¿Swine flu, Mexican, American or H1N1?
pulicado on Thursday April 30th 2009 by Me in: Animal Science EcoComunicados International Information Northern America
Political correctness its shadow extends to potential pandemics-diseases that afflict our planet. Thus, so far everywhere called swine flu, which will soon be called influenza Mexican, American, or New H1N1 virus. What is the name, if you have already killed 150 people? And have, economically, is called a pressure group, the following applies: swine industry.
The producers of pork in United States fear that the name of the virus is affecting your business. Hence, in their recent public statements, the secretary of domestic security (Homeland Security Secretary) Janet Napolitano and Secretary of Agriculture, Tom Vilsack, referred to as the flu virus H1N1.
Why is it wrong to call swine flu? Vilsack says it is a disease that has not been managed in the meal. The World Organization for Animal Health (OIE) also rejects the denominator pigs, as the virus contains human and poultry, and not have any sick this flu so far.
jueves, 30 de abril de 2009
Alarmada por la gripe porcina, Turquía toma una acción inmediata
Gripe porcina ha matado a más de un centenar en Mexico y ha infectado a muchos en los EE.UU..
Alarmada por la rápida propagación de nuevas cepas de la gripe porcina, que ha matado a más de un centenar en Mexico y ha infectado a muchos en los EE.UU., el Ministerio turco de Salud también ha tomado medidas para evitar el virus.
Debido a la Organización Mundial de la Salud (OMS) declaración de que la gripe es un "evento de salud pública de interés internacional" y la creciente preocupación entre las personas en Turquía, el Ministerio de Salud informó al público acerca de las precauciones tomadas en el país contra la infección. La celebración de una conferencia de prensa el lunes, el Ministerio de Salud del director general de los servicios de salud, Seracettin Com, dijo que el ministerio ha tomado las precauciones necesarias contra la gripe.
Dijo que la acción estaba en conformidad con el Plan Nacional de Acción para la lucha contra las enfermedades epidémicas que habían preparado previamente. Indicando que han estado en contacto con la OMS y otras organizaciones de salud desde el estallido de la infección, dijo que están tomando las precauciones de acuerdo con la propia situación de Turquía, además de tomar en consideración las recomendaciones de la OMS. "A partir de hoy [Lunes], como requiere nuestro plan de acción, los viajeros de Mexico y sus vecinos, junto con España, están empezando a ser examinados en nuestros aeropuertos que están abiertos al tráfico aéreo internacional Atatürk y Estambul y Ankara Esenboga aeropuertos en particular. Ellos pasan por el control de la salud para cualquier tipo de los síntomas de la gripe ", dijo. Si cualquiera de los casos son descubiertos, los viajeros cree que lleva el virus de la gripe porcina se tendrán en cuarentena a los hospitales y se trata allí, dijo, y añadió que también se distribuyen folletos en los aeropuertos para informar a todos los pasajeros.
"También hemos advertido nuestras sucursales en todo el país acerca de las respuestas que deben dar en casos de emergencia relacionados con la infección. Vamos a seguir tomando más precauciones, si la amenaza de la infección aumenta en el mundo ", dijo com. Comisión también tomó nota de que, a fin de evitar que el público de ser mal informado, se informará al público todos los días sobre la infección de la situación actual en el mundo y en Turquía. "Nuestros ciudadanos deben hacer caso omiso de cualquier declaración que no sea nuestro ministerio de oficiales sobre el tema y no debe pánico", añadió.
Desde este nuevo tipo de gripe porcina se ha extendido rápidamente, con nuevos casos descubiertos en otros países, los expertos de Turquía también advierten las autoridades y los ciudadanos acerca de la posible llegada del virus al país y quieren las precauciones necesarias que deben adoptarse de inmediato. Hablando a Zaman de hoy, el profesor Tahsin Yeşildere, el jefe de la Cámara İstanbul Veterinaria, destacó que la OMS ha declarado como la pandemia de gripe porcina, lo que implica que se puede propagar entre los países. Aunque Turquía puede ser considerada en un riesgo menor en comparación con otros países en los que los cerdos son criados más comúnmente, la pandemia de la infección característica requiere que se tomen las precauciones necesarias de inmediato por el Ministerio de Salud y el Ministerio de Agricultura, dijo, añadiendo , "Los viajeros de Mexico, los EE.UU. y España deben ser seleccionados cuidadosamente para cualquier síntomas de gripe en los aeropuertos". Yeşildere También destacó que las explotaciones porcinas en Turquía debe ser cuidadosamente inspeccionado en este momento. "El Ministerio de Agricultura debe comprobar las explotaciones porcinas en el país de cualquier amenaza potencial. Cerdos nunca debe ser desplazados y llevados a otra parte ", dijo.
La Asociación de Salud Pública turco (T-HASAK) y presidente de salud pública de expertos, el profesor Hikmet Pekcan, convino también en que, si bien un caso de gripe porcina no se ha descubierto en Turquía, que se puede transmitir a otras personas dentro de las horas de la llegada de personas infectadas por el virus a Turquía. Indicando que todo el mundo los ministerios de salud han tomado las precauciones necesarias, dijo el Ministerio turco de Salud también ha estado trabajando sobre el tema y está tomando medidas.
El coordinador de la infección de enfermedades y de los Laboratorios de Microbiología Clínica en el Hospital Memorial, Profesor Kenan Keskin, de acuerdo en que a pesar de que no se ha informado sobre un caso de gripe porcina en Turquía hasta el momento, esto no significa que nunca se extendió a Turquía. Agregó que este nuevo tipo de gripe porcina es causada por un virus que contiene ADN típico a aviar, porcina y de los virus humanos. Debido al hecho de que el virus puede causar la infección en cerdos, dijo que también puede transmitir a la gente. "Muestra síntomas similares a la gripe estacional, que son el inicio repentino de fiebre, tos, dolores musculares, rinitis y cansancio extremo. Sin embargo, la gripe porcina y se propaga más fácilmente su contagiosa característica es más fuerte ", dijo.
Parte del individuo en la prevención de la enfermedad
Además de las medidas que deben ser adoptadas por las autoridades pertinentes, los expertos también advierten a los ciudadanos a hacer su parte en la prevención de la infección. Afirmar que el período de incubación de la gripe mortal que se cree que es entre dos días y una semana, Keskin dijo el tratamiento de la enfermedad no es actualmente posible, pero las maneras de prevenir la infección se asemeja a la gripe estacional. Yeşildere también advirtió a los ciudadanos no ir a lugares porque el virus se transmite a través de la respiración.
Gripe porcina "EL nombre no será cambiado en Israel"
Gripe porcina "EL nombre no será cambiado en Israel"
La gripe porcina no tendrá ningún nuevo nombre en Israel a pesar de la inquietud de un funcionario de salud de una fiesta religiosa con fervor.
Viceprimer ministro de salud Yakov Litzman, un miembro del Judaísmo Unido de Torah, dijo a principios de esta semana que el nombre de "gripe porcina" no debe utilizarse, ya que contiene el nombre de la unkosher animal. Litzman sugirió llamar a las autoridades que el virus en el mundo "de México contra la gripe."
Mexico pero el embajador de Israel, Federico Salas, y el enviado del Estado judío a Mexico, Yosef Livne, ambos oficiales de las denuncias presentadas el martes al Ministerio de Relaciones Exteriores de Israel en protesta por la duración.
Un oficial del Ministerio de Relaciones Exteriores dijo a la agencia de noticias francesa AFP que Salas "fue ofendido" por el término "gripe de México."
"Israel no tiene intención de dar la gripe nombres de los nuevos", dijo el funcionario. "No fue nada más que un desliz de la lengua."
Dos israelíes, que acaba de regresar de Mexico han contraído la gripe porcina en el primero de esos casos en el Oriente Medio. Varios otros casos son sospechosos, incluidos los 5 años de edad, sobrina de uno de los casos confirmados.
La gripe porcina no tendrá ningún nuevo nombre en Israel a pesar de la inquietud de un funcionario de salud de una fiesta religiosa con fervor.
Viceprimer ministro de salud Yakov Litzman, un miembro del Judaísmo Unido de Torah, dijo a principios de esta semana que el nombre de "gripe porcina" no debe utilizarse, ya que contiene el nombre de la unkosher animal. Litzman sugirió llamar a las autoridades que el virus en el mundo "de México contra la gripe."
Mexico pero el embajador de Israel, Federico Salas, y el enviado del Estado judío a Mexico, Yosef Livne, ambos oficiales de las denuncias presentadas el martes al Ministerio de Relaciones Exteriores de Israel en protesta por la duración.
Un oficial del Ministerio de Relaciones Exteriores dijo a la agencia de noticias francesa AFP que Salas "fue ofendido" por el término "gripe de México."
"Israel no tiene intención de dar la gripe nombres de los nuevos", dijo el funcionario. "No fue nada más que un desliz de la lengua."
Dos israelíes, que acaba de regresar de Mexico han contraído la gripe porcina en el primero de esos casos en el Oriente Medio. Varios otros casos son sospechosos, incluidos los 5 años de edad, sobrina de uno de los casos confirmados.
EU rejects suspending flights to Mexico by the 'swine flu'
Confirmed cases of total 13 in Spain and suspects arrive at 101 | The alert level remains at 5: risk of pandemic
- The European Union has rejected the French proposal to suspend flights to Mexico to curb the spread of 'new flu', as announced by the French Minister of Health, Rosalyn Bachelot. A majority of EU countries rejected this initiative during the Council of Health Ministers of the EU is considering measures against the common flu outbreak, according to brief statements of the minister. There is no action taken on a large scale and only countries like Brazil, Cuba and Ecuador has decided to suspend trips to Mexico, while it advises its citizens to stay in their homes.
Swine flu
* The German health minister advised not to go to Circuit Montmeló
* Confirmed cases of 'new flu' in Spain amounted to thirteen suspects and reach 84
* Agencies offer alternatives for tourists who would travel to Mexico
* Special meeting of health ministers of the EU
* Felipe Calderón called on Mexicans to stay home until May 5
* Ten cases of swine flu in Spain, six in Catalunya, an indirect contact
In addition, the Center for Disease Control and Prevention in the EU (ECDC) cree the percentage of population that could suffer from the swine flu "is probably between 40% and 50%, while the majority suffer for the moderately "said one of its experts, Angus Nicoll. "Only a few people suffer from the severe form, presumably the older people and those suffering from chronic diseases," Nicoll said at a press conference from the headquarters in Stockholm. "That's why European countries have been working to protect the most vulnerable people," added the expert.
For its part, the EU executive stressed that the situation in the EU is "very different from Mexico, and wanted to convey a message of calm to the population, said the spokesman of the Executive Community Health, Nina Papadoulaki.
"The facts are that the confirmed cases in the EU are moderately affected and are recovering well, so there is no reason to panic," said the spokesman. According to the latest data with which the ECDC are five member states with confirmed cases of the new virus: Spain, Germany, Austria, Netherlands and United Kingdom, while France has a number of cases "probable" and dozens of suspected cases .
Furthermore, the Spanish Minister of Health, Trinidad Jimenez confirmed that the number of confirmed cases of swine flu in Spain amounts to 13 persons, and under observation for possible infection has risen to 101. Three affected, two in Madrid and one in Murcia, joined yesterday confirmed cases in Catalonia (6), all discharged, Castilla-La Mancha (2), Valencia (1) and Basque Country (1).
The Valencia has become the gathering a larger number of cases studied, a total of 30, followed with 28 cases of Andalusia, Catalonia and Madrid with 15 with 11. With three suspected cases of swine flu suffering is Asturias and Castilla-La Mancha, two cases presented Castille and Leon, Extremadura, Galicia and Murcia. The Autonomous Communities that have accounted for only one suspected case are Aragon, the Canary Islands and Rioja.
The Minister for Health and Social Policy has called for tomorrow afternoon to all counselors autonomic Health and Health to a new special session of the Inter National Health System (CISNS), the second in a week, with the aim of analyze the situation of the new flu epidemic and strengthen the coordination of the actions of the communities where necessary.
Councilor for the Health of the Generalitat, Marina Geli, has admitted that the number of infected in Catalunya can grow in the coming days a new confirmed positive. However, he indicated that "the flu so far in Spain and Catalonia is totally benign." "Our patients, 9%, are at home and are healing," he said. Furthermore, it stressed that the WHO has raised the alert level to 5 by the spread of the virus and not by its severity. " "But we must be cautious," apuntilla.
For his part, Director General of the World Health Organization (WHO), Keiji Fukuda, said that around the world have confirmed the existence of 236 cases, while the Center for Disease Control (CDC) United States amounted to 109 people have contracted the virus in this country. Also, Fukuda said that WHO will distribute antiviral Tamiflu from several developing countries, including Mexico, and the pharmaceutical company Roche is increasing the rate of production of this drug.
In addition, the World Health Organization ruled out raising the alert level to phase 5 to 6 due to swine flu. "We will keep the alert level in stage 5, there is no evidence, no grounds for raising now," said Fukuda.
"For now we see that the disease continues to evolve, there are places like Mexico where cases continue to rise and other countries like United States, where they are stable, so it is not justified epidemiologically raise alert level," added director.
The WHO yesterday raised the alert level 5 pandemic imminent risk of infection following the confirmation of one person to another in at least two countries in a region (Mexico and USA). The health agency would become the last phase of pandemic alert, the 6, if the virus spreading from person to person causing outbreaks in at least a third country of a different region. This phase will signal the start of a global pandemic.
Yesterday it was confirmed a case of secondary infection in Catalonia, in Spain confirmed the ten, the first in the EU, which does not preclude the occurrence of deaths.
- The European Union has rejected the French proposal to suspend flights to Mexico to curb the spread of 'new flu', as announced by the French Minister of Health, Rosalyn Bachelot. A majority of EU countries rejected this initiative during the Council of Health Ministers of the EU is considering measures against the common flu outbreak, according to brief statements of the minister. There is no action taken on a large scale and only countries like Brazil, Cuba and Ecuador has decided to suspend trips to Mexico, while it advises its citizens to stay in their homes.
Swine flu
* The German health minister advised not to go to Circuit Montmeló
* Confirmed cases of 'new flu' in Spain amounted to thirteen suspects and reach 84
* Agencies offer alternatives for tourists who would travel to Mexico
* Special meeting of health ministers of the EU
* Felipe Calderón called on Mexicans to stay home until May 5
* Ten cases of swine flu in Spain, six in Catalunya, an indirect contact
In addition, the Center for Disease Control and Prevention in the EU (ECDC) cree the percentage of population that could suffer from the swine flu "is probably between 40% and 50%, while the majority suffer for the moderately "said one of its experts, Angus Nicoll. "Only a few people suffer from the severe form, presumably the older people and those suffering from chronic diseases," Nicoll said at a press conference from the headquarters in Stockholm. "That's why European countries have been working to protect the most vulnerable people," added the expert.
For its part, the EU executive stressed that the situation in the EU is "very different from Mexico, and wanted to convey a message of calm to the population, said the spokesman of the Executive Community Health, Nina Papadoulaki.
"The facts are that the confirmed cases in the EU are moderately affected and are recovering well, so there is no reason to panic," said the spokesman. According to the latest data with which the ECDC are five member states with confirmed cases of the new virus: Spain, Germany, Austria, Netherlands and United Kingdom, while France has a number of cases "probable" and dozens of suspected cases .
Furthermore, the Spanish Minister of Health, Trinidad Jimenez confirmed that the number of confirmed cases of swine flu in Spain amounts to 13 persons, and under observation for possible infection has risen to 101. Three affected, two in Madrid and one in Murcia, joined yesterday confirmed cases in Catalonia (6), all discharged, Castilla-La Mancha (2), Valencia (1) and Basque Country (1).
The Valencia has become the gathering a larger number of cases studied, a total of 30, followed with 28 cases of Andalusia, Catalonia and Madrid with 15 with 11. With three suspected cases of swine flu suffering is Asturias and Castilla-La Mancha, two cases presented Castille and Leon, Extremadura, Galicia and Murcia. The Autonomous Communities that have accounted for only one suspected case are Aragon, the Canary Islands and Rioja.
The Minister for Health and Social Policy has called for tomorrow afternoon to all counselors autonomic Health and Health to a new special session of the Inter National Health System (CISNS), the second in a week, with the aim of analyze the situation of the new flu epidemic and strengthen the coordination of the actions of the communities where necessary.
Councilor for the Health of the Generalitat, Marina Geli, has admitted that the number of infected in Catalunya can grow in the coming days a new confirmed positive. However, he indicated that "the flu so far in Spain and Catalonia is totally benign." "Our patients, 9%, are at home and are healing," he said. Furthermore, it stressed that the WHO has raised the alert level to 5 by the spread of the virus and not by its severity. " "But we must be cautious," apuntilla.
For his part, Director General of the World Health Organization (WHO), Keiji Fukuda, said that around the world have confirmed the existence of 236 cases, while the Center for Disease Control (CDC) United States amounted to 109 people have contracted the virus in this country. Also, Fukuda said that WHO will distribute antiviral Tamiflu from several developing countries, including Mexico, and the pharmaceutical company Roche is increasing the rate of production of this drug.
In addition, the World Health Organization ruled out raising the alert level to phase 5 to 6 due to swine flu. "We will keep the alert level in stage 5, there is no evidence, no grounds for raising now," said Fukuda.
"For now we see that the disease continues to evolve, there are places like Mexico where cases continue to rise and other countries like United States, where they are stable, so it is not justified epidemiologically raise alert level," added director.
The WHO yesterday raised the alert level 5 pandemic imminent risk of infection following the confirmation of one person to another in at least two countries in a region (Mexico and USA). The health agency would become the last phase of pandemic alert, the 6, if the virus spreading from person to person causing outbreaks in at least a third country of a different region. This phase will signal the start of a global pandemic.
Yesterday it was confirmed a case of secondary infection in Catalonia, in Spain confirmed the ten, the first in the EU, which does not preclude the occurrence of deaths.
Portugal nega relatos de casos gripe suína
O Português autoridades na terça-feira, negou a existência de qualquer caso suspeito gripe suína no país.
Numa conferência de imprensa, Português ministro da Saúde, Ana Jorge negou as notícias de alegadas infecções de duas pessoas internadas no Hospital Amadora-Sintra.
Eles têm "gripe normal", disse Jorge, acrescentando que, actualmente, não existe risco de gripe suína em Portugal. O ministério irá formar uma comissão para monitorar a doença e analisar a evolução da gripe suína diariamente.
Até agora, mais de 150 pessoas morreram no México em um surto de gripe. Dezenas de outros casos já foram confirmados em todo o mundo.
A OMS alerta pandémico levantou seu nível na segunda-feira, a partir de Fase 3 para a Fase 4, o que significa que o vírus da gripe suína pode causar sustentado homem-a-humano transmissão e "comunidade de nível focos."
Numa conferência de imprensa, Português ministro da Saúde, Ana Jorge negou as notícias de alegadas infecções de duas pessoas internadas no Hospital Amadora-Sintra.
Eles têm "gripe normal", disse Jorge, acrescentando que, actualmente, não existe risco de gripe suína em Portugal. O ministério irá formar uma comissão para monitorar a doença e analisar a evolução da gripe suína diariamente.
Até agora, mais de 150 pessoas morreram no México em um surto de gripe. Dezenas de outros casos já foram confirmados em todo o mundo.
A OMS alerta pandémico levantou seu nível na segunda-feira, a partir de Fase 3 para a Fase 4, o que significa que o vírus da gripe suína pode causar sustentado homem-a-humano transmissão e "comunidade de nível focos."
Portugal nega relatos de casos gripe suína
El gobierno chileno ha tomado medidas preventivas para hacer frente al brote de gripe porcina
El gobierno chileno ha tomado medidas preventivas para hacer frente al brote de gripe porcina en América del Norte, aunque el país se ha confirmado ningún caso, sin embargo, las autoridades dijeron el martes.
La Presidenta Michelle Bachelet pidió a todos los chilenos que presten atención a la información sobre los síntomas de la epidemia y las instrucciones de la
"Para el momento no hemos confirmado ningún caso, por lo que no tenemos los casos de gripe porcina en nuestro país", el ministro de Salud chileno Álvaro Erazo dijo el martes.
Actualmente hay 18 casos sospechosos de ser probado. Erazo dijo que otros tres sospechosos habían sido resultado negativo antes.
"Los pacientes bajo análisis se encuentran aisladas hasta que recibamos la confirmación, de acuerdo con la guía clínica que se está utilizando en el país", dijo Erazo.
Chile establecer una barrera sanitaria que requieren el 23 de abril de todos los pasajeros procedentes de Mexico y los Estados Unidos para ser controlados en el aeropuerto de Santiago de tomar la temperatura por fiebre alta y los descartes.
La gripe porcina es una sub-clase de la temporada de gripe (H1N1), que la mutación de los cerdos a los seres humanos.
La gripe porcina síntomas son similares a los de la gripe común, pero con fiebre alta, tos, dolor de cabeza, dolor en músculos y articulaciones, ojos rojos, nariz funcionamiento, así como vómitos y diarrea.
El Ministerio de Salud de Chile ha establecido un plan frente a este tipo de situaciones de emergencia desde 2002 por la construcción de una red nacional de centros de salud.
Chile cuenta con reservas de medicamentos antivirales que se entregarán a todos los servicios de salud, con 36.000 tratamientos ya se han hecho.
Chile ha propuesto a sus ciudadanos a evitar viajar a los países afectados por la gripe y seguir las instrucciones relacionadas con el oficial de salud.
Chile también puso en marcha la Comisión Nacional de Respuesta a Brotes y Emergencias de Salud para manejar cualquier caso de infección en el país.
La Presidenta Michelle Bachelet pidió a todos los chilenos que presten atención a la información sobre los síntomas de la epidemia y las instrucciones de la
"Para el momento no hemos confirmado ningún caso, por lo que no tenemos los casos de gripe porcina en nuestro país", el ministro de Salud chileno Álvaro Erazo dijo el martes.
Actualmente hay 18 casos sospechosos de ser probado. Erazo dijo que otros tres sospechosos habían sido resultado negativo antes.
"Los pacientes bajo análisis se encuentran aisladas hasta que recibamos la confirmación, de acuerdo con la guía clínica que se está utilizando en el país", dijo Erazo.
Chile establecer una barrera sanitaria que requieren el 23 de abril de todos los pasajeros procedentes de Mexico y los Estados Unidos para ser controlados en el aeropuerto de Santiago de tomar la temperatura por fiebre alta y los descartes.
La gripe porcina es una sub-clase de la temporada de gripe (H1N1), que la mutación de los cerdos a los seres humanos.
La gripe porcina síntomas son similares a los de la gripe común, pero con fiebre alta, tos, dolor de cabeza, dolor en músculos y articulaciones, ojos rojos, nariz funcionamiento, así como vómitos y diarrea.
El Ministerio de Salud de Chile ha establecido un plan frente a este tipo de situaciones de emergencia desde 2002 por la construcción de una red nacional de centros de salud.
Chile cuenta con reservas de medicamentos antivirales que se entregarán a todos los servicios de salud, con 36.000 tratamientos ya se han hecho.
Chile ha propuesto a sus ciudadanos a evitar viajar a los países afectados por la gripe y seguir las instrucciones relacionadas con el oficial de salud.
Chile también puso en marcha la Comisión Nacional de Respuesta a Brotes y Emergencias de Salud para manejar cualquier caso de infección en el país.
The World Health Organization (WHO) on Thursday rose to 257 confirmed cases of swine flu virus
The World Health Organization (WHO) on Thursday rose to 257 confirmed cases of swine flu virus Because there are only eight confirmed deaths: seven in Mexico and one in United States. WHO has decided to no longer call but swine flu "influenza AH1N1.
* FREEDOM IN HEALTH: All information
Health announced three new cases of influenza
EU rejects suspending trips to Mexico
Calderon called on Mexicans who do not leave home for five days
The World Health Organization (WHO) decided to change the name of the hitherto known by the swine flu influenza AH1N1. "We have abandoned the name of the swine flu influenza AH1N1 because the virus is becoming increasingly more humane and had less to do with the animal," said spokesman Dick Thomson of the institution.
According to figures provided by the Mexican authorities, the number of people confirmed infected with the disease in Mexico is 99, eight of which (one with respect to data provided by WHO) died as a result of the virus. The WHO-confirmed cases were detected in those laboratories A/H1N1 virus and reported by governments, so that discrepancies often occur between the figures provided by some agencies and others.
The EU rejected the French proposal on Thursday to suspend flights to Mexico to curb the spread of the new flu, "as announced by the French Minister of Health, Rosalyn Bachelot. A majority of EU countries rejected this initiative during the Council of Health Ministers of the EU is considering measures against the common flu outbreak, said Bachelot.
Czech Minister of Health, Daniela Filipiova, argued that a ban on flights from Mexico would have "an effect" as the passengers come through other countries and it is not possible to know who embarked on Mexican territory, so they do not follow a doctor.
The Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) of USA Today reported that the number of confirmed cases in the country has risen to 109, spread over 11 states. In addition, the following countries have reported their figures to their laboratory-confirmed cases, none fatal moment: Canada (19 cases), Spain (13), United Kingdom (8), New Zealand (3), Germany (3), israel (2), Austria (1), Switzerland (1) and Netherlands (1).
WHO has raised the alert level to 5 (of 6), does not believe in counting the cases confirmed by laboratories that have not been notified officially, and therefore the figures of the organization is behind Figures released by the government.
The Center for Prevention and Disease Control in the EU (ECDC) cree that the number of Europeans who could suffer the disease "is probably between 40% and 50%, while the majority suffer for the moderate," said one of its experts, Angus Nicoll. "Only a few people suffer from the severe form, presumably the older people and those suffering from chronic diseases," Nicoll said in a news conference broadcast from the headquarters in Stockholm.
The number of confirmed cases rises to 13 in Spain, and under observation for possible infection has risen to a hundred, said Spanish Minister of Health, Trinidad Jimenez.
The number of suspected cases and deaths from respiratory diseases in Mexico City has declined, but on Sunday we will have confirmed or not a real stabilization of the outbreak, said today the mayor of the capital, Marcelo Ebrard.
The Mexican government hopes that the epidemic lasts less than three months, after which the economy can recover quickly, said today the finance secretary of Mexico, Agustin Carstens.
Carstens said that the epidemic will cause a reduction in economic activity of between 0.3 and 0.5 percent of Gross Domestic Product (GDP).
A Japanese citizen who arrived today at the Tokyo airport on a flight from Los Angeles (USA) could be the first such case of influenza in Japan, according to the local agency Kyodo reported.
The Dutch government today confirmed the first case in the country, identified in a child of three years who returned this week from a trip to Mexico.
South America reported today the first confirmed case of infection by the disease to give a positive analysis argentina citizen in Peru.
The confirmation of the case led the Peruvian Government to order the suspension of flights to and from Mexico, where women came.
In Chile, where they found 24 suspected cases, the country's president, Michelle Bachelet called for calm and called for "caution" when making estimates of possible contagion.
The statement came after Bachelet manifestations of Senator Guido Girardi, who said that if no measures are taken, the virus could be recovered 100,000 dead in Chile.
* FREEDOM IN HEALTH: All information
Health announced three new cases of influenza
EU rejects suspending trips to Mexico
Calderon called on Mexicans who do not leave home for five days
The World Health Organization (WHO) decided to change the name of the hitherto known by the swine flu influenza AH1N1. "We have abandoned the name of the swine flu influenza AH1N1 because the virus is becoming increasingly more humane and had less to do with the animal," said spokesman Dick Thomson of the institution.
According to figures provided by the Mexican authorities, the number of people confirmed infected with the disease in Mexico is 99, eight of which (one with respect to data provided by WHO) died as a result of the virus. The WHO-confirmed cases were detected in those laboratories A/H1N1 virus and reported by governments, so that discrepancies often occur between the figures provided by some agencies and others.
The EU rejected the French proposal on Thursday to suspend flights to Mexico to curb the spread of the new flu, "as announced by the French Minister of Health, Rosalyn Bachelot. A majority of EU countries rejected this initiative during the Council of Health Ministers of the EU is considering measures against the common flu outbreak, said Bachelot.
Czech Minister of Health, Daniela Filipiova, argued that a ban on flights from Mexico would have "an effect" as the passengers come through other countries and it is not possible to know who embarked on Mexican territory, so they do not follow a doctor.
The Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) of USA Today reported that the number of confirmed cases in the country has risen to 109, spread over 11 states. In addition, the following countries have reported their figures to their laboratory-confirmed cases, none fatal moment: Canada (19 cases), Spain (13), United Kingdom (8), New Zealand (3), Germany (3), israel (2), Austria (1), Switzerland (1) and Netherlands (1).
WHO has raised the alert level to 5 (of 6), does not believe in counting the cases confirmed by laboratories that have not been notified officially, and therefore the figures of the organization is behind Figures released by the government.
The Center for Prevention and Disease Control in the EU (ECDC) cree that the number of Europeans who could suffer the disease "is probably between 40% and 50%, while the majority suffer for the moderate," said one of its experts, Angus Nicoll. "Only a few people suffer from the severe form, presumably the older people and those suffering from chronic diseases," Nicoll said in a news conference broadcast from the headquarters in Stockholm.
The number of confirmed cases rises to 13 in Spain, and under observation for possible infection has risen to a hundred, said Spanish Minister of Health, Trinidad Jimenez.
The number of suspected cases and deaths from respiratory diseases in Mexico City has declined, but on Sunday we will have confirmed or not a real stabilization of the outbreak, said today the mayor of the capital, Marcelo Ebrard.
The Mexican government hopes that the epidemic lasts less than three months, after which the economy can recover quickly, said today the finance secretary of Mexico, Agustin Carstens.
Carstens said that the epidemic will cause a reduction in economic activity of between 0.3 and 0.5 percent of Gross Domestic Product (GDP).
A Japanese citizen who arrived today at the Tokyo airport on a flight from Los Angeles (USA) could be the first such case of influenza in Japan, according to the local agency Kyodo reported.
The Dutch government today confirmed the first case in the country, identified in a child of three years who returned this week from a trip to Mexico.
South America reported today the first confirmed case of infection by the disease to give a positive analysis argentina citizen in Peru.
The confirmation of the case led the Peruvian Government to order the suspension of flights to and from Mexico, where women came.
In Chile, where they found 24 suspected cases, the country's president, Michelle Bachelet called for calm and called for "caution" when making estimates of possible contagion.
The statement came after Bachelet manifestations of Senator Guido Girardi, who said that if no measures are taken, the virus could be recovered 100,000 dead in Chile.
Health confirmed 13 positive for swine flu and other 84 cases suspicious in Spain
Health confirmed 13 positive for swine flu and other 84 cases suspicious in Spain
View swine flu in a very bad statement. In red, the confirmed cases, in the yellow suspicious.
* All the information in our special on the swine flu
* The WHO has the high level of alert to the stage five
* Query the most frequent questions and answers about the flu
* Consejos practical about the virus
View video "The Ministry of Health has confirmed three new cases of new flu, two in Madrid and one in Murcia '
Son 13 en total y otros 84 is continue investigating. All, has highlighted the Minister, have mild symptoms.
El Gobierno dice that the situation is under control
RTVE.es MADRID 30.04.2009 - 12:41 hla Minister of Health, Trinidad Jiménez, has the high number of sick swine influenza in our country up to 13 cases, después de que el hubiera Ministry informed in a release that if the mediodía keep the number of 10 offered Ayer, al in having found no positive evil.
Jiménez ha cipher 84 in the number of people likely to be infected and has in assuring that tends to have knowledge of any other cases of ill-indirect contagion by the people who have been in Mexico and have been polluted by other people already in Spain.
Hasta ahora, 10 cases were confirmed to be situaban in Catalonia, with six cases, Castilla La Mancha, with two, Comunidad Valenciana, con uno, y País Vasco, con otro. Now if añaden of positives in Madrid and one in Murcia.
Except one registered in Catalonia, all patients had achieved confirmed a recent trip to Mexico. En este sentido, el Ministerio de Sanidad de los recuerdo that six patients with confirmed avian swine in Catalonia, four have been high since data and explain the Minister of Health and Social Policy, Trinidad Jiménez, en su comparecencia a petición propia en la Comisión de Sanidad y Consumo del Congreso de los Diputados.
La situación de las personas involved in the review and severity are good response to treatment, indicates the Department of Health, which specifies who has maintained his daily meeting with the Autonomous Communities en la Comisión de Salud Pública del Sistema Nacional de Salud (SNS).
View swine flu in a very bad statement. In red, the confirmed cases, in the yellow suspicious.
* All the information in our special on the swine flu
* The WHO has the high level of alert to the stage five
* Query the most frequent questions and answers about the flu
* Consejos practical about the virus
View video "The Ministry of Health has confirmed three new cases of new flu, two in Madrid and one in Murcia '
Son 13 en total y otros 84 is continue investigating. All, has highlighted the Minister, have mild symptoms.
El Gobierno dice that the situation is under control
RTVE.es MADRID 30.04.2009 - 12:41 hla Minister of Health, Trinidad Jiménez, has the high number of sick swine influenza in our country up to 13 cases, después de que el hubiera Ministry informed in a release that if the mediodía keep the number of 10 offered Ayer, al in having found no positive evil.
Jiménez ha cipher 84 in the number of people likely to be infected and has in assuring that tends to have knowledge of any other cases of ill-indirect contagion by the people who have been in Mexico and have been polluted by other people already in Spain.
Hasta ahora, 10 cases were confirmed to be situaban in Catalonia, with six cases, Castilla La Mancha, with two, Comunidad Valenciana, con uno, y País Vasco, con otro. Now if añaden of positives in Madrid and one in Murcia.
Except one registered in Catalonia, all patients had achieved confirmed a recent trip to Mexico. En este sentido, el Ministerio de Sanidad de los recuerdo that six patients with confirmed avian swine in Catalonia, four have been high since data and explain the Minister of Health and Social Policy, Trinidad Jiménez, en su comparecencia a petición propia en la Comisión de Sanidad y Consumo del Congreso de los Diputados.
La situación de las personas involved in the review and severity are good response to treatment, indicates the Department of Health, which specifies who has maintained his daily meeting with the Autonomous Communities en la Comisión de Salud Pública del Sistema Nacional de Salud (SNS).
Los países del África meridional se preparan para la gripe porcina
Los países del África meridional han puesto en un plan de respuesta para hacer frente a posibles casos de gripe porcina, el ministro de Salud, Barbara Hogan dijo el jueves.
"Acabo de regresar de una reunión de la SADC [Comunidad para el Desarrollo del África Meridional] los ministros de salud", dijo Hogan radio SABC.
Dijo que uno de los puntos del orden del día fue el suministro de medicamentos anti-virales en la región.
"Ese fue un tema en el que hemos creado un equipo de trabajo técnico y que son, a través de la Organización Mundial de la Salud [OMS], el acceso a suministros adicionales para toda la región", dijo Hogan.
Sudáfrica había suficiente medicamento para hacer frente a un brote, añadió.
Sudáfrica dijo Hogan había "afortunadamente, o desafortunadamente" buena experiencia en el tratamiento de los brotes, refiriéndose al reciente brote de cólera.
Como resultado de ello, nacional y provincial ya los equipos de respuesta en el lugar.
"Hemos activado a todos los equipos de respuesta durante el fin de semana ... hemos estado a través de este antes", dijo Hogan.
Dos casos sospechosos en SA
Dijo que dos presuntos casos - pero no confirmado - se había informado en Sudáfrica y que no hay necesidad de pánico.
"No tenemos aún un caso en Sudáfrica, donde las personas están siendo infectadas por los cerdos.
"Estoy diciendo a la gente, ser sensatos, pero si está preocupado, póngase en contacto con un oficial de salud.
"No viaje si usted no tiene que", añadió.
Si un enfermo de Sudáfrica cayó en otro país, él o ella deberá informar inmediatamente a las autoridades de salud allí, dijo Hogan.
OMS elevó su alerta de gripe el miércoles, apunta a una pandemia de gripe porcina como "inminente" al menos nueve países han confirmado casos y otros 20 países informaron de casos sospechosos.
"Obviamente, tenemos que estar en máxima alerta y seguimiento de la situación en Sudáfrica. Estamos en máxima alerta y estamos respetando todo lo que la OMS está diciendo", dijo Hogan.
"Acabo de regresar de una reunión de la SADC [Comunidad para el Desarrollo del África Meridional] los ministros de salud", dijo Hogan radio SABC.
Dijo que uno de los puntos del orden del día fue el suministro de medicamentos anti-virales en la región.
"Ese fue un tema en el que hemos creado un equipo de trabajo técnico y que son, a través de la Organización Mundial de la Salud [OMS], el acceso a suministros adicionales para toda la región", dijo Hogan.
Sudáfrica había suficiente medicamento para hacer frente a un brote, añadió.
Sudáfrica dijo Hogan había "afortunadamente, o desafortunadamente" buena experiencia en el tratamiento de los brotes, refiriéndose al reciente brote de cólera.
Como resultado de ello, nacional y provincial ya los equipos de respuesta en el lugar.
"Hemos activado a todos los equipos de respuesta durante el fin de semana ... hemos estado a través de este antes", dijo Hogan.
Dos casos sospechosos en SA
Dijo que dos presuntos casos - pero no confirmado - se había informado en Sudáfrica y que no hay necesidad de pánico.
"No tenemos aún un caso en Sudáfrica, donde las personas están siendo infectadas por los cerdos.
"Estoy diciendo a la gente, ser sensatos, pero si está preocupado, póngase en contacto con un oficial de salud.
"No viaje si usted no tiene que", añadió.
Si un enfermo de Sudáfrica cayó en otro país, él o ella deberá informar inmediatamente a las autoridades de salud allí, dijo Hogan.
OMS elevó su alerta de gripe el miércoles, apunta a una pandemia de gripe porcina como "inminente" al menos nueve países han confirmado casos y otros 20 países informaron de casos sospechosos.
"Obviamente, tenemos que estar en máxima alerta y seguimiento de la situación en Sudáfrica. Estamos en máxima alerta y estamos respetando todo lo que la OMS está diciendo", dijo Hogan.
In relation to the designation of this disease the European Union has proposed is called "New Flu" or "Novel Flu"
In relation to the designation of this disease the European Union has proposed is called "New Flu" or "Novel Flu" because the swine flu is not correct since it does not make any infection has been demonstrated from the pork. The new virus appears A/H1N1 virus is a new product of the three virus reconbinación from pork, poultry and man.
Lames named as this issue has no importance. Today we have seen the first fatality outside Mexico. The death has occurred in the U.S. state of Texas. This is a child of 23 months of age.
A few minutes ago the Ministry of Health has declared two new confirmed cases. Rise to four (Castilla La Mancha (2), Valencia (1) and Basque Country (1).
Just this morning we knew that the couple have not entered into the new Teruel flu not confirmed in the laboratory.
The figures vary continuously due to the high sensitivity in the entire planet. It is very important territorial coordination of all regions and countries. The role should be assumed by the Ministries of Health of each state and they be coordinated and led by the World Health Organization (OMS).
Lames named as this issue has no importance. Today we have seen the first fatality outside Mexico. The death has occurred in the U.S. state of Texas. This is a child of 23 months of age.
A few minutes ago the Ministry of Health has declared two new confirmed cases. Rise to four (Castilla La Mancha (2), Valencia (1) and Basque Country (1).
Just this morning we knew that the couple have not entered into the new Teruel flu not confirmed in the laboratory.
The figures vary continuously due to the high sensitivity in the entire planet. It is very important territorial coordination of all regions and countries. The role should be assumed by the Ministries of Health of each state and they be coordinated and led by the World Health Organization (OMS).
Jordania y las explotaciones porcinas La epidemia de gripe
Jordania y las explotaciones porcinas
La epidemia de gripe
Hablar con algunas personas que he descubierto recientemente que la mayoría, incluido yo mismo, sabe bastante poco acerca de la epidemia de gripe porcina occidental los medios de comunicación dice que va a matar a todos nosotros. Hago hincapié en los medios de comunicación occidentales, simplemente porque aquí no estoy viendo el mismo tipo de atención o reacción por parte de medios de comunicación árabes, y las razones de que pueden ser numerosos, pero mi favorita es lo que me gusta pensar en los medios de comunicación occidentales como el amor de sensacionalista , similares a las historias apocalípticas. Por ejemplo, en la CNN, un hombre gasta una media hora diciendo a los televidentes qué comprar para su paquete de juicio (para los interesados, una botella de desinfectante de manos y una máscara facial podría salvar tu alma, cuerpo - o quizás no).
En cualquier caso, regresar al punto.
Poco parece que se sabe acerca de la cuestión. Hace algunos años usted probablemente tendrá que permanecer pegados a la TV para finalmente obtener información sobre algunos decente, pero, bueno, suficiente para decir, gracias al buen Dios para Internet. Así que aquí es lo que he aprendido hasta ahora:
- Gripe porcina normalmente sólo afecta a los cerdos o las personas que han tenido contacto directo con ellos, pero esta nueva cepa se propaga de persona a persona sin haber tenido ningún contacto con cerdos.
- Los síntomas son similares a los típicos síntomas de la gripe.
- La Organización Mundial de la Salud aún no ha sido declarar la gripe porcina una "pandemia", pero parece que se mueve más cerca de esa condición. La OMS también dice que el virus ya no puede ser contenida.
- No se puede tratar con medicamentos antivirales en caso de entrega en 48 horas.
- Todavía puede comer carne de cerdo.
- Las compañías petroleras y las compañías aéreas están sufriendo.
- Las empresas farmacéuticas son amantes de ella.
- Así son los spammers.
- Surgen las teorías conspiratorias.
Entonces, ¿qué hay de Jordania?
La respuesta del gobierno a que el virus ha sido el típico "todo bien". Y oye, tal vez todo está bien. ¿Quiénes somos nosotros para cuestionar el gobierno injustificadamente? Además, todo el pánico es más ya realizada por los medios de comunicación.
Pero lo que me parece interesante sobre algunas de las personas que he hablado hace poco es que muchos se sorprenden al escuchar que Jordania tiene incluso cerdos para empezar. De hecho, Jordania es el hogar de unas pocas explotaciones porcinas, que han estado alrededor durante mucho tiempo, específicamente en Karak y Madaba. Al parecer, los propietarios son cristianos (me pregunto si hay una ley contra musulmanes y de la cría de cerdos), y un cerdo granjero puede hacer por lo menos $ 5000 al mes, que el dinero no es malo en absoluto. [fuente]
Jordania también ha jabalíes en algún lugar cerca de la frontera entre Israel y Jordania. Mientras tanto, uno de 26 años israelí se acaban de diagnosticar la gripe porcina en la ciudad israelí, Netanya. Pero no se preocupe, que tienen un sentido del humor al respecto.
Así que ahí tienes. Sí, tenemos cerdos de explotaciones porcinas y en Jordania. Ahora no estoy diciendo que uno más uno igual a uno o nada, es simplemente un hecho que creo que los jordanos deben saber antes de asumir el "Oh somos un país musulmán por lo que no tiene ningún cerdos" línea de pensar.
La epidemia de gripe
Hablar con algunas personas que he descubierto recientemente que la mayoría, incluido yo mismo, sabe bastante poco acerca de la epidemia de gripe porcina occidental los medios de comunicación dice que va a matar a todos nosotros. Hago hincapié en los medios de comunicación occidentales, simplemente porque aquí no estoy viendo el mismo tipo de atención o reacción por parte de medios de comunicación árabes, y las razones de que pueden ser numerosos, pero mi favorita es lo que me gusta pensar en los medios de comunicación occidentales como el amor de sensacionalista , similares a las historias apocalípticas. Por ejemplo, en la CNN, un hombre gasta una media hora diciendo a los televidentes qué comprar para su paquete de juicio (para los interesados, una botella de desinfectante de manos y una máscara facial podría salvar tu alma, cuerpo - o quizás no).
En cualquier caso, regresar al punto.
Poco parece que se sabe acerca de la cuestión. Hace algunos años usted probablemente tendrá que permanecer pegados a la TV para finalmente obtener información sobre algunos decente, pero, bueno, suficiente para decir, gracias al buen Dios para Internet. Así que aquí es lo que he aprendido hasta ahora:
- Gripe porcina normalmente sólo afecta a los cerdos o las personas que han tenido contacto directo con ellos, pero esta nueva cepa se propaga de persona a persona sin haber tenido ningún contacto con cerdos.
- Los síntomas son similares a los típicos síntomas de la gripe.
- La Organización Mundial de la Salud aún no ha sido declarar la gripe porcina una "pandemia", pero parece que se mueve más cerca de esa condición. La OMS también dice que el virus ya no puede ser contenida.
- No se puede tratar con medicamentos antivirales en caso de entrega en 48 horas.
- Todavía puede comer carne de cerdo.
- Las compañías petroleras y las compañías aéreas están sufriendo.
- Las empresas farmacéuticas son amantes de ella.
- Así son los spammers.
- Surgen las teorías conspiratorias.
Entonces, ¿qué hay de Jordania?
La respuesta del gobierno a que el virus ha sido el típico "todo bien". Y oye, tal vez todo está bien. ¿Quiénes somos nosotros para cuestionar el gobierno injustificadamente? Además, todo el pánico es más ya realizada por los medios de comunicación.
Pero lo que me parece interesante sobre algunas de las personas que he hablado hace poco es que muchos se sorprenden al escuchar que Jordania tiene incluso cerdos para empezar. De hecho, Jordania es el hogar de unas pocas explotaciones porcinas, que han estado alrededor durante mucho tiempo, específicamente en Karak y Madaba. Al parecer, los propietarios son cristianos (me pregunto si hay una ley contra musulmanes y de la cría de cerdos), y un cerdo granjero puede hacer por lo menos $ 5000 al mes, que el dinero no es malo en absoluto. [fuente]
Jordania también ha jabalíes en algún lugar cerca de la frontera entre Israel y Jordania. Mientras tanto, uno de 26 años israelí se acaban de diagnosticar la gripe porcina en la ciudad israelí, Netanya. Pero no se preocupe, que tienen un sentido del humor al respecto.
Así que ahí tienes. Sí, tenemos cerdos de explotaciones porcinas y en Jordania. Ahora no estoy diciendo que uno más uno igual a uno o nada, es simplemente un hecho que creo que los jordanos deben saber antes de asumir el "Oh somos un país musulmán por lo que no tiene ningún cerdos" línea de pensar.
Las autoridades sanitarias del Perú confirmó el miércoles el primer caso de gripe porcina
Las autoridades sanitarias del Perú confirmó el miércoles el primer caso de gripe porcina. La víctima era una mujer argentina que se encontraba en Mexico sólo por unas horas en una escala en el transporte de los Estados Unidos a Argentina, Perú del ministro de Salud, Oscar Ugarte dijo.
Los 27 años de edad fue hospitalizado con fiebre alta, tos y hemorragia nasal en una sala de cuarentena en la provincia de Callao, cerca de la capital Lima, dijo.
La mujer estaba en ruta Lunes de California a través de Mexico a Argentina y Panamá, cuando se sintió mal durante el vuelo y el capitán pidió un aterrizaje imprevisto en el Perú, donde la mujer fue hospitalizada.
Las autoridades de Perú se están concentrando en el examen de los viajeros en sus intentos para detener un brote de la enfermedad. En el aeropuerto internacional de Lima 5146 los pasajeros de 39 vuelos procedentes de América del Norte se han examinado, las autoridades dijo.
Argentina detenido mientras tanto todos los vuelos de pasajeros hacia y desde Mexico. La medida fue a permanecer en el lugar hasta el lunes, el jefe de Gabinete, Sergio Massa, dijo, añadiendo que las autoridades sanitarias estaban examinando tres casos sospechosos de gripe porcina. Temperatura escáneres se han instalado en el aeropuerto internacional de Buenos Aires.
Los 27 años de edad fue hospitalizado con fiebre alta, tos y hemorragia nasal en una sala de cuarentena en la provincia de Callao, cerca de la capital Lima, dijo.
La mujer estaba en ruta Lunes de California a través de Mexico a Argentina y Panamá, cuando se sintió mal durante el vuelo y el capitán pidió un aterrizaje imprevisto en el Perú, donde la mujer fue hospitalizada.
Las autoridades de Perú se están concentrando en el examen de los viajeros en sus intentos para detener un brote de la enfermedad. En el aeropuerto internacional de Lima 5146 los pasajeros de 39 vuelos procedentes de América del Norte se han examinado, las autoridades dijo.
Argentina detenido mientras tanto todos los vuelos de pasajeros hacia y desde Mexico. La medida fue a permanecer en el lugar hasta el lunes, el jefe de Gabinete, Sergio Massa, dijo, añadiendo que las autoridades sanitarias estaban examinando tres casos sospechosos de gripe porcina. Temperatura escáneres se han instalado en el aeropuerto internacional de Buenos Aires.
Google has expanded its experiment "Flu trends (trends in influenza) to mexico
Google has expanded its experiment "Flu trends (trends in influenza) to mexico. This is the page where they expect to predict future epidemics of flu
The Spanish Government says that "people can be calm" before the new swine flu, or influenza
The Government says that "people can be calm" before the new swine flu, or influenza
* Affirms that Spain "is ready to respond to any eventuality"
* This Friday there will be a new council interterritorial special
* In this respect, ensures coordination with autonomy is "total"
* In Spain there are already 13 confirmed cases and 84 still under study
* The WHO has raised the alert level to phase five
* See the questions about swine flu and tips
Visit our interactive map with the locations of the world affected
MADRID 30.04.2009 - the first vice president of the Government, María Teresa Fernández de la Vega, said that "we are ready to meet any eventuality that may arise from new swine flu or influenza, as recommended by the European Commission is known.
Therefore, said that "people can be calm" as there are enough resources and medications to respond to any situation that might occur. Ensures that it is taking all necessary measures "with seriousness and rigor" and is reported in "real time".
"One thing is that there has been another concern and alarm. Serious caution all. Alarm, no," De la Vega has stressed several times during the press conference after the Council of Ministers.
De la Vega has announced that this Friday, May 1, will be held in Madrid a second Inter-Council of the National Health System special, which shows, in his opinion, that coordination with the autonomous communities is "total" and is guaranteed . He also stressed that the Government is in constant contact with the World Health Organization (WHO) and the European Union.
More control at airports
The first vice-president explained that the elevation of risk to the level 5 on a scale of 6 for 'imminent pandemic, "has led the Government to" take steps to strengthen and control at airports, "reports Reuters.
Health has risen to 13 confirmed cases of swine flu in Spain, where there are 84 other cases are still being analyzed.
De la Vega has realized that the study has made Health on the evolution of swine flu and the measures that have been put in place to prevent it. De la Vega said that you are doing continuous monitoring. "
The vice president reiterated that the consumption of pork is "absolutely safe" because the virus is not transmitted this way.
* Affirms that Spain "is ready to respond to any eventuality"
* This Friday there will be a new council interterritorial special
* In this respect, ensures coordination with autonomy is "total"
* In Spain there are already 13 confirmed cases and 84 still under study
* The WHO has raised the alert level to phase five
* See the questions about swine flu and tips
Visit our interactive map with the locations of the world affected
MADRID 30.04.2009 - the first vice president of the Government, María Teresa Fernández de la Vega, said that "we are ready to meet any eventuality that may arise from new swine flu or influenza, as recommended by the European Commission is known.
Therefore, said that "people can be calm" as there are enough resources and medications to respond to any situation that might occur. Ensures that it is taking all necessary measures "with seriousness and rigor" and is reported in "real time".
"One thing is that there has been another concern and alarm. Serious caution all. Alarm, no," De la Vega has stressed several times during the press conference after the Council of Ministers.
De la Vega has announced that this Friday, May 1, will be held in Madrid a second Inter-Council of the National Health System special, which shows, in his opinion, that coordination with the autonomous communities is "total" and is guaranteed . He also stressed that the Government is in constant contact with the World Health Organization (WHO) and the European Union.
More control at airports
The first vice-president explained that the elevation of risk to the level 5 on a scale of 6 for 'imminent pandemic, "has led the Government to" take steps to strengthen and control at airports, "reports Reuters.
Health has risen to 13 confirmed cases of swine flu in Spain, where there are 84 other cases are still being analyzed.
De la Vega has realized that the study has made Health on the evolution of swine flu and the measures that have been put in place to prevent it. De la Vega said that you are doing continuous monitoring. "
The vice president reiterated that the consumption of pork is "absolutely safe" because the virus is not transmitted this way.
Questions et réponses sur la grippe porcine
L'Organisation mondiale de la Santé a élaboré un décalogue de la grippe porcine, qui a déjà pris la vie d'au moins 81 personnes au Mexique et en a infecté plus d'un millier dans le pays et les États-Unis
Quelle est la grippe porcine?
Il s'agit d'une maladie respiratoire très contagieuse qui affecte les porcs, causée par un virus de la grippe porcine. Son taux élevés de morbidité et de mortalité est très faible, seulement entre 1% et 4%. Un virus qui se propage à partir de porcs à l'inhalation de la brume d'un animal infecté par le biais de contacts directs et indirects.
La maladie est presque toujours causée par des virus du sous-type H1N1, mais ne sont pas limitées à celles qui affectent les animaux, par exemple, H1N2, H3N1, H3N2. Les porcs peuvent également infectés par le virus de la grippe aviaire et la grippe humaine commune de la même façon qu'avec le virus de la grippe porcine.
On croit que le virus H3N2 de la grippe porcine ont été infectés par l'homme pour les porcs. Parfois, les animaux eux-mêmes mai-être infecté par un virus, ce qui permet au virus de mélanger et de donner lieu à des mutations. De la même façon, ces virus peuvent se propager entre les différentes espèces animales, tels que des porcs à l'homme.
Comment faut-il affecter la santé humaine?
Comment sont des virus qui peuvent infecter l'homme, à l'occasion des foyers épidémiologiques sont détectés. Habituellement, les symptômes cliniques sont semblables à ceux de la grippe humaine, ce qui affecte l'hiver, même si elle a détecté un large spectre de symptômes cliniques, allant d'une infection avec un minimum de symptômes de pneumonie sévère qui peut provoquer mort.
Ces similitudes entre les symptômes de la grippe porcine et de la grippe, fièvre, toux, maux de tête, en fait la majorité des cas est détecté dans le système de surveillance de la grippe commune, tant de fois ne pas connaître l'étendue réelle de l'épidémie.
Lorsque des cas ont été signalés?
Qui s'est propagé dans le Règlement sanitaire international de l'Organisation mondiale de la santé, à l'exception de quelques cas du Mexique, Etats-Unis, France, Nouvelle-Zélande et Israël ont été rapportés des cas en Espagne, où la grippe est une maladie notifiables.
Comment est l'infection?
Les humains sont infectés par la grippe porcine par le contact avec des porcs infectés, même si l'infection chez les humains ont eu lieu dans certains cas, bien que très limité à de très près les contacts et les groupes de personnes.
Est-il sécuritaire de manger du porc et ses produits dérivés?
Oui, parce que la grippe porcine ne peut être transmis par la viande de porc après qu'elle soit cuite. Le virus meurt après des températures autour de 70 degrés, de sorte qu'il est très important de bien cuire la viande de porc.
Quels pays ont connu des épidémies de grippe du porc chez les porcs?
La grippe du porc chez les porcs n'est pas une maladie à déclaration obligatoire parce que le virus disparaît après la cuisson de la viande, mais son impact est bien connue. La maladie est endémique dans les États-Unis, et de fréquentes épidémies ont été détectés en Amérique du Nord et Sud de l'Europe (au Royaume-Uni, Suède et Italie), Afrique (Kenya) et ailleurs en Asie comme la Chine et Japon.
Existe-t-il un risque de devenir une pandémie?
Il est probable que la plupart des gens, surtout ceux qui n'ont pas de contact avec des porcs, n'est pas à l'abri des virus de la grippe porcine, ce qui pourrait prévenir l'infection. Si un virus de la grippe porcine et la mutation est transmis d'homme à homme, il est facile de produire une pandémie.
L'impact d'une pandémie causée par un virus de ce type est difficile à prévoir, car elle influe sur la virulence du virus, l'immunité de la population, ils peuvent offrir une protection croisée des anticorps de la grippe commune, et ainsi de suite.
Le virus de la grippe porcine, comme cela s'est produit dans cette dernière épidémie, peut conduire à un virus hybride, en mélange avec un virus, par exemple, la grippe humaine, ce qui facilite leur propagation à l'origine d'une pandémie.
L'homme de vaccin pour prévenir la grippe porcine?
Non, parce que le virus de la grippe porcine changer très rapidement et que le vaccin confère une immunité que si elle correspond à la circulation du virus. En outre, le vaccin contre la grippe, qui est produit selon les recommandations de l'OMS, n'est pas efficace contre le virus de la grippe porcine.
En fait, à cette époque, les autorités ne sont pas conscients qu'ils peuvent immuniser la population du Mexique et les États-Unis avec ce vaccin pour lutter contre la grippe porcine, même si elles sont d'enquête dans le laboratoire et la lenteur de sa propagation rapide.
Y at-il des médicaments qui peuvent lutter contre la grippe porcine?
Les médicaments antiviraux contre la grippe sont fréquentes dans certains pays, de prévenir et de traiter la maladie efficacement. Sont de deux types: Le adamantin et la rimantadine, d'une part, et les inhibiteurs de la neuraminidase des virus tels que l'oseltamivir et le zanamivir.
Cependant, la plupart des cas antérieurs de la grippe porcine ont récupéré de la maladie, sans soins médicaux ou la prise de médicaments.
Certains virus de la grippe de développer une résistance aux antiviraux, la prophylaxie et le traitement sont limitées. Les échantillons de virus des cas humains ont bien répondu à l'oseltamivir et le zanamivir, mais résistant à l'adamantine et la rimantadine.
L'information est insuffisante pour faire des recommandations sur l'utilisation des antiviraux dans la prévention et le traitement de l'infection par la grippe porcine.
Les médecins sont obligés de prendre des décisions fondées sur des évaluations cliniques et épidémiologiques des avantages et des inconvénients pour chaque patient un traitement.
Par exemple, dans l'épidémie actuelle, le Mexique et les États-Unis les autorités sanitaires recommandent l'utilisation de l'oseltamivir et le zanamivir, basés sur le profil du virus.
Quelle est la grippe porcine?
Il s'agit d'une maladie respiratoire très contagieuse qui affecte les porcs, causée par un virus de la grippe porcine. Son taux élevés de morbidité et de mortalité est très faible, seulement entre 1% et 4%. Un virus qui se propage à partir de porcs à l'inhalation de la brume d'un animal infecté par le biais de contacts directs et indirects.
La maladie est presque toujours causée par des virus du sous-type H1N1, mais ne sont pas limitées à celles qui affectent les animaux, par exemple, H1N2, H3N1, H3N2. Les porcs peuvent également infectés par le virus de la grippe aviaire et la grippe humaine commune de la même façon qu'avec le virus de la grippe porcine.
On croit que le virus H3N2 de la grippe porcine ont été infectés par l'homme pour les porcs. Parfois, les animaux eux-mêmes mai-être infecté par un virus, ce qui permet au virus de mélanger et de donner lieu à des mutations. De la même façon, ces virus peuvent se propager entre les différentes espèces animales, tels que des porcs à l'homme.
Comment faut-il affecter la santé humaine?
Comment sont des virus qui peuvent infecter l'homme, à l'occasion des foyers épidémiologiques sont détectés. Habituellement, les symptômes cliniques sont semblables à ceux de la grippe humaine, ce qui affecte l'hiver, même si elle a détecté un large spectre de symptômes cliniques, allant d'une infection avec un minimum de symptômes de pneumonie sévère qui peut provoquer mort.
Ces similitudes entre les symptômes de la grippe porcine et de la grippe, fièvre, toux, maux de tête, en fait la majorité des cas est détecté dans le système de surveillance de la grippe commune, tant de fois ne pas connaître l'étendue réelle de l'épidémie.
Lorsque des cas ont été signalés?
Qui s'est propagé dans le Règlement sanitaire international de l'Organisation mondiale de la santé, à l'exception de quelques cas du Mexique, Etats-Unis, France, Nouvelle-Zélande et Israël ont été rapportés des cas en Espagne, où la grippe est une maladie notifiables.
Comment est l'infection?
Les humains sont infectés par la grippe porcine par le contact avec des porcs infectés, même si l'infection chez les humains ont eu lieu dans certains cas, bien que très limité à de très près les contacts et les groupes de personnes.
Est-il sécuritaire de manger du porc et ses produits dérivés?
Oui, parce que la grippe porcine ne peut être transmis par la viande de porc après qu'elle soit cuite. Le virus meurt après des températures autour de 70 degrés, de sorte qu'il est très important de bien cuire la viande de porc.
Quels pays ont connu des épidémies de grippe du porc chez les porcs?
La grippe du porc chez les porcs n'est pas une maladie à déclaration obligatoire parce que le virus disparaît après la cuisson de la viande, mais son impact est bien connue. La maladie est endémique dans les États-Unis, et de fréquentes épidémies ont été détectés en Amérique du Nord et Sud de l'Europe (au Royaume-Uni, Suède et Italie), Afrique (Kenya) et ailleurs en Asie comme la Chine et Japon.
Existe-t-il un risque de devenir une pandémie?
Il est probable que la plupart des gens, surtout ceux qui n'ont pas de contact avec des porcs, n'est pas à l'abri des virus de la grippe porcine, ce qui pourrait prévenir l'infection. Si un virus de la grippe porcine et la mutation est transmis d'homme à homme, il est facile de produire une pandémie.
L'impact d'une pandémie causée par un virus de ce type est difficile à prévoir, car elle influe sur la virulence du virus, l'immunité de la population, ils peuvent offrir une protection croisée des anticorps de la grippe commune, et ainsi de suite.
Le virus de la grippe porcine, comme cela s'est produit dans cette dernière épidémie, peut conduire à un virus hybride, en mélange avec un virus, par exemple, la grippe humaine, ce qui facilite leur propagation à l'origine d'une pandémie.
L'homme de vaccin pour prévenir la grippe porcine?
Non, parce que le virus de la grippe porcine changer très rapidement et que le vaccin confère une immunité que si elle correspond à la circulation du virus. En outre, le vaccin contre la grippe, qui est produit selon les recommandations de l'OMS, n'est pas efficace contre le virus de la grippe porcine.
En fait, à cette époque, les autorités ne sont pas conscients qu'ils peuvent immuniser la population du Mexique et les États-Unis avec ce vaccin pour lutter contre la grippe porcine, même si elles sont d'enquête dans le laboratoire et la lenteur de sa propagation rapide.
Y at-il des médicaments qui peuvent lutter contre la grippe porcine?
Les médicaments antiviraux contre la grippe sont fréquentes dans certains pays, de prévenir et de traiter la maladie efficacement. Sont de deux types: Le adamantin et la rimantadine, d'une part, et les inhibiteurs de la neuraminidase des virus tels que l'oseltamivir et le zanamivir.
Cependant, la plupart des cas antérieurs de la grippe porcine ont récupéré de la maladie, sans soins médicaux ou la prise de médicaments.
Certains virus de la grippe de développer une résistance aux antiviraux, la prophylaxie et le traitement sont limitées. Les échantillons de virus des cas humains ont bien répondu à l'oseltamivir et le zanamivir, mais résistant à l'adamantine et la rimantadine.
L'information est insuffisante pour faire des recommandations sur l'utilisation des antiviraux dans la prévention et le traitement de l'infection par la grippe porcine.
Les médecins sont obligés de prendre des décisions fondées sur des évaluations cliniques et épidémiologiques des avantages et des inconvénients pour chaque patient un traitement.
Par exemple, dans l'épidémie actuelle, le Mexique et les États-Unis les autorités sanitaires recommandent l'utilisation de l'oseltamivir et le zanamivir, basés sur le profil du virus.
Questions et réponses sur la grippe porcine
Gripe porcina: Situación en Argentina
Las autoridades de salud informaron hoy la Argentina han confirmado que no hay ningún caso del virus, ya que las pruebas realizadas con las personas que la peste porcina mostró síntomas de gripe fueron negativos.
Using Google and Facebook Lexicon Flu continue to swine influenza
In the midst of a small change of servers, which broke all my sites, I see two interesting things about the famous swine flu seeking further information or how it evolves in two ways.
facebook swine flu map 468x297 Using Facebook Lexicon Flu and Google to follow the swine flu
On the one hand with Facebook Lexicon can see how many people talk about the subject (based on Keywords) and the data to a map of "swine flu hysteria" and that, for example, and in all logic, Texas and California are the states where more attention is given.
On the other hand Google rush to launch, and clarified that a fine-tuning, Experimental Flu Trends for Mexico that validates against data collected from official and reliable sources ... and it's interesting to see that multiply by the minute tools such as this that depending on the interpreters, may be a source of hysteria or actual data in real time.
facebook swine flu map 468x297 Using Facebook Lexicon Flu and Google to follow the swine flu
On the one hand with Facebook Lexicon can see how many people talk about the subject (based on Keywords) and the data to a map of "swine flu hysteria" and that, for example, and in all logic, Texas and California are the states where more attention is given.
On the other hand Google rush to launch, and clarified that a fine-tuning, Experimental Flu Trends for Mexico that validates against data collected from official and reliable sources ... and it's interesting to see that multiply by the minute tools such as this that depending on the interpreters, may be a source of hysteria or actual data in real time.
KEY swine influenza (swine flu)

Swine influenza (swine flu)
What is the swine flu? Swine influenza is a respiratory disease of pigs caused by type A influenza, which causes frequent outbreaks of influenza among animals. Although in general, the swine influenza viruses do not infect humans, there are sometimes cases of infections in humans. The human cases occur more frequently in people who are in direct contact with pigs.
How is the swine flu? The influenza virus can be transmitted directly from pigs to people and people to pigs. Infections in human influenza viruses from pigs are more likely to appear in people who are in close contact with infected pigs, including those working on pig farms and participating in trade fairs exhibition of farm animals . The transmission of swine influenza among humans is believed to be transmitted in the same way as seasonal influenza, mainly from person to person when a person with influenza coughs or sneezes. Sometimes, people can become infected by touching something with influenza virus and then put their hands in their mouth or nose.
What are the symptoms of swine flu? The symptoms of swine influenza in people are similar to those of the common seasonal influenza, and these include fever, lethargy, lack of appetite and cough. Some people with swine influenza have also reported runny nose, sore throat, nausea, vomiting and diarrhea.
How are diagnosed swine influenza infections in humans? To diagnose an infection of swine influenza type A, you must collect a sample of the respiratory system among the first 4 to 5 days of infection (when an infected person is most likely to be passing the virus). However, some people, especially children, can spread the virus for 10 days or more. For identification and confirmation of the virus of swine influenza type A is necessary to send the sample to the CDC for laboratory test.
Are there drugs to treat people infected with swine influenza? Yes, the CDC recommends the use of oseltamivir and zanamivir for the treatment or prevention of infection by the virus of swine influenza.
Swine influenza (swine flu)
Does the current vaccine protects against influenza type H1N1 swine influenza? The seasonal flu vaccine protects people against three strains of influenza viruses: a virus A (H3N2), virus A (H1N1) virus and one B. It is unlikely that the seasonal influenza vaccine provides protection against the H1N1 virus of swine influenza.
The swine influenza virus H1N1 is equal to the H1N1 influenza virus in humans? No. The H1N1 virus of swine influenza is very different from the H1N1 virus of H1N1 human and avian influenza. The antibodies of the H1N1 virus of avian influenza, swine and human provide little protection, if at all, against the H1N1 virus from each of the other species.
How often do people get infected with swine influenza type H1N1? Although in general, the swine influenza viruses do not infect humans, there have been sporadic cases of infections in humans. In the United States in the past, the CDC received reports of one case of infection with swine influenza virus in humans each or approximately two years, but since December 2005 have been reported 14 cases of infections of swine influenza in humans.
With prior cases have arisen in the contagion of swine influenza virus from person to person? Yes, There have been some documented cases of people who have infected the swine influenza virus to others. For example, in Wisconsin in 1988, an alleged outbreak of swine influenza infections in pigs, caused multiple infections in humans and although there was no outbreak in the community, we identified antibodies that found the virus is transmitted from one patient to staff medical care. (D Wells, JAMA 1991).
What is being done to detect other infections in people with the virus of the H1N1 swine influenza once it has detected a case? Epidemiological investigations are conducted to detect other cases of swine influenza infection in humans, including the tracing of contacts that patients had both. It also increases the implementation of surveillance for detecting infections of swine influenza virus in people.
For more information, visit http://www.cdc.gov/flu/swine/, or call CDC at 800-CDC-INFO (English and Spanish) or 888-232-6348 (TTY).
Of the new swine flu influenza
* The European Commission changed the name of the disease "new flu"
* It justifies its decision by arguing that the virus has not been detected in animals
* From the OIE suggest to call "American flu"
European authorities recommend calling the hitherto known as swine flu "new flu."
As stated by the Minister of Health, Trinidad Jimenez, before the Committee for Health and Consumer Affairs of the Congress of Deputies, where he recalled the situation of all affected people in our country are not serious.
"The patients are stable, all respond very well to treatment," he said.
The European Commission considers that the disease known as swine flu should not be called because the virus has not been detected in animals, which could be causing unnecessary harm to the pig.
As reported Wednesday that the European body, it would be more appropriate to call this illness "new flu" in English "novel flu" or "novel influenza virus," to avoid a disastrous and unjustified in the swine industry, especially during the current crisis we face.
Advocated by the OIE to call "American flu"
The World Organization for Animal Health said on Monday that the most "logical" would call this illness "flu American" and not swine flu because the virus is not detected in animals.
Furthermore, the OIE recommended an "urgent scientific research" to know the susceptibility of animals to this new virus that is transmitted between people and that there is no evidence that is transmitted by food intake.
* It justifies its decision by arguing that the virus has not been detected in animals
* From the OIE suggest to call "American flu"
European authorities recommend calling the hitherto known as swine flu "new flu."
As stated by the Minister of Health, Trinidad Jimenez, before the Committee for Health and Consumer Affairs of the Congress of Deputies, where he recalled the situation of all affected people in our country are not serious.
"The patients are stable, all respond very well to treatment," he said.
The European Commission considers that the disease known as swine flu should not be called because the virus has not been detected in animals, which could be causing unnecessary harm to the pig.
As reported Wednesday that the European body, it would be more appropriate to call this illness "new flu" in English "novel flu" or "novel influenza virus," to avoid a disastrous and unjustified in the swine industry, especially during the current crisis we face.
Advocated by the OIE to call "American flu"
The World Organization for Animal Health said on Monday that the most "logical" would call this illness "flu American" and not swine flu because the virus is not detected in animals.
Furthermore, the OIE recommended an "urgent scientific research" to know the susceptibility of animals to this new virus that is transmitted between people and that there is no evidence that is transmitted by food intake.
El Pentágono confirma Marina está enferma con la gripe porcina
Pentágono confirma Marina está enferma con la gripe porcina
WASHINGTON - El Pentágono dice Miércoles Marina con sede en el Sur de California se ha confirmado que se enferma con la gripe porcina y se encuentra bajo cuarentena, junto con alrededor de otros 30 infantes de marina.
Un portavoz de Marina en el Pentágono, comandante David Nevers, dijo que la Marina estaba enfermo haciendo bien y su condición sigue mejorando. Nevers dijo aproximadamente otros 30 infantes de marina que habían estado en contacto con los enfermos en la marina base de Twentynine Palms se celebrará en cuarentena por cinco días, así como para ver si presentan síntomas.
Funcionarios antes había dicho que había 37 marines entran en contacto con los enfermos marina se limita a ir al comedor de tropas y formaciones. No fue inmediatamente posible conciliar los números.
Los enfermos de la marina de habitación también se encontraba en cuarentena, pero no se presenten síntomas de la gripe porcina.
La Marina sufrido malos vómitos y otros síntomas de gripe, el general James Conway, comandante del Cuerpo de Marines, dijo en una sesión informativa del Pentágono antes de la Marina fue confirmada con la gripe.
Pero, añadió, "Él está haciendo bien. Él y sobre, dice que se siente muy bien. ... No parece haber ninguna amenaza él en términos de pérdida de la vida."
El Pentágono no identificar la Marina.
Su compañero de habitación y los demás infantes de marina estaban recibiendo Tamiflu, dijo Conway. Pero la Marina no se enferma porque "Tamiflu no le ayudan en este momento."
El primero se quejó de Marina estar enfermo el sábado.
No es clara la forma en que puede haber contraído el virus. Conway dijo que la Marina no ha sido la de Mexico, sino que ha viajado alrededor de la zona del Valle de San Bernardino de California del Sur.
Conway dijo que no de médicos o medicamentos han sido necesarios en la base hasta la fecha. El ejército tiene 7 millones de dosis de Tamiflu y otros medicamentos anti-virales tratamientos para las existencias de sus tropas.
"Nuestra preocupación es la evidente exposición a otras personas y la posible propagación", dijo Conway. "Y Estoy seguro de que tenemos una muy agresivo médico por ahí que va por el libro y un poco agresivo, incluso más allá de que, en términos de asegurarse de que los Marines no exponerse a otros infantes de marina."
Tantos como 15,000 Marines son normalmente estacionados en Twentynine Palms, el Cuerpo de Infantería de Marina más grande de la base. Sin embargo, muchos se encuentran actualmente desplegados en todo el mundo, y Conway no saber de inmediato cuántos fueron en base ahora.
La marina es el primer posible caso de la enfermedad que ha mostrado en las fuerzas armadas de Estados Unidos de alrededor de 1,4 millones de soldados, marinos, aviadores e infantes de Marina, portavoz del Pentágono Bryan Whitman dijo.
WASHINGTON - El Pentágono dice Miércoles Marina con sede en el Sur de California se ha confirmado que se enferma con la gripe porcina y se encuentra bajo cuarentena, junto con alrededor de otros 30 infantes de marina.
Un portavoz de Marina en el Pentágono, comandante David Nevers, dijo que la Marina estaba enfermo haciendo bien y su condición sigue mejorando. Nevers dijo aproximadamente otros 30 infantes de marina que habían estado en contacto con los enfermos en la marina base de Twentynine Palms se celebrará en cuarentena por cinco días, así como para ver si presentan síntomas.
Funcionarios antes había dicho que había 37 marines entran en contacto con los enfermos marina se limita a ir al comedor de tropas y formaciones. No fue inmediatamente posible conciliar los números.
Los enfermos de la marina de habitación también se encontraba en cuarentena, pero no se presenten síntomas de la gripe porcina.
La Marina sufrido malos vómitos y otros síntomas de gripe, el general James Conway, comandante del Cuerpo de Marines, dijo en una sesión informativa del Pentágono antes de la Marina fue confirmada con la gripe.
Pero, añadió, "Él está haciendo bien. Él y sobre, dice que se siente muy bien. ... No parece haber ninguna amenaza él en términos de pérdida de la vida."
El Pentágono no identificar la Marina.
Su compañero de habitación y los demás infantes de marina estaban recibiendo Tamiflu, dijo Conway. Pero la Marina no se enferma porque "Tamiflu no le ayudan en este momento."
El primero se quejó de Marina estar enfermo el sábado.
No es clara la forma en que puede haber contraído el virus. Conway dijo que la Marina no ha sido la de Mexico, sino que ha viajado alrededor de la zona del Valle de San Bernardino de California del Sur.
Conway dijo que no de médicos o medicamentos han sido necesarios en la base hasta la fecha. El ejército tiene 7 millones de dosis de Tamiflu y otros medicamentos anti-virales tratamientos para las existencias de sus tropas.
"Nuestra preocupación es la evidente exposición a otras personas y la posible propagación", dijo Conway. "Y Estoy seguro de que tenemos una muy agresivo médico por ahí que va por el libro y un poco agresivo, incluso más allá de que, en términos de asegurarse de que los Marines no exponerse a otros infantes de marina."
Tantos como 15,000 Marines son normalmente estacionados en Twentynine Palms, el Cuerpo de Infantería de Marina más grande de la base. Sin embargo, muchos se encuentran actualmente desplegados en todo el mundo, y Conway no saber de inmediato cuántos fueron en base ahora.
La marina es el primer posible caso de la enfermedad que ha mostrado en las fuerzas armadas de Estados Unidos de alrededor de 1,4 millones de soldados, marinos, aviadores e infantes de Marina, portavoz del Pentágono Bryan Whitman dijo.
Mexican authorities believe that the "patient zero"
Mexican authorities believe that the "patient zero" of the swine flu in his country, where 159 people have died, is a child of five years. His name is Edgar Hernandez and ensure that it is well but took "headache and fever," according to international media as reflected The Times.
The boy lives with his family in the town of La Gloria, 3,000 inhabitants and belongs to the state of Veracruz in the Mexican Caribbean, where it is believed that the swine flu outbreak began on April 2, according to local media.
Health authorities visited the area and took dozens of samples of patients, but Edgar was the only Veracruz giving positive evidence of the H1N1 virus. The remaining patients had common flu.
The Times found in its digital edition of this little words: "I feel good, but I had a headache, sore throat and fever. I had to stay in bed."
Edgar's mother, Mary, for 34 years, explains that "has great faith in God, but he was very concerned." According to British newspaper, the mother explained that her son began to feel sick after the town where two children die of pneumonia.
At that time there was no warning, but the researchers re-examined the sample was taken from Edgar began to expand when the cases of swine flu last weekend.
Edgar's mother and other residents of La Gloria, a town located two hours drive from Mexico City, believed that the child contracted the virus in a pig farm in the area.
Therefore, the authorities also took samples at the farm, owned by U.S. company, Smithfield Foods, but tests were negative.
The boy lives with his family in the town of La Gloria, 3,000 inhabitants and belongs to the state of Veracruz in the Mexican Caribbean, where it is believed that the swine flu outbreak began on April 2, according to local media.
Health authorities visited the area and took dozens of samples of patients, but Edgar was the only Veracruz giving positive evidence of the H1N1 virus. The remaining patients had common flu.
The Times found in its digital edition of this little words: "I feel good, but I had a headache, sore throat and fever. I had to stay in bed."
Edgar's mother, Mary, for 34 years, explains that "has great faith in God, but he was very concerned." According to British newspaper, the mother explained that her son began to feel sick after the town where two children die of pneumonia.
At that time there was no warning, but the researchers re-examined the sample was taken from Edgar began to expand when the cases of swine flu last weekend.
Edgar's mother and other residents of La Gloria, a town located two hours drive from Mexico City, believed that the child contracted the virus in a pig farm in the area.
Therefore, the authorities also took samples at the farm, owned by U.S. company, Smithfield Foods, but tests were negative.
África espera dos pruebas de la gripe porcina
Un hombre caminando por la ciudad de México lleva una máscara quirúrgica el 26 de abril de 2009 La enfermedad irrumpió en Mexico, ahora los funcionarios advierten de una pandemia mundial África en los dos primeros posibles casos de la gripe potencialmente mortales del virus de la peste porcina se están sometiendo a prueba en Sudáfrica. Las dos mujeres, una de Gauteng, el otro de Cabo Occidental, había "síntomas leves", dijo Lucille Blumberg, del Instituto Nacional de Enfermedades Transmisibles. Se presenta como la Unión Africana dispuestos a establecer una respuesta de todo el continente a cualquier brote importante del virus. La Organización Mundial de la Salud ha planteado la gripe porcina de alerta para advertir a nivel global, la pandemia puede ser inminente. Los dos sudafricanos visitó recientemente Mexico, epicentro de la enfermedad, dichos funcionarios. Muestra Bungle Tampoco se vio gravemente enfermo y ya ha recuperado una después de recibir los tratamientos antivirales. Estábamos en el aeropuerto de la Ciudad de México tres veces, así que pensaba que la tos fue sólo debido a la "jet lag" Susan Kok La prueba de la gripe porcina Q & A: Asesoramiento acerca de la gripe porcina Pero las autoridades de salud dijeron que era poco probable que pueda confirmar si una de las mujeres tenían el virus en su muestra no habían sido almacenados correctamente. Sra. Blumberg dijo gripe porcina pruebas necesarias para ser enviados al extranjero para su confirmación, como los laboratorios de Sudáfrica sólo podría hacer exámenes preliminares. Locales los resultados de las pruebas de laboratorio que se espera en días. Una de las mujeres fue nombrado por el diario Die Burger de 58 años, Susan Kok, de Mossel Bay, Cabo Occidental. El periódico informó de que no había malestar cuando regresó a Sudáfrica con su marido el pasado sábado, después de un mes de vacaciones en Mexico. "Pasamos un poco de tiempo en los trenes y autobuses. Y estábamos en el aeropuerto de la Ciudad de México tres veces, así que pensé que la tos fue sólo debido a la" jet lag ", le dijo a Die Burger. «Un plan continental" La Unión Africana ha estado trabajando en una respuesta de emergencia a la gripe porcina en una conferencia en Etiopía. Casos confirmados Personas llevan mascarillas quirúrgicas, para ayudar a prevenir ser infectado con la gripe porcina, ya que esperar a un autobús público el 29 de abril de 2009 en la Ciudad de México Mexico: 168 muertes sospechosas - ocho confirmado EE.UU.: una muerte, por lo menos 91 casos confirmados Nueva Zelanda: 13 casos confirmados Canadá: 19 casos confirmados Reino Unido: 5 casos confirmados España: 10 casos confirmados Alemania: 3 casos confirmados Israel, Costa Rica: 2 casos confirmados por cada Suiza, Austria, Perú: 1 caso confirmado cada Mapeo el brote Mexico: Primer caso de gripe porcina "Esperamos establecer un plan continental para la prevención, y si es necesario un mecanismo para luchar contra este brote que aún no ha afectado África", la Unión Africana de Paz y Seguridad de Jean Ping, el Comisario dijo en Addis Abeba. Egipto ha ordenado a la nación del cuarto de millón de cerdos que se sacrifiquen más de gripe porcina temores, en el primero de estos se mueven en el mundo, aunque los expertos dicen que el virus no se transmite por comer carne. Las autoridades de Ghana han prohibido las importaciones de carne de cerdo y carne de cerdo y productos de la nación centroafricana Gabón ha seguido su ejemplo. Vigilancia de la salud se ha intensificado en los puertos de Kenia y Etiopía en África oriental a Senegal y Mauritania en el oeste. Mozambique ha enviado equipos médicos a sus principales puertos marítimos, que son algunos de los más activos en el sur de África. Y las autoridades de Nigeria, el país más populoso de África, han dicho que están dispuestos a hacer frente a cualquier brote de gripe porcina. La OMS planteó la alerta al segundo nivel más alto de cinco el miércoles después de un niño mexicano murió durante una visita a los EE.UU. el estado de Texas - la primera muerte por la gripe porcina fuera de Mexico. Funcionarios, el número de muertes por la sospecha de error en Mexico en el 159, aunque sólo ocho muertes han sido confirmadas. Dado que el virus surgió la semana pasada, también se ha extendido a Canadá, Europa, Israel y Nueva Zelanda. |
Gripe porcina: Argentina suspende los vuelos desde Mexico
El gobierno argentino ha suspendido vuelos desde Mexico para cinco días, en un intento de mantener la gripe porcina fuera del país.
La prohibición se aplica a los vuelos directos desde Mexico y que surta efecto el miércoles hasta el lunes, Sergio Massa, jefe de Gabinete, dijo. Dijo que el objetivo de la prohibición era "transmitir una sensación de calma a los argentinos".
El país también quiere decenas de miles de visitantes de América del Norte a informar al Ministerio de Salud.
Sr. Massa invitó a la 60000 visitantes de Canadá, Mexico y los EE.UU. que han llegado a la Argentina en los últimos 20 días para ponerse en contacto con el gobierno, que tomará medidas para controlar una posible propagación del virus de la gripe porcina.
La decisión fue tomada horas después de que el gobierno cubano suspendió los vuelos hacia y desde Mexico por 48 horas en una medida para impedir que la enfermedad llegue a la isla caribeña.
El gobierno argentino no ha informado de ningún caso confirmado de gripe porcina, culpó de la muerte de al menos 150 personas en Mexico. Sin embargo, la gripe ya se ha extendido a varios países, incluidos los EE.UU., Gran Bretaña, España y Nueva Zelanda.
El paso por el gobierno argentino sigue las críticas de los dirigentes de la oposición por su manejo de un brote reciente de fiebre del dengue, a la que los críticos dicen que fue lenta para responder.
La prohibición se aplica a los vuelos directos desde Mexico y que surta efecto el miércoles hasta el lunes, Sergio Massa, jefe de Gabinete, dijo. Dijo que el objetivo de la prohibición era "transmitir una sensación de calma a los argentinos".
El país también quiere decenas de miles de visitantes de América del Norte a informar al Ministerio de Salud.
Sr. Massa invitó a la 60000 visitantes de Canadá, Mexico y los EE.UU. que han llegado a la Argentina en los últimos 20 días para ponerse en contacto con el gobierno, que tomará medidas para controlar una posible propagación del virus de la gripe porcina.
La decisión fue tomada horas después de que el gobierno cubano suspendió los vuelos hacia y desde Mexico por 48 horas en una medida para impedir que la enfermedad llegue a la isla caribeña.
El gobierno argentino no ha informado de ningún caso confirmado de gripe porcina, culpó de la muerte de al menos 150 personas en Mexico. Sin embargo, la gripe ya se ha extendido a varios países, incluidos los EE.UU., Gran Bretaña, España y Nueva Zelanda.
El paso por el gobierno argentino sigue las críticas de los dirigentes de la oposición por su manejo de un brote reciente de fiebre del dengue, a la que los críticos dicen que fue lenta para responder.
SwineFight the game of Swine Influenza swineflu
SwineFight the game of Swine Influenza swineflu #
Screenshot SwineFight swine flu
Respecting the global alert about cases of swine influenza have created a Flash game where you're the doctor with a syringe will eliminate the virus responsible for the Swine Influenza represented pro green flying pigs.
The game can be found at: SwineFighter.com
The virus is out of control, so you end up with him.
Reads the page of the game.
You have 20 seconds to remove as much pig-virus and your points will be added to a universal marker that until now a total of 1,930,000 virus destroyed.
Screenshot SwineFight swine flu
Respecting the global alert about cases of swine influenza have created a Flash game where you're the doctor with a syringe will eliminate the virus responsible for the Swine Influenza represented pro green flying pigs.
The game can be found at: SwineFighter.com
The virus is out of control, so you end up with him.
Reads the page of the game.
You have 20 seconds to remove as much pig-virus and your points will be added to a universal marker that until now a total of 1,930,000 virus destroyed.
A proposito di 20 casi sospetti di influenza suina controllati in Italia
L'Italia ha trovato circa 20 finora casi sospetti di influenza suina e ha sorvegliato attentamente questi casi al fine di determinare se essi sono stati causati dal virus A/H1N1 dal Messico, Sottosegretario Welfare Ferruccio Fazio ha detto il Mercoledì.
Al momento i test non hanno confermato che sono i nuovi casi di influenza, il ministro aggiunto.
All'inizio della giornata Fazio, che detiene il portafoglio per la salute, trascurato il pericolo di nuovi influenza, dicendo che era ottimista ", perché questo virus non sembra essere molto aggressiva".
"Certo, c'è sempre il rischio di una mutazione, ma da quello che abbiamo visto negli Stati Uniti, questa influenza è meno aggressiva di una normale influenza invernale", egli è stato citato da Italia's ANSA News Agency.
Ma il ministro ha detto più tardi che era inutile ora essere vaccinati con il vaccino lo scorso inverno, che in ogni caso, è quasi finito, secondo l'ANSA.
I medici hanno notato che le persone che catturano la nuova influenza sono in gran parte giovani e adulti che, a differenza dei bambini e degli anziani, non sono inclusi per ottenere scatti di influenza stagionale.
I ricercatori di tutto il mondo stanno attualmente lavorando su un vaccino specifico per il nuovo virus influenzale, che è apparentemente mutato combinazione di animali della specie suina, di uccelli e di influenza umana.
Mercoledì il primo influenza morte al di fuori del Messico è stata riportata in Texas. La nuova 160. Vittima di influenza è stato detto di essere un 23-mese messicano bambino che ha vissuto tutta la frontiera del Texas.
L'Unione Europea su Mercoledì detto che ci sono stati sette casi confermati di influenza e 104 nuovi casi sospetti in Europa.
Tre dei casi confermati sono stati in Germania, mentre Spagna e Gran Bretagna avevano due casi, il ANSA segnalati.
Al momento i test non hanno confermato che sono i nuovi casi di influenza, il ministro aggiunto.
All'inizio della giornata Fazio, che detiene il portafoglio per la salute, trascurato il pericolo di nuovi influenza, dicendo che era ottimista ", perché questo virus non sembra essere molto aggressiva".
"Certo, c'è sempre il rischio di una mutazione, ma da quello che abbiamo visto negli Stati Uniti, questa influenza è meno aggressiva di una normale influenza invernale", egli è stato citato da Italia's ANSA News Agency.
Ma il ministro ha detto più tardi che era inutile ora essere vaccinati con il vaccino lo scorso inverno, che in ogni caso, è quasi finito, secondo l'ANSA.
I medici hanno notato che le persone che catturano la nuova influenza sono in gran parte giovani e adulti che, a differenza dei bambini e degli anziani, non sono inclusi per ottenere scatti di influenza stagionale.
I ricercatori di tutto il mondo stanno attualmente lavorando su un vaccino specifico per il nuovo virus influenzale, che è apparentemente mutato combinazione di animali della specie suina, di uccelli e di influenza umana.
Mercoledì il primo influenza morte al di fuori del Messico è stata riportata in Texas. La nuova 160. Vittima di influenza è stato detto di essere un 23-mese messicano bambino che ha vissuto tutta la frontiera del Texas.
L'Unione Europea su Mercoledì detto che ci sono stati sette casi confermati di influenza e 104 nuovi casi sospetti in Europa.
Tre dei casi confermati sono stati in Germania, mentre Spagna e Gran Bretagna avevano due casi, il ANSA segnalati.
Questions of Spanish people about the swine flu
Good evening. I am happy to respond, within my possibilities, all the questions and who wish to contribute as much as possible to report on this health warning.
Gustavo del Real
Maria Angeles (Cantabria)
I wanted to know whether it is safe to continue eating pork. Are we safe? Thank you
Gustavo del Real
is completely safe to eat cooked pork which is distributed in our country. Furthermore, until now, has not detected the virus in any herd of pigs.
I wonder if this pandemic on the warning that came from many years ago (now that the new virus and is transmitted from human to human) and how it can take to have a vaccine.
Gustavo del Real
Since 2003, health authorities have been warning about the threat of pandemic avian virus specific, especially the H5N1 that has nothing to do with the current.
Why only when people are dying in Mexico and what is affecting young people and adults and no children or older people?
Gustavo del Real
it is not known with certainty but is probably due to the worst health status of the population and a poor therapeutic and diagnostic capability. As for greater involvement of young people, there are several hypotheses as the existence of cross-immunity to other influenza viruses or by a different body's response to infection.
Sara (Teruel)
Hello, good afternoon, my question is:
Why use that accumulated antivirals for avian influenza for the swine flu?
Gustavo del Real
because they are aimed at inhibiting activity of a virus that is common to all viral strains.
There are real risks of a pandemic? The governments tell the truth or are being cautious not to panic?
Gustavo del Real
governments implement the recommendations of the WHO is aware of the situation at every moment and the measures available to deal with it. We are on alert prepandémica; the next phase is the pandemic.
Hi good afternoon. By which this kind of mutations in viruses? Are very common? He has spent more time apart from the bird flu? They are very deadly? Un saludo
Gustavo del Real
influenza viruses have efficient mechanisms of genetic variability to enable them to adapt to new situations or to acquire new properties. They are produced continuously and thus explains why they have to change every year the vaccines against flu. There are mutations that are "silent" and others that can confer highly infectious virus.
Charo - Guadalajara
In this case, how could one explain the difference in the mortality rate between Mexico and the rest of the countries with confirmed cases? With the data so far appeared in United States should have a dead 4. Is not it also seems that transmission between humans is not as easy as showing the reports in the media? if so should it not be explosive in more cases in Spain the immediate vicinity of the two confirmed cases?
Gustavo del Real
the pathological consecuancias of infection depends largely on the care being provided and the individual situation of each person. The same applies to the transmission capacity, a larger infrastructure and health organization, the lower the transmission among the population. Containment measures are most effective when applied quickly.
Jorge (Madrid)
Cree How this situation will last? In my opinion, nothing scientific, in a few days we will stop talking about this issue. It seems that the situation begins to be controlled in the West.
Gustavo del Real
it is logical that the social disruption that has occurred will be reduced as the incidence of infection is decreasing and the population verify that the measures taken will have an effect.
Nani (Madrid)
within 2 days I have to take a flight to Germany, we need to go to the T4 Barajas or mask is recommended only for people who come into contact with or Mexico flights?
thank you very much.
Gustavo del Real
Travelers from Mexico are special drivers to your arrival and the authorities have established appropriate steps to avoid inadvertently entering people affected.
We have to be afraid that this flu will become as virulent as it once was the Spanish flu, and that ended his day with millions of people?
Gustavo del Real
in any way. The current health situation, as well as infrastructure and technical and scientific knowledge about this or other infections, then that is infinitely more so the ability to respond and, therefore, consecuiencias, are incomparable.
Do something to serve the masks?
Gustavo del Real
the masks to avoid the runny nose and cough aerosols produced with a greater dispersal distance transmitting the virus to others. Similarly, protecting the user, to some extent, a possible direct contact with infected material.
Samuel Sanchez
Why not spread by eating pork?
Gustavo del Real
first because, until now, has not detected any pigs carrying the virus. And secondly, in the very unlikely event that a pig becomes infected the food chain, the normal cooking would destroy the virus.
Are people immune? If so, why?
Gustavo del Real
individual susceptibility is an important factor in the pathogenesis of influenza. Although much remains to be disclosed, such as age, other diseases, previous infections with other influenza viruses that have cross-reactivity with the current, etc., may modulate the pathogenesis of infection.
I have read that the virus has "components" of human virus, swine and poultry, is it?. If true, what is the mechanism that allows for "mixing" different virus?, Is a natural process?, Affects human beings in this process?
Gustavo del Real
The first investigations carried out so far reveal that the virus actually contains three origins of these components. Influenza virus, when simultaneously infect the same cell, they can exchange their genes causing hybrid viral strains with new properties acquired by the parent virus. This process of course it is natural and can be given in different species of animals and man.
Are there any preventive vaccine? Is it working?
Gustavo del Real
There is no preventive vaccine for this particular virus. The first step in producing a vaccine is to isolate the specific strain responsible and make the appropriate manipulations in order to mass-produce and safely. At present, we are in this first phase.
Pedro (Toledo)
What has so far been the most virulent disease known to mankind? Un saludo
Gustavo del Real
considerable number of deaths in a given period, the flu of 1918, also called "Spanish". Produced about 40 million deaths a year.
Carmen Beatriz Heredia
What kind of medicine we must take if we can not give any nombre.a I get my flu is rare but when cierto.y influenza in household measures casa.tomo me and I got to stop the flu to people because it is I like tomo.asi I realize that's not my system but what I hago.quisiera able to help more gente.pero frightens me because I am not doctor, and some people are so ungrateful to them that would not me
Gustavo del Real
the home indicates that you will provide good nutrition, rest, etc.. It is highly recommended that doctors prescribing the drugs.
I wonder if the banknotes in circulation in euro or any foreign ticket, there would be chances of contracting any form of influenza or other viruses. What protection is recommended for workers who handle large quantities of banknotes from the public (insurance companies, financial institutions, central banks etc.
Gustavo del Real
under normal conditions, it is highly unlikely that the banknotes in circulation to carry infectious virus unless they have been handled by a recently infected person before they were contaminated. Not envisaged that these people take extraordinary measures of protection different from other groups.
Gustavo del Real
Thank you very much to all Internet users. I hope I have helped to clarify all doubts. Good evening.
Gustavo del Real
Maria Angeles (Cantabria)
I wanted to know whether it is safe to continue eating pork. Are we safe? Thank you
Gustavo del Real
is completely safe to eat cooked pork which is distributed in our country. Furthermore, until now, has not detected the virus in any herd of pigs.
I wonder if this pandemic on the warning that came from many years ago (now that the new virus and is transmitted from human to human) and how it can take to have a vaccine.
Gustavo del Real
Since 2003, health authorities have been warning about the threat of pandemic avian virus specific, especially the H5N1 that has nothing to do with the current.
Why only when people are dying in Mexico and what is affecting young people and adults and no children or older people?
Gustavo del Real
it is not known with certainty but is probably due to the worst health status of the population and a poor therapeutic and diagnostic capability. As for greater involvement of young people, there are several hypotheses as the existence of cross-immunity to other influenza viruses or by a different body's response to infection.
Sara (Teruel)
Hello, good afternoon, my question is:
Why use that accumulated antivirals for avian influenza for the swine flu?
Gustavo del Real
because they are aimed at inhibiting activity of a virus that is common to all viral strains.
There are real risks of a pandemic? The governments tell the truth or are being cautious not to panic?
Gustavo del Real
governments implement the recommendations of the WHO is aware of the situation at every moment and the measures available to deal with it. We are on alert prepandémica; the next phase is the pandemic.
Hi good afternoon. By which this kind of mutations in viruses? Are very common? He has spent more time apart from the bird flu? They are very deadly? Un saludo
Gustavo del Real
influenza viruses have efficient mechanisms of genetic variability to enable them to adapt to new situations or to acquire new properties. They are produced continuously and thus explains why they have to change every year the vaccines against flu. There are mutations that are "silent" and others that can confer highly infectious virus.
Charo - Guadalajara
In this case, how could one explain the difference in the mortality rate between Mexico and the rest of the countries with confirmed cases? With the data so far appeared in United States should have a dead 4. Is not it also seems that transmission between humans is not as easy as showing the reports in the media? if so should it not be explosive in more cases in Spain the immediate vicinity of the two confirmed cases?
Gustavo del Real
the pathological consecuancias of infection depends largely on the care being provided and the individual situation of each person. The same applies to the transmission capacity, a larger infrastructure and health organization, the lower the transmission among the population. Containment measures are most effective when applied quickly.
Jorge (Madrid)
Cree How this situation will last? In my opinion, nothing scientific, in a few days we will stop talking about this issue. It seems that the situation begins to be controlled in the West.
Gustavo del Real
it is logical that the social disruption that has occurred will be reduced as the incidence of infection is decreasing and the population verify that the measures taken will have an effect.
Nani (Madrid)
within 2 days I have to take a flight to Germany, we need to go to the T4 Barajas or mask is recommended only for people who come into contact with or Mexico flights?
thank you very much.
Gustavo del Real
Travelers from Mexico are special drivers to your arrival and the authorities have established appropriate steps to avoid inadvertently entering people affected.
We have to be afraid that this flu will become as virulent as it once was the Spanish flu, and that ended his day with millions of people?
Gustavo del Real
in any way. The current health situation, as well as infrastructure and technical and scientific knowledge about this or other infections, then that is infinitely more so the ability to respond and, therefore, consecuiencias, are incomparable.
Do something to serve the masks?
Gustavo del Real
the masks to avoid the runny nose and cough aerosols produced with a greater dispersal distance transmitting the virus to others. Similarly, protecting the user, to some extent, a possible direct contact with infected material.
Samuel Sanchez
Why not spread by eating pork?
Gustavo del Real
first because, until now, has not detected any pigs carrying the virus. And secondly, in the very unlikely event that a pig becomes infected the food chain, the normal cooking would destroy the virus.
Are people immune? If so, why?
Gustavo del Real
individual susceptibility is an important factor in the pathogenesis of influenza. Although much remains to be disclosed, such as age, other diseases, previous infections with other influenza viruses that have cross-reactivity with the current, etc., may modulate the pathogenesis of infection.
I have read that the virus has "components" of human virus, swine and poultry, is it?. If true, what is the mechanism that allows for "mixing" different virus?, Is a natural process?, Affects human beings in this process?
Gustavo del Real
The first investigations carried out so far reveal that the virus actually contains three origins of these components. Influenza virus, when simultaneously infect the same cell, they can exchange their genes causing hybrid viral strains with new properties acquired by the parent virus. This process of course it is natural and can be given in different species of animals and man.
Are there any preventive vaccine? Is it working?
Gustavo del Real
There is no preventive vaccine for this particular virus. The first step in producing a vaccine is to isolate the specific strain responsible and make the appropriate manipulations in order to mass-produce and safely. At present, we are in this first phase.
Pedro (Toledo)
What has so far been the most virulent disease known to mankind? Un saludo
Gustavo del Real
considerable number of deaths in a given period, the flu of 1918, also called "Spanish". Produced about 40 million deaths a year.
Carmen Beatriz Heredia
What kind of medicine we must take if we can not give any nombre.a I get my flu is rare but when cierto.y influenza in household measures casa.tomo me and I got to stop the flu to people because it is I like tomo.asi I realize that's not my system but what I hago.quisiera able to help more gente.pero frightens me because I am not doctor, and some people are so ungrateful to them that would not me
Gustavo del Real
the home indicates that you will provide good nutrition, rest, etc.. It is highly recommended that doctors prescribing the drugs.
I wonder if the banknotes in circulation in euro or any foreign ticket, there would be chances of contracting any form of influenza or other viruses. What protection is recommended for workers who handle large quantities of banknotes from the public (insurance companies, financial institutions, central banks etc.
Gustavo del Real
under normal conditions, it is highly unlikely that the banknotes in circulation to carry infectious virus unless they have been handled by a recently infected person before they were contaminated. Not envisaged that these people take extraordinary measures of protection different from other groups.
Gustavo del Real
Thank you very much to all Internet users. I hope I have helped to clarify all doubts. Good evening.
Gripe porcina: Nueva Zelanda confirma 11 casos
Nueva Zelanda ha confirmado sus primeros 11 casos de gripe porcina.
Por Paul Chapman en Wellington
Actualizado: 9:54 AM H. Esp 29 de abril 2009
Tony Ryall, Nueva Zelanda del Ministro de Salud: la gripe porcina: Nueva Zelanda confirma 11 casos
Tony Ryall, Nueva Zelanda el Ministro de Salud, ha confirmado sus primeros 11 casos de gripe porcina
El ministro de Salud, Tony Ryall, dijo el martes que las pruebas con 10 estudiantes y un profesor, que regresó de un viaje de tres semanas a Mexico en el fin de semana, han resultado positivos para el virus de la gripe porcina H1N1.
El grupo de Auckland Rangitoto del Colegio desencadenado una alerta nacional, cuando mostró síntomas de la gripe después de regresar del Aire de Nueva Zelanda NZ1 vuelo desde Los Angeles el sábado.
Gripe porcina: Nueva Zelanda investiga 56 nuevos casos
Gripe porcina: docenas de casos sospechosos en Nueva Zelanda
Nueva Zelanda estudiantes "muy probable" que han contraído el virus de la gripe porcina
Gripe porcina: Nueva Zelanda pistas brote después de viajeros
Mundo en estado de alerta sobre la peste porcina mexicana asesino teme pandemia de gripe como lugar
Ellos están en cuarentena en el hogar y están siendo tratados con el fármaco antiviral Tamiflu.
Todos se dice que están recuperando bien.
Señor Ryall parlamento en Wellington dijo que había otros 56 casos sospechosos de la enfermedad en todo el país, pero los funcionarios de salud dijo que la figura se ha redujo a 43 después de las pruebas.
Las muestras positivas para el virus de la gripe Un padre cepa del virus que se envían a un laboratorio en Melbourne, Australia, donde hay instalaciones de prueba para la gripe porcina sub-cepa.
Todos los casos de Nueva Zelanda a las personas que han viajado recientemente a partir de Mexico o los Estados Unidos.
Jefes de la Salud han puesto de manifiesto que las personas que están siendo controladas y tratadas en Hamilton, Wanganui, Palmerston North, Nelson, la zona de Canterbury, cerca de Christchurch, la región de Otago, Dunedin, y en la costa occidental y meridional de las regiones del sur de la isla.
Mientras tanto, una gran operación se ha llevado a cabo desde un ministerio de salud "sala de guerra" en Wellington para rastrear todas las 364 personas que llegaron en el mismo vuelo como el de Auckland estudiantes.
Todos menos 18 han sido rastreados y ofrece Tamiflu, y pidió que informe al personal médico si se siente enfermo.
Ryall Señor le dijo a los diputados: "Los funcionarios están listos para cualquier escalada en la nacional o internacional contra la gripe porcina situación.
"Esta es una amenaza de que Nueva Zelanda ha previsto. Muchas de las mejores personas en el servicio de salud están trabajando día y noche para proteger la salud de los neozelandeses".
Todos los pasajeros que llegan de las Américas se proyectarán en Nueva Zelanda de los aeropuertos internacionales por parte del personal médico y pide que complete un formulario detallado que los lugares donde pueden ser contactados.
El gobierno también ha advertido en contra de todos excepto urgente viajar a Mexico.
Por Paul Chapman en Wellington
Actualizado: 9:54 AM H. Esp 29 de abril 2009
Tony Ryall, Nueva Zelanda del Ministro de Salud: la gripe porcina: Nueva Zelanda confirma 11 casos
Tony Ryall, Nueva Zelanda el Ministro de Salud, ha confirmado sus primeros 11 casos de gripe porcina
El ministro de Salud, Tony Ryall, dijo el martes que las pruebas con 10 estudiantes y un profesor, que regresó de un viaje de tres semanas a Mexico en el fin de semana, han resultado positivos para el virus de la gripe porcina H1N1.
El grupo de Auckland Rangitoto del Colegio desencadenado una alerta nacional, cuando mostró síntomas de la gripe después de regresar del Aire de Nueva Zelanda NZ1 vuelo desde Los Angeles el sábado.
Gripe porcina: Nueva Zelanda investiga 56 nuevos casos
Gripe porcina: docenas de casos sospechosos en Nueva Zelanda
Nueva Zelanda estudiantes "muy probable" que han contraído el virus de la gripe porcina
Gripe porcina: Nueva Zelanda pistas brote después de viajeros
Mundo en estado de alerta sobre la peste porcina mexicana asesino teme pandemia de gripe como lugar
Ellos están en cuarentena en el hogar y están siendo tratados con el fármaco antiviral Tamiflu.
Todos se dice que están recuperando bien.
Señor Ryall parlamento en Wellington dijo que había otros 56 casos sospechosos de la enfermedad en todo el país, pero los funcionarios de salud dijo que la figura se ha redujo a 43 después de las pruebas.
Las muestras positivas para el virus de la gripe Un padre cepa del virus que se envían a un laboratorio en Melbourne, Australia, donde hay instalaciones de prueba para la gripe porcina sub-cepa.
Todos los casos de Nueva Zelanda a las personas que han viajado recientemente a partir de Mexico o los Estados Unidos.
Jefes de la Salud han puesto de manifiesto que las personas que están siendo controladas y tratadas en Hamilton, Wanganui, Palmerston North, Nelson, la zona de Canterbury, cerca de Christchurch, la región de Otago, Dunedin, y en la costa occidental y meridional de las regiones del sur de la isla.
Mientras tanto, una gran operación se ha llevado a cabo desde un ministerio de salud "sala de guerra" en Wellington para rastrear todas las 364 personas que llegaron en el mismo vuelo como el de Auckland estudiantes.
Todos menos 18 han sido rastreados y ofrece Tamiflu, y pidió que informe al personal médico si se siente enfermo.
Ryall Señor le dijo a los diputados: "Los funcionarios están listos para cualquier escalada en la nacional o internacional contra la gripe porcina situación.
"Esta es una amenaza de que Nueva Zelanda ha previsto. Muchas de las mejores personas en el servicio de salud están trabajando día y noche para proteger la salud de los neozelandeses".
Todos los pasajeros que llegan de las Américas se proyectarán en Nueva Zelanda de los aeropuertos internacionales por parte del personal médico y pide que complete un formulario detallado que los lugares donde pueden ser contactados.
El gobierno también ha advertido en contra de todos excepto urgente viajar a Mexico.
Swine Flu Hits in Venezuela reported three suspected cases
Influenza Venezuela reported three suspected cases
The health authorities of the central state of Carabobo announced today the existence of three suspected cases of swine flu, which presented as epidemiological link had traveled from Mexico City
The three suspected cases of swine flu and Venezuelans are presented as epidemiological link had traveled from Mexico City in recent days, told the press Carmen García Campos, vice president of the Institute of Health of the state of Carabobo.
Patients are isolated and under strict surveillance at the Hospital of Valencia, about 120 kilometers west of Caracas, said the official.
He explained that arrived in Venezuela on April 24 from Mexico City and began to introduce "several" of the symptoms of the disease, so that they fit in the box of the swine flu.
The examinations carried out on three patients were sent to the National Institute of Hygiene, Caracas, and the results to determine whether or not the disease will be given in the next 48 hours. "
This is the first suspected cases of swine flu Venezuela emerged in Mexico, where there are already 20 confirmed deaths and 132 suspected deaths.
The disease caused by the A/H1N1 virus is manifested by the sudden increase in body temperature, cough, nasal discharge, and intense muscle aches in the joints, eye irritation and headaches.
The authorities of the state of Carabobo, ruled by the opposition Henrique Salas Feo, appointed a committee called the Monitoring Swine flu, including two officers to check passengers from outside the international airport of Valencia (150 miles southwest Caracas ).
The Venezuelan vice president Ramon Carrizález, said yesterday at a press conference that "so far" there was no case of swine flu in the country, not confirmed or suspicious, noting that there would be taken according to the preventive the World Health Organization.
Carrizalez recommended for those who intend to travel to countries that have enacted "health alert" to postpone the trip until the situation is under control.
The health authorities of the central state of Carabobo announced today the existence of three suspected cases of swine flu, which presented as epidemiological link had traveled from Mexico City
The three suspected cases of swine flu and Venezuelans are presented as epidemiological link had traveled from Mexico City in recent days, told the press Carmen García Campos, vice president of the Institute of Health of the state of Carabobo.
Patients are isolated and under strict surveillance at the Hospital of Valencia, about 120 kilometers west of Caracas, said the official.
He explained that arrived in Venezuela on April 24 from Mexico City and began to introduce "several" of the symptoms of the disease, so that they fit in the box of the swine flu.
The examinations carried out on three patients were sent to the National Institute of Hygiene, Caracas, and the results to determine whether or not the disease will be given in the next 48 hours. "
This is the first suspected cases of swine flu Venezuela emerged in Mexico, where there are already 20 confirmed deaths and 132 suspected deaths.
The disease caused by the A/H1N1 virus is manifested by the sudden increase in body temperature, cough, nasal discharge, and intense muscle aches in the joints, eye irritation and headaches.
The authorities of the state of Carabobo, ruled by the opposition Henrique Salas Feo, appointed a committee called the Monitoring Swine flu, including two officers to check passengers from outside the international airport of Valencia (150 miles southwest Caracas ).
The Venezuelan vice president Ramon Carrizález, said yesterday at a press conference that "so far" there was no case of swine flu in the country, not confirmed or suspicious, noting that there would be taken according to the preventive the World Health Organization.
Carrizalez recommended for those who intend to travel to countries that have enacted "health alert" to postpone the trip until the situation is under control.
Mexico is stopping slowly: A week in Mexico in suspense by the swine flu, with 8 deaths and 99 infections
Mexico is in the air since he was declared the epidemic of swine flu last week and adds a total of 8 deaths of 99 people infected by new virus, which authorities believe will impact the economy, and seriously has nearly paralyzed the country. Continue reading the arículo
Photo and video related
The Mexican president, Felipe Calderón Enlarge photo
* Influenza A/H1N1: risk of pandemic alert
* Roche is working with the OMS global alert after rising to a critical level
* The EU emergency meeting to plot a plan of action before the swine flu
* Ecuador decreed a state of emergency and stop flights to Mexico by the swine flu
* The Minister of Health announced three new suspected cases
* More news on Swine Flu
Forum: Swine Flu
In the first message to the country on Wednesday night, since the emergency was declared, President Felipe Calderón advised the Mexicans in these days of leave "to stay at home with family because there is no place safer than your own house "to avoid contagion. The authorities seek to avoid large clusters which are a source of favorable contact of the virus that is transmitted between people.
Health Minister Jose Angel Cordova, announced that the swine flu deaths from seven to eight in Mexico, on a total of 99 confirmed cases, bringing to 50 the number of infections that had spread in the day. "The cases of people affected by swine virus added 99, eight of which unfortunately died. Only one death is more than the figure of yesterday (Tuesday)," said Córdova in the usual daily press conference on the epidemic.
For his part, Finance Minister Agustin Carstens, estimated that the epidemic will impact on the economy with a fall of between 0.3 and 0.5% of GDP, amidst the economic crisis that will cause a sharp contraction in Mexico in 2009 from 3.8% to 4.8%, predicted on Wednesday the Central Bank. "Definitely going to have an impact, there is no way to know with precision. The magnitude of the event will depend on the duration and spread of the epidemic. It could be between 0.3 and 0.5% of GDP if the episode lasts up to three months, "Carstens calculated.
The economic impact is estimated mainly by restricting the activities least in dividual or collective areas. The government of Mexico City, where the largest outbreak of the epidemic with 83 confirmed cases, closed bars and restaurants, while across the country were suspended artistic and cultural functions and classes in all levels.
The famous archaeological sites in Mexico were closed "until further notice" and football matches will be played without the public next weekend, while the hotel business in the capital believe that the occupation these days is only 10% in capital.
Córdova announced additional measures as part of the official strategy to mitigate the epidemic, including the suspension of activities in the federal public service, from 1 to May 5, "are taking advantage of days off." He also said that the work will be suspended and non-essential services during this period, covering the festival on Friday for an international day of workers and the transfer from Tuesday to Monday for a national celebration.
The expansion of the swine flu caused elo died Wednesday in a United States (of a child come from Mexico) and was confirmed in additional patients in Germany, Austria, Spain and United Kingdom and Switzerland, while almost all countries adopt measures of prevention, as the cases of Argentina and Cuba, which suspended flights to Mexico.
The U.S. president, Barack Obama, dismissed the possibility of closing the border with Mexico more than 3,000 kilometers, as the virus has already arrived in United States.
Photo and video related
The Mexican president, Felipe Calderón Enlarge photo
* Influenza A/H1N1: risk of pandemic alert
* Roche is working with the OMS global alert after rising to a critical level
* The EU emergency meeting to plot a plan of action before the swine flu
* Ecuador decreed a state of emergency and stop flights to Mexico by the swine flu
* The Minister of Health announced three new suspected cases
* More news on Swine Flu
Forum: Swine Flu
In the first message to the country on Wednesday night, since the emergency was declared, President Felipe Calderón advised the Mexicans in these days of leave "to stay at home with family because there is no place safer than your own house "to avoid contagion. The authorities seek to avoid large clusters which are a source of favorable contact of the virus that is transmitted between people.
Health Minister Jose Angel Cordova, announced that the swine flu deaths from seven to eight in Mexico, on a total of 99 confirmed cases, bringing to 50 the number of infections that had spread in the day. "The cases of people affected by swine virus added 99, eight of which unfortunately died. Only one death is more than the figure of yesterday (Tuesday)," said Córdova in the usual daily press conference on the epidemic.
For his part, Finance Minister Agustin Carstens, estimated that the epidemic will impact on the economy with a fall of between 0.3 and 0.5% of GDP, amidst the economic crisis that will cause a sharp contraction in Mexico in 2009 from 3.8% to 4.8%, predicted on Wednesday the Central Bank. "Definitely going to have an impact, there is no way to know with precision. The magnitude of the event will depend on the duration and spread of the epidemic. It could be between 0.3 and 0.5% of GDP if the episode lasts up to three months, "Carstens calculated.
The economic impact is estimated mainly by restricting the activities least in dividual or collective areas. The government of Mexico City, where the largest outbreak of the epidemic with 83 confirmed cases, closed bars and restaurants, while across the country were suspended artistic and cultural functions and classes in all levels.
The famous archaeological sites in Mexico were closed "until further notice" and football matches will be played without the public next weekend, while the hotel business in the capital believe that the occupation these days is only 10% in capital.
Córdova announced additional measures as part of the official strategy to mitigate the epidemic, including the suspension of activities in the federal public service, from 1 to May 5, "are taking advantage of days off." He also said that the work will be suspended and non-essential services during this period, covering the festival on Friday for an international day of workers and the transfer from Tuesday to Monday for a national celebration.
The expansion of the swine flu caused elo died Wednesday in a United States (of a child come from Mexico) and was confirmed in additional patients in Germany, Austria, Spain and United Kingdom and Switzerland, while almost all countries adopt measures of prevention, as the cases of Argentina and Cuba, which suspended flights to Mexico.
The U.S. president, Barack Obama, dismissed the possibility of closing the border with Mexico more than 3,000 kilometers, as the virus has already arrived in United States.
Growing alarm in world swine flu, which has new cases of infection Mexico rose to eight deaths and 99 confirmed cases of swine flu, which claimed one
Growing alarm in world swine flu, which has new cases of infection
Mexico rose to eight deaths and 99 confirmed cases of swine flu, which claimed one victim in fatal United States, and adds more patients in the world, which led the WHO raised its alert level to an "imminent" risk pandemic. Continue reading the arículo
Photo and video related
File of the flu symptoms, and virus pandemics Enlarge photo
"The cases of people affected by swine virus added 99, eight of which unfortunately died," said Health Minister Jose Angel Cordova, on Tuesday night in the regular daily press briefing.
The official said that 159 cases of deaths likely that Mexican authorities had been driving, only 84 remain to be confirmed, as they have been discarded over 70.
The virus developed rapidly. The Peruvian government announced a first in its territory after the evidence disclosed a argentina hospitalized with symptoms of this evil, who became the first person infected in South America.
Costa Rica became the first country in Latin America where he landed after the flu on Tuesday, two Costa Ricans who arrived from Mexico were diagnosed with the disease.
The World Health Organization (WHO) called on all countries to "immediately activate their plans for pandemic preparedness," which is "imminent," said its director general, Margaret Chan, to raise its warning to 5, the penultimate stage before the declaration of the global pandemic. "This virus is a new guy, very unpredictable," noted Chan.
WHO estimated in 148 cases in the world, including 8 deaths (7 in Mexico and 1 in the USA). These data are often less than the balances of the affected countries due to the processes of verification made by the agency.
Spanish Minister of Health, Trinidad Jimenez, announced that one of the 10 cases of swine flu identified in the country is a person who did not travel to Mexico. "It was an indirect contagion," he said.
The president Barack Obama as "worrying" but far from the "panic" generated by the swine flu in the United States, which confirmed the death of a Mexican child 22 months and increased the number of people affected to 91. "This causes us serious concern but not panic," he said at a press conference for his 100 days in power.
In addition, refused to close the border with Mexico, claiming that their health advisors had assured him that the measure would be meaningless because the virus has already landed in the United States. The president said that will make "every effort" to control its impact and that United States is "taking preventive measures" necessary.
Mexico reduced to the minimum public meetings to give battle to the epidemic which, according to estimates the U.S. authorities, causing a fall of 0.3% to 0.5% of Gross Domestic Product (GDP).
Canada was detected in 6 cases, bringing the total to 19.
Apart from Spain, the H1N1 virus spread to other countries in Europe with three cases in Germany, Austria and one in five in Britain and one in Switzerland.
Amid the panic, several countries extreme measures against Mexico. Cuba suspended indefinitely the scheduled and charter flights to Mexico, Argentina and ordered the suspension of flights from Mexico until next Monday.
France, which had recommended not to travel to Mexico, like Italy, UK, Germany, Canada and Iran, asked the European Union to suspend flights there.
Ecuador-detected cases where no-declared state of emergency for 60 days, which means freeing human and financial resources. The measure was added to the suspension of charter flights to Mexico and the import of pigs and products from Mexico and United States, despite the WHO as "any person (was) contaminated pigs", because the virus is transmitted from person to person.
China, Thailand, Russia, Ukraine, most countries of the Balkans, Indonesia and Lebanon had taken similar action.
Egypt was more drastic and sacrifice announced "immediate" all the pigs in the country.
Mexico rose to eight deaths and 99 confirmed cases of swine flu, which claimed one victim in fatal United States, and adds more patients in the world, which led the WHO raised its alert level to an "imminent" risk pandemic. Continue reading the arículo
Photo and video related
File of the flu symptoms, and virus pandemics Enlarge photo
"The cases of people affected by swine virus added 99, eight of which unfortunately died," said Health Minister Jose Angel Cordova, on Tuesday night in the regular daily press briefing.
The official said that 159 cases of deaths likely that Mexican authorities had been driving, only 84 remain to be confirmed, as they have been discarded over 70.
The virus developed rapidly. The Peruvian government announced a first in its territory after the evidence disclosed a argentina hospitalized with symptoms of this evil, who became the first person infected in South America.
Costa Rica became the first country in Latin America where he landed after the flu on Tuesday, two Costa Ricans who arrived from Mexico were diagnosed with the disease.
The World Health Organization (WHO) called on all countries to "immediately activate their plans for pandemic preparedness," which is "imminent," said its director general, Margaret Chan, to raise its warning to 5, the penultimate stage before the declaration of the global pandemic. "This virus is a new guy, very unpredictable," noted Chan.
WHO estimated in 148 cases in the world, including 8 deaths (7 in Mexico and 1 in the USA). These data are often less than the balances of the affected countries due to the processes of verification made by the agency.
Spanish Minister of Health, Trinidad Jimenez, announced that one of the 10 cases of swine flu identified in the country is a person who did not travel to Mexico. "It was an indirect contagion," he said.
The president Barack Obama as "worrying" but far from the "panic" generated by the swine flu in the United States, which confirmed the death of a Mexican child 22 months and increased the number of people affected to 91. "This causes us serious concern but not panic," he said at a press conference for his 100 days in power.
In addition, refused to close the border with Mexico, claiming that their health advisors had assured him that the measure would be meaningless because the virus has already landed in the United States. The president said that will make "every effort" to control its impact and that United States is "taking preventive measures" necessary.
Mexico reduced to the minimum public meetings to give battle to the epidemic which, according to estimates the U.S. authorities, causing a fall of 0.3% to 0.5% of Gross Domestic Product (GDP).
Canada was detected in 6 cases, bringing the total to 19.
Apart from Spain, the H1N1 virus spread to other countries in Europe with three cases in Germany, Austria and one in five in Britain and one in Switzerland.
Amid the panic, several countries extreme measures against Mexico. Cuba suspended indefinitely the scheduled and charter flights to Mexico, Argentina and ordered the suspension of flights from Mexico until next Monday.
France, which had recommended not to travel to Mexico, like Italy, UK, Germany, Canada and Iran, asked the European Union to suspend flights there.
Ecuador-detected cases where no-declared state of emergency for 60 days, which means freeing human and financial resources. The measure was added to the suspension of charter flights to Mexico and the import of pigs and products from Mexico and United States, despite the WHO as "any person (was) contaminated pigs", because the virus is transmitted from person to person.
China, Thailand, Russia, Ukraine, most countries of the Balkans, Indonesia and Lebanon had taken similar action.
Egypt was more drastic and sacrifice announced "immediate" all the pigs in the country.
The Ministry of Health of the Government of Mexico has published on its website with practical information for the general population and patients fro
The Ministry of Health of the Government of Mexico has published on its website with practical information for the general population and patients from influenza. The Spanish Ministry of Health has also provided some practical tips for travelers who are not discouraged the cancellation of trips to Mexico and will give some guidelines for those returning from that country.
For those returning from countries at risk, the Spanish Ministry of Health states:
* Pay close attention to their health during the 7 days after their return.
* If at this time a fever, cough or difficulty breathing, contact by telephone with the emergency service (112 or 061) or the services or health authorities in their region.
* In this report, call your travel to the affected area and the return date.
General population
* Stay away from people who suffer from respiratory infection
* No kissing or shaking hands to greet
* Do not share food, cups or silverware
* Ventilate and let in natural light at home, offices and all enclosed places
* Maintain clean curtains in the kitchen and bathroom, the doorknobs and handrails, toys, telephones and use of common objects
For people with flu symptoms * The person suffering from fever, cough, headache, muscle and joints, have to go to the doctor or health center
* Warm and avoid temperature changes
* Eating fruits and vegetables rich in vitamins A and C, like carrots, oranges, mandarins, lemons, pineapples, and other tropical fruits like papaya and guava
* Wash hands frequently with soap and water
* Avoid exposure to environmental pollution
* No smoking in enclosed places, or near children, elderly or infirm
* Your doctor immediately if they show symptoms of influenza to patients * Staying home, not go to the workplace, at school or places where concentrations of people, such as theaters, bars, cinemas, buses, metro, discos festivals, etc.. To avoid infecting others through you
* Cover your mouth and nose with a tissue when speaking, coughing, sneezing. That will also prevent infection
* No touching your eyes, mouth and nose, as the virus spreads when a person touches a contaminated object and then hand carried to these areas, hence the importance of washing hands frequently
* The flu can be prevented with the vaccine that is prepared according to the type of virus circulating in the world and should be vaccinated every year because the virus changes
* Avoid dust, smoke snuff and other substances that can interfere with breathing, and makes children more prone to disease
* Use masks, throw the tissue in a plastic bag and sneezing on the internal angle of the elbow
* Once you go 24 hours without symptoms, you can go back to normal life
For those returning from countries at risk, the Spanish Ministry of Health states:
* Pay close attention to their health during the 7 days after their return.
* If at this time a fever, cough or difficulty breathing, contact by telephone with the emergency service (112 or 061) or the services or health authorities in their region.
* In this report, call your travel to the affected area and the return date.
General population
* Stay away from people who suffer from respiratory infection
* No kissing or shaking hands to greet
* Do not share food, cups or silverware
* Ventilate and let in natural light at home, offices and all enclosed places
* Maintain clean curtains in the kitchen and bathroom, the doorknobs and handrails, toys, telephones and use of common objects
For people with flu symptoms * The person suffering from fever, cough, headache, muscle and joints, have to go to the doctor or health center
* Warm and avoid temperature changes
* Eating fruits and vegetables rich in vitamins A and C, like carrots, oranges, mandarins, lemons, pineapples, and other tropical fruits like papaya and guava
* Wash hands frequently with soap and water
* Avoid exposure to environmental pollution
* No smoking in enclosed places, or near children, elderly or infirm
* Your doctor immediately if they show symptoms of influenza to patients * Staying home, not go to the workplace, at school or places where concentrations of people, such as theaters, bars, cinemas, buses, metro, discos festivals, etc.. To avoid infecting others through you
* Cover your mouth and nose with a tissue when speaking, coughing, sneezing. That will also prevent infection
* No touching your eyes, mouth and nose, as the virus spreads when a person touches a contaminated object and then hand carried to these areas, hence the importance of washing hands frequently
* The flu can be prevented with the vaccine that is prepared according to the type of virus circulating in the world and should be vaccinated every year because the virus changes
* Avoid dust, smoke snuff and other substances that can interfere with breathing, and makes children more prone to disease
* Use masks, throw the tissue in a plastic bag and sneezing on the internal angle of the elbow
* Once you go 24 hours without symptoms, you can go back to normal life
مصر تتبنى اجراءات صارمة لتجنب انفلونزا الخنازير
مصر تتبنى اجراءات صارمة لتجنب انفلونزا الخنازير
في خطوة غير مسبوقة في جميع أنحاء العالم ، وقررت الحكومة المصرية يوم الاربعاء لذبح الخنازير في كل بلد على الفور في محاولة لتجنب اندلاع انفلونزا الخنازير القاتلة التي ضربت مناطق مختلفة من العالم.
"وقال إنه تقرر ذبح كل الخنازير في البلاد على الفور" ونقلت محطة تلفزيون محلية النيل وزير الصحة حاتم Gabalias قائلا بعد اجتماع لمجلس الوزراء بعد ظهر اليوم الاربعاء.
وقال ان مصر تتخذ خطر انفلونزا الخنازير "على محمل الجد" ، وسوف تتخذ تدابير أخرى ، مثل زيادة انتاج الاقنعة الواقية وتاميفلو المضاد للفيروسات وإطلاق حملة توعية.
"ذبح كل الخنازير سيستغرق ثلاثة الى اربعة اسابيع" الجبلي وقال التلفزيون الحكومي ، مشيرا الى ان هذا الاجراء غير كاف وعلى الشعب ان يكون حذرا ، ويقدم في حالة الشعور الأعراض.
الخنازير وسيتم ذبح بعد فحص طبي ، ولحم الخنزير وما زال يمكن بيعها أو تصديرها إذا كانت تحصل على الضوء الاخضر من السلطات البيطرية.
"وقالوا انهم سوف ذبح كل الخنازير في البلاد. دينا الخنازير صحي للغاية وهذا هو السبيل الوحيد للحفاظ على نعرف الحية" رأفت فكري ، وهو صاحب مزرعة للخنازير ، لوكالة انباء شينخوا.
وقال : "هناك حديث في الصحف ووسائل الاعلام عن التعويض ، ولكن حتى الآن لا نعرف شيئا."
ومن المقدر أن مصر ، على بعد حوالى 90 في المئة من سكانه من المسلمين ، ونحو 350000 الخنازير التي أثارتها الأقلية المسيحية الذين يأكلون لحم الخنزير في القاهرة والجيزة والقليوبية ، 6 أكتوبر وQalubia المحافظات.
كما اكد الوزير على أهمية النظافة واتخاذ كل الاحتياطات ، مثل غسل اليدين المتكرر والابتعاد عن الحشود الكبيرة.
يوم الثلاثاء ، وقال الجبلي إن وزارة الصحة اضافية ارسلت مجموعة من الاطباء الى 22 دائرة الحجر الصحي في مطار القاهرة ، مشيرا الى ان وحتى الآن لا يوجد أي حظر السفر المفروض على الركاب القادمين من البلدان الموبوءة بالمرض.
الحكومة المصرية قد قررت انشاء لجنة مخصصة لمتابعة هذا المرض. لجنة الاشراف على انتاج الاقنعة الواقية وتنفيذ التدريب في مجال تربية الحيوانات ، والسياحة ، وقطاع النقل لاعتراض الفيروس.
وفي وقت سابق ، وضعت الحكومة خطة لنقل جميع مزارع الخنازير لمدينة 15 مايو فى جنوب الصحراء من القاهرة ، ولكن هذه الخطة انتقادات من قبل نواب في البرلمان.
مجلس الشعب (مجلس النواب) وحثت الحكومة يوم الثلاثاء للبدء فورا في ذبح الخنازير وليس لنقل مزارع تربية الخنازير بعيدا عن المناطق السكنية خوفا من انتشار انفلونزا الخنازير.
ومع ذلك ، فإن منظمة الصحة العالمية) / مساعد المدير العام للصحة والأمن والبيئة كيجي فوكودا اليوم / الاربعاء / انه لا يوجد دليل على أن الخنازير تنتشر انفلونزا الطيور الى البشر.
"لا نرى أي دليل على أن أي شخص من الحصول على الخنازير المصابة. ويبدو أن هذا الفيروس الذي ينتقل من شخص إلى آخر" ، وقال فوكودا.
ويقول خبراء ان اعدام الخنازير في مصر من غير المحتمل أن تؤثر على انتشار انفلونزا الخنازير في حال وصولها الى البلاد.
من جهة اخرى ، قالت منظمة الصحة العالمية يوم الثلاثاء ان مصر من خبرة في التعامل مع سلالة H5N1 المميتة من فيروس انفلونزا الطيور أنها أعدت للتعامل مع خطر انفلونزا الخنازير.
مصر هي البلد الأكثر تضررا من قبل القاتل لأنفلونزا الطيور خارج آسيا والمدرجة في المرتبة الثالثة في العالم بعد اندونيسيا وفيتنام ، وفقا لمنظمة الصحة العالمية.
"كاجراء وقائي لجميع ذبح الخنازير هو تدبير حاسم واعتقد ان مصر قد تعلمت درسا جيدا من مكافحة انفلونزا الطيور" ناهد إبراهيم ، ومقرها القاهرة وخبراء في العلاج الطبي والجراحي من الحيوانات لوكالة انباء شينخوا.
وقتل ما مجموعه 148 بشرية مؤكدة مختبريا من حالات انفلونزا الخنازير A/H1N1 العدوى قد أبلغت رسميا الى منظمة الصحة العالمية اعتبارا من الساعة 19:00 بتوقيت جرينتش يوم الأربعاء ، وقالت وكالة الامم المتحدة.
الحالات التي تم الإبلاغ من تسعة بلدان ، بما فيها 91 من الولايات المتحدة ، مع وفاة واحدة ، و 26 من المكسيك ، وسبع وفيات ، وقالت الوكالة في أحدث.
إسرائيل ، البلد الوحيد في الشرق الاوسط تعرضت للفيروس ، وقد أكدت حالتين والآن فحص حالتين مشتبه بهما.
أعراض انفلونزا الخنازير وتشمل الحمى والسعال والصداع مشتركة ، صداع حاد ، وفي بعض الحالات ، والتقيؤ والاسهال.
في خطوة غير مسبوقة في جميع أنحاء العالم ، وقررت الحكومة المصرية يوم الاربعاء لذبح الخنازير في كل بلد على الفور في محاولة لتجنب اندلاع انفلونزا الخنازير القاتلة التي ضربت مناطق مختلفة من العالم.
"وقال إنه تقرر ذبح كل الخنازير في البلاد على الفور" ونقلت محطة تلفزيون محلية النيل وزير الصحة حاتم Gabalias قائلا بعد اجتماع لمجلس الوزراء بعد ظهر اليوم الاربعاء.
وقال ان مصر تتخذ خطر انفلونزا الخنازير "على محمل الجد" ، وسوف تتخذ تدابير أخرى ، مثل زيادة انتاج الاقنعة الواقية وتاميفلو المضاد للفيروسات وإطلاق حملة توعية.
"ذبح كل الخنازير سيستغرق ثلاثة الى اربعة اسابيع" الجبلي وقال التلفزيون الحكومي ، مشيرا الى ان هذا الاجراء غير كاف وعلى الشعب ان يكون حذرا ، ويقدم في حالة الشعور الأعراض.
الخنازير وسيتم ذبح بعد فحص طبي ، ولحم الخنزير وما زال يمكن بيعها أو تصديرها إذا كانت تحصل على الضوء الاخضر من السلطات البيطرية.
"وقالوا انهم سوف ذبح كل الخنازير في البلاد. دينا الخنازير صحي للغاية وهذا هو السبيل الوحيد للحفاظ على نعرف الحية" رأفت فكري ، وهو صاحب مزرعة للخنازير ، لوكالة انباء شينخوا.
وقال : "هناك حديث في الصحف ووسائل الاعلام عن التعويض ، ولكن حتى الآن لا نعرف شيئا."
ومن المقدر أن مصر ، على بعد حوالى 90 في المئة من سكانه من المسلمين ، ونحو 350000 الخنازير التي أثارتها الأقلية المسيحية الذين يأكلون لحم الخنزير في القاهرة والجيزة والقليوبية ، 6 أكتوبر وQalubia المحافظات.
كما اكد الوزير على أهمية النظافة واتخاذ كل الاحتياطات ، مثل غسل اليدين المتكرر والابتعاد عن الحشود الكبيرة.
يوم الثلاثاء ، وقال الجبلي إن وزارة الصحة اضافية ارسلت مجموعة من الاطباء الى 22 دائرة الحجر الصحي في مطار القاهرة ، مشيرا الى ان وحتى الآن لا يوجد أي حظر السفر المفروض على الركاب القادمين من البلدان الموبوءة بالمرض.
الحكومة المصرية قد قررت انشاء لجنة مخصصة لمتابعة هذا المرض. لجنة الاشراف على انتاج الاقنعة الواقية وتنفيذ التدريب في مجال تربية الحيوانات ، والسياحة ، وقطاع النقل لاعتراض الفيروس.
وفي وقت سابق ، وضعت الحكومة خطة لنقل جميع مزارع الخنازير لمدينة 15 مايو فى جنوب الصحراء من القاهرة ، ولكن هذه الخطة انتقادات من قبل نواب في البرلمان.
مجلس الشعب (مجلس النواب) وحثت الحكومة يوم الثلاثاء للبدء فورا في ذبح الخنازير وليس لنقل مزارع تربية الخنازير بعيدا عن المناطق السكنية خوفا من انتشار انفلونزا الخنازير.
ومع ذلك ، فإن منظمة الصحة العالمية) / مساعد المدير العام للصحة والأمن والبيئة كيجي فوكودا اليوم / الاربعاء / انه لا يوجد دليل على أن الخنازير تنتشر انفلونزا الطيور الى البشر.
"لا نرى أي دليل على أن أي شخص من الحصول على الخنازير المصابة. ويبدو أن هذا الفيروس الذي ينتقل من شخص إلى آخر" ، وقال فوكودا.
ويقول خبراء ان اعدام الخنازير في مصر من غير المحتمل أن تؤثر على انتشار انفلونزا الخنازير في حال وصولها الى البلاد.
من جهة اخرى ، قالت منظمة الصحة العالمية يوم الثلاثاء ان مصر من خبرة في التعامل مع سلالة H5N1 المميتة من فيروس انفلونزا الطيور أنها أعدت للتعامل مع خطر انفلونزا الخنازير.
مصر هي البلد الأكثر تضررا من قبل القاتل لأنفلونزا الطيور خارج آسيا والمدرجة في المرتبة الثالثة في العالم بعد اندونيسيا وفيتنام ، وفقا لمنظمة الصحة العالمية.
"كاجراء وقائي لجميع ذبح الخنازير هو تدبير حاسم واعتقد ان مصر قد تعلمت درسا جيدا من مكافحة انفلونزا الطيور" ناهد إبراهيم ، ومقرها القاهرة وخبراء في العلاج الطبي والجراحي من الحيوانات لوكالة انباء شينخوا.
وقتل ما مجموعه 148 بشرية مؤكدة مختبريا من حالات انفلونزا الخنازير A/H1N1 العدوى قد أبلغت رسميا الى منظمة الصحة العالمية اعتبارا من الساعة 19:00 بتوقيت جرينتش يوم الأربعاء ، وقالت وكالة الامم المتحدة.
الحالات التي تم الإبلاغ من تسعة بلدان ، بما فيها 91 من الولايات المتحدة ، مع وفاة واحدة ، و 26 من المكسيك ، وسبع وفيات ، وقالت الوكالة في أحدث.
إسرائيل ، البلد الوحيد في الشرق الاوسط تعرضت للفيروس ، وقد أكدت حالتين والآن فحص حالتين مشتبه بهما.
أعراض انفلونزا الخنازير وتشمل الحمى والسعال والصداع مشتركة ، صداع حاد ، وفي بعض الحالات ، والتقيؤ والاسهال.
Questions and answers about the swine flu
The World Health Organization has developed a decalogue of swine flu, which has already taken the lives of at least 81 people in Mexico and has infected more than a thousand in the country and the U.S.
What is the swine flu?
It is a highly contagious respiratory disease that affects pigs, caused by a virus of the swine flu. Its high morbidity and mortality is very low, only between 1% and 4%. A virus that spreads from pigs to inhalation of mist from an infected animal through direct and indirect contact.
The disease is almost always caused by viruses of the H1N1 subtype, but are not limited to those affecting animals, eg H1N2, H3N1, H3N2. Pigs can also get infected with avian influenza viruses and the common human flu in the same way as with the swine influenza virus.
It is believed that the H3N2 virus of swine flu were infected by humans to pigs. Sometimes the animals themselves may be infected with a virus, allowing the virus to mix and give rise to mutations. In the same way, these viruses can spread between different animal species, such as from pigs to humans.
How does it affect human health?
How are viruses that can infect humans, occasionally epidemiological outbreaks are detected. Usually, clinical symptoms are similar to those of the common human flu, which affects the winter, although it has detected a wide spectrum of clinical symptoms, ranging from an infection with minimal symptoms to severe pneumonia that can cause death.
These similarities between the symptoms of swine flu and the common flu, fever, cough, headache, makes the majority of cases detected is within the monitoring system of the common flu, so many times do not know the real extent of the epidemic.
Where cases have been reported?
Which has spread from the International Health Regulations of the World Health Organization, apart from recent cases of Mexico, USA, France, New Zealand and Israel have been reported cases in Spain, where the flu is a disease notifiable.
How is the infection?
Humans are infected with swine flu through contact with infected pigs, although infection among humans has occurred in some cases, although very limited to very close contacts and groups of people.
Is it safe to eat pork and its derivatives?
Yes, because the swine flu can not be transmitted through pork after it is cooked. The virus dies after withstand temperatures around 70 degrees, so it is very important to cook the pork well.
What countries have experienced outbreaks of swine flu in pigs?
The swine flu in pigs is not a notifiable disease because the virus disappears after cooking the meat, but its impact is well known. The disease is endemic in the United States, and frequent epidemics have been detected in North America and South Europe (In the United Kingdom, Sweden and Italy), Africa (Kenya) and elsewhere in Asia such as China and Japan.
Is there a risk of it becoming a pandemic?
It is likely that most people, especially those who have no contact with pigs, is not immune to swine influenza viruses, which could prevent infection. If a swine flu virus mutates and gets passed from human to human, it is easy to produce a pandemic.
The impact of a pandemic caused by a virus of this type is difficult to predict, since it influences the virulence of the virus, the immunity of the population, they can offer cross-protection antibodies of the common flu, and so on.
The swine influenza virus, as has happened in this latest outbreak, can lead to a hybrid virus when mixed with a virus, for example, human influenza, thereby facilitating their spread to cause a pandemic.
Are human vaccine to prevent swine flu?
No, because the swine flu viruses change very quickly and the vaccine provides immunity only if it matches the circulating virus. Furthermore, the common flu vaccine, which is produced according to WHO recommendations, is not effective against the virus of swine influenza.
In fact, at this time, the authorities are not aware that they can immunize the population of Mexico and the U.S. with this vaccine to combat swine flu, although they are investigating in the laboratory and slow its rapid spread.
Are there medicines that can fight against swine flu?
Antiviral drugs for influenza are common in some countries prevent and treat the disease effectively. Are of two types: The adamantine and rimantadine on the one hand, and the neuraminidase inhibitors of viruses such as oseltamivir and zanamivir.
However, most previous cases of swine influenza have recovered from the disease without medical care or taking medication.
Some influenza viruses develop resistance to antivirals, the prophylaxis and treatment are limited. The virus samples of human cases responded well to oseltamivir and zanamivir, but were resistant to the adamantine and rimantadine.
What is the swine flu?
It is a highly contagious respiratory disease that affects pigs, caused by a virus of the swine flu. Its high morbidity and mortality is very low, only between 1% and 4%. A virus that spreads from pigs to inhalation of mist from an infected animal through direct and indirect contact.
The disease is almost always caused by viruses of the H1N1 subtype, but are not limited to those affecting animals, eg H1N2, H3N1, H3N2. Pigs can also get infected with avian influenza viruses and the common human flu in the same way as with the swine influenza virus.
It is believed that the H3N2 virus of swine flu were infected by humans to pigs. Sometimes the animals themselves may be infected with a virus, allowing the virus to mix and give rise to mutations. In the same way, these viruses can spread between different animal species, such as from pigs to humans.
How does it affect human health?
How are viruses that can infect humans, occasionally epidemiological outbreaks are detected. Usually, clinical symptoms are similar to those of the common human flu, which affects the winter, although it has detected a wide spectrum of clinical symptoms, ranging from an infection with minimal symptoms to severe pneumonia that can cause death.
These similarities between the symptoms of swine flu and the common flu, fever, cough, headache, makes the majority of cases detected is within the monitoring system of the common flu, so many times do not know the real extent of the epidemic.
Where cases have been reported?
Which has spread from the International Health Regulations of the World Health Organization, apart from recent cases of Mexico, USA, France, New Zealand and Israel have been reported cases in Spain, where the flu is a disease notifiable.
How is the infection?
Humans are infected with swine flu through contact with infected pigs, although infection among humans has occurred in some cases, although very limited to very close contacts and groups of people.
Is it safe to eat pork and its derivatives?
Yes, because the swine flu can not be transmitted through pork after it is cooked. The virus dies after withstand temperatures around 70 degrees, so it is very important to cook the pork well.
What countries have experienced outbreaks of swine flu in pigs?
The swine flu in pigs is not a notifiable disease because the virus disappears after cooking the meat, but its impact is well known. The disease is endemic in the United States, and frequent epidemics have been detected in North America and South Europe (In the United Kingdom, Sweden and Italy), Africa (Kenya) and elsewhere in Asia such as China and Japan.
Is there a risk of it becoming a pandemic?
It is likely that most people, especially those who have no contact with pigs, is not immune to swine influenza viruses, which could prevent infection. If a swine flu virus mutates and gets passed from human to human, it is easy to produce a pandemic.
The impact of a pandemic caused by a virus of this type is difficult to predict, since it influences the virulence of the virus, the immunity of the population, they can offer cross-protection antibodies of the common flu, and so on.
The swine influenza virus, as has happened in this latest outbreak, can lead to a hybrid virus when mixed with a virus, for example, human influenza, thereby facilitating their spread to cause a pandemic.
Are human vaccine to prevent swine flu?
No, because the swine flu viruses change very quickly and the vaccine provides immunity only if it matches the circulating virus. Furthermore, the common flu vaccine, which is produced according to WHO recommendations, is not effective against the virus of swine influenza.
In fact, at this time, the authorities are not aware that they can immunize the population of Mexico and the U.S. with this vaccine to combat swine flu, although they are investigating in the laboratory and slow its rapid spread.
Are there medicines that can fight against swine flu?
Antiviral drugs for influenza are common in some countries prevent and treat the disease effectively. Are of two types: The adamantine and rimantadine on the one hand, and the neuraminidase inhibitors of viruses such as oseltamivir and zanamivir.
However, most previous cases of swine influenza have recovered from the disease without medical care or taking medication.
Some influenza viruses develop resistance to antivirals, the prophylaxis and treatment are limited. The virus samples of human cases responded well to oseltamivir and zanamivir, but were resistant to the adamantine and rimantadine.
Questions and answers about the swine flu
România e vice-premier, Dan Nica apeluri de urgenţă cu privire la reuniunea porcine gripă pericol
Situaţii de urgenţă, în România de azi a discutat problema a virusului gripei porcine şi analizat metode pentru a preveni o de la intrarea în ţară, în conformitate cu o versiune de Ministerul de Interne (MAI).
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România e vice-premier, Dan Nica apeluri de urgenţă cu privire la reuniunea porcine gripă pericol Vezi Galerie Articol
Ion Bazac Ministrul Sănătăţii a anunţat că persoanele suspectate de contaminare porcine de gripă va fi spitalizat la spital boli infectioase Matei Bals şi metodele adecvate de carantină, vor fi luate. O campanie de prevenire a informa populaţia cu privire la acest subiect va fi iniţiată de azi.
De Ministerul Sănătăţii va publica o pagina web informativ cu privire la porcine gripă, in general de informatii, cele mai frecvente întrebări, măsuri şi recomandări de la specialişti în domeniu.
Ministerul îndeamnă populaţia să-şi intensifice de igienă personală şi de a evita auto-medicaţie şi deplasare în zonele afectate.
În conformitate cu Ministerul Sănătăţii, de gripă umană, cu o tulpina porcină nu este transmis prin consumul de carne de porc în cazul în care este pregătit la căldură. Simptomele sunt similare cu cele ale unei normale de gripă.
În conformitate cu Ministerul Sănătăţii, de gripă umană, cu o tulpina porcină nu este transmis prin consumul de carne de porc în cazul în care este pregătit la căldură. Simptomele sunt similare cu cele ale unei normale de gripă.
România s-ar putea confrunta cu probleme cauzate de porcine gripei incepand aceasta toamna, a declarat pentru NewsIn, directorul de la Matei Bals Institutul de Boli Infectioase Matei Bals, Adrian Streinu, care a adăugat că o campanie de vaccinare a populaţiei va începe pe 1 octombrie, o dată mai mult informaţii cu privire la tipul de tulpina de virus este primit.
Naţională Sanitar-Veterinară şi pentru Siguranţa Alimentelor Authority (ANSVSA) înfiinţat un comitet de ieri pentru a monitoriza evoluţia de porcine gripă. Comisia va analiza datelor primite, o dată şi va lua măsurile adecvate, în funcţie de situaţie.
ANSVSA preşedintele Marian Zlotea a declarat ieri pentru NewsIn că România nu a primit încă nici un semnal de avertizare din partea Uniunii Europene (UE) cu privire la porcine gripă deja a susţinut că victimele sale în Mexic şi Statele Unite.
Organizaţia Mondială a Sănătăţii (OMS) a avertizat cu privire la 25 aprilie cu privire la potenţialul de pandemie de gripă porcine nou virus de tip A/N1H1, care se transmite de la om la om şi răspândirea în Mexic şi Statele Unite.
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România e vice-premier, Dan Nica apeluri de urgenţă cu privire la reuniunea porcine gripă pericol Vezi Galerie Articol
Ion Bazac Ministrul Sănătăţii a anunţat că persoanele suspectate de contaminare porcine de gripă va fi spitalizat la spital boli infectioase Matei Bals şi metodele adecvate de carantină, vor fi luate. O campanie de prevenire a informa populaţia cu privire la acest subiect va fi iniţiată de azi.
De Ministerul Sănătăţii va publica o pagina web informativ cu privire la porcine gripă, in general de informatii, cele mai frecvente întrebări, măsuri şi recomandări de la specialişti în domeniu.
Ministerul îndeamnă populaţia să-şi intensifice de igienă personală şi de a evita auto-medicaţie şi deplasare în zonele afectate.
În conformitate cu Ministerul Sănătăţii, de gripă umană, cu o tulpina porcină nu este transmis prin consumul de carne de porc în cazul în care este pregătit la căldură. Simptomele sunt similare cu cele ale unei normale de gripă.
În conformitate cu Ministerul Sănătăţii, de gripă umană, cu o tulpina porcină nu este transmis prin consumul de carne de porc în cazul în care este pregătit la căldură. Simptomele sunt similare cu cele ale unei normale de gripă.
România s-ar putea confrunta cu probleme cauzate de porcine gripei incepand aceasta toamna, a declarat pentru NewsIn, directorul de la Matei Bals Institutul de Boli Infectioase Matei Bals, Adrian Streinu, care a adăugat că o campanie de vaccinare a populaţiei va începe pe 1 octombrie, o dată mai mult informaţii cu privire la tipul de tulpina de virus este primit.
Naţională Sanitar-Veterinară şi pentru Siguranţa Alimentelor Authority (ANSVSA) înfiinţat un comitet de ieri pentru a monitoriza evoluţia de porcine gripă. Comisia va analiza datelor primite, o dată şi va lua măsurile adecvate, în funcţie de situaţie.
ANSVSA preşedintele Marian Zlotea a declarat ieri pentru NewsIn că România nu a primit încă nici un semnal de avertizare din partea Uniunii Europene (UE) cu privire la porcine gripă deja a susţinut că victimele sale în Mexic şi Statele Unite.
Organizaţia Mondială a Sănătăţii (OMS) a avertizat cu privire la 25 aprilie cu privire la potenţialul de pandemie de gripă porcine nou virus de tip A/N1H1, care se transmite de la om la om şi răspândirea în Mexic şi Statele Unite.
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