In another article we discussed the basics of swine flu, but as many have left comments asking for more, we have assembled a series of questions and answers clarifying many myths that are spreading that the only thing they do is spread fear and misinformation. Let the facts. All questions and answers that have been made known by the health authorities of the nations affected by the outbreak of swine flu.
Is image deadly swine flu?
There were many deaths in Mexico only to date, and is believed to be because it was the place from where it spread, and most of all because it was linked to other infections in those affected. In other regions have not been as severe, with the exception of the recent case of fatal child two years in United States.
I can fish eating pork?
No, no swine flu can be spread by eating pork that has been cooked. We can only infect a pig sick if you are in contact with him.
How is the swine flu?
Any type of flu is a virus and transmitted to the spreading of liquid drops that go on the air. This is when you cough or sneeze. It is a highly contagious disease by breathing. Therefore it is advisable that we all cover the mouth when sneezing and coughing, are suffering or not swine flu. And wash your hands frequently, especially after using a handkerchief. Do not touch your nose or rub your eyes, and throws the handkerchief in the trash after use.
Is it safe to kiss someone on the cheek or lips?
If you are with the flu or the other does, it's best to avoid the kisses and hugs.
Is it safe to shake hands?
It is generally recommended that if one has the flu, or other suffering, it is better not to, and is also good advice to wash hands frequently.
Should I wear a chinstrap?
It is a personal decision, but there is evidence showing that over the chinstrap of the type used by doctors, are very effective in preventing transmission of influenza and other viruses. It is advisable for anyone suffering from influenza in the area concerned with swine flu, wear masks so as not to spread disease to people nearby.
How do I know if I have the swine flu virus, or just another cold?
This question is to ask the doctor if in doubt, it is because you go to the doctor now. The swine flu starts suddenly with symptoms such as high fever, headache, fatigue, cough, body aches and boogers. If you have these symptoms, consult a doctor.
¿Healthy people and young people should worry about?
Yes, if it is more likely that someone weak, elderly or child is ill with the flu, the case of swine flu appeared to affect everyone equally.
What treatments are against the swine flu?
The same as any other flu, stay home, dome much liquid, do not consume alcohol or snuff, and take the medication that the doctor tells you. Medication is not on your own. For more serious cases there are special drugs that the doctor will know to give.
Is there a vaccine for swine flu?
Currently there is not, reportedly is already working on it, but it can take months.
Should people stop traveling?
The World Health Organization has said that will not stop traveling to stop transmission. Yes, it should avoid travel to places where health alert has been declared by the swine flu.
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