viernes, 3 de julio de 2009

Affected by influenza A nurse from the hospital in Puerto Real in Cadiz

The Provincial Delegation of the Ministry of Health of Cadiz has been reported that the analytical tests performed on a nurse at the Hospital of Puerto Real in 46 years of age have confirmed the existence of influenza virus A (H1N1) in your body as a release detailing that the person is in good health and suffered only mild symptoms.
The Ministry of Health on Tuesday launched the performance protocol between the Health Ministry and state government, after the Occupational Health Service Hospital in Port Royal had found that 14 center professionals with suspected symptoms of influenza AH1N1 -- including the person that has been confirmed, although only three of them had contact with hospitalized patients. The case confirmed as the thirteen other suspected cases remain in their homes.
The Ministry of Health has identified all patients admitted at this time that have had contact with these professionals and they are to administer the appropriate antiviral treatment. These patients and their relatives have been informed in advance of the situation.
Also, is locating those persons who were admitted to the hospital and in contact with any of the professionals involved since the first symptoms appeared.
For now, no new suspected cases have appeared, nor have detected problems in hospitalized patients. Suspected cases have been notified, as required by protocol, the Ministry of Health, and the samples sent to the reference laboratory of the Hospital Virgen de las Nieves in Granada.

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