-impact eco-sustainable energy and to produce biodegradable packaging containing expanded renewable raw materials. The expansion of biopolymers will be obtained through microwave technology (with the ad hoc use of molds with innovative coatings) makes use of the water naturally present in the materials (biopolymers Novamont) expandente agent.
Plastic has an enormous burden on agriculture. Photography Novamont.

The final application is the protective packaging, a sector in which they are commonly used materials such as expanded polystyrene (EPS), polyurethane (EPU), polyethylene (EPE) and polypropylene (EPP) - all synthetic polymers. Bioplastics Novamont may represent an important opportunity for more sustainable packaging.

The project, which will last 4 years, officially began on 1 February 2009. For more information on ReBioFoam you can visit the website www.rebiofoam.eu. Available in English, the website presents the contents of the draft schematic and "simple" so it can also be found by lay people. An easily accessible tool where you can find all necessary information such as project objectives, structure, companies and individuals involved, news, photo gallery, etc.. In addition, a biannual newsletter will be constantly updated on the progress of the initiative.
Maize is a common source of biodegradable plastics.

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