domingo, 25 de agosto de 2013

OFFNOx new paint product applied to the road to catch the nitrogen oxides from the burning of cars

The OFFNOx as Real, is a solution that, in addition to photocatalytic titanium dioxide (TiO2), available substances, generically called "promoters" that improve and prolong the activity of the air purifying advantage characteristic properties of these additives.

"These components have no photocatalytic activity itself but absorb the products of the reaction and, because of its self-healing power, avoid the deactivation of it," says the researcher.
For BITUMENOx development, researchers analyzed a multitude of materials in order to ensure adherence to short, medium and long term of the product in the surface layer for different types of traffic.
NOx is highly polluting and contribute to the formation of photochemical smog, acid rain and climate change. Are included within the so-called greenhouse gases. Direct negative impact on human health such as respiratory problems and irritation of eyes, skin and mucosa and changes in vegetation.
OFFNOx ® is a patented formula photocatalyst from most other substances, generically called promoters, which enhance and prolong the activity taking advantage of synergies and properties of these additives themselves. Acts continuously removing NOx due to its self-regenerating power which prevents catalyst deactivation.

OFFNOx ® composition varies depending on the substrate on which it is applied.

OFFNOx ® is a product similar to natural minerals. Non-toxic, non-flammable. Einerte is safe.
1x1.trans “La idea es convertir edificios en árboles y las ciudades en bosques”

OFFNOx ® additive is designed as outer surfaces. Any external surface can be studied for the addition of OFFNOx ® surface.

OFFNOx ® is a patented formula photocatalyst from most other substances, generically called promoters, which enhance and prolong the activity taking advantage of synergies and properties of these additives themselves. Acts continuously removing NOx due to its self-regenerating power which prevents catalyst deactivation.
OFFNOx ® composition varies depending on the substrate on which it is applied.

OFFNOx ® is a product similar to natural minerals. Non-toxic, non-flammable. Einerte is safe.


OFFNOx ® additive is designed as outer surfaces. Any external surface can be studied for the addition of OFFNOx ® surface.

OFFNOx ® composition varies depending on the substrate on which it is applied.
OFFNOx ® is a product similar to natural minerals. Non-toxic, non-flammable. Einerte is safe.


OFFNOx ® additive is designed as outer surfaces. Any external surface can be studied for the addition of OFFNOx ® surface.

OFFNOx ® is a product similar to natural minerals. Non-toxic, non-flammable. Einerte is safe.

OFFNOx ® additive is designed as outer surfaces. Any external surface can be studied for the addition of OFFNOx ® surface.

OFFNOx ® additive is designed as outer surfaces. Any external surface can be studied for the addition of OFFNOx ® surface.

OFFNOx ® additive is designed as outer surfaces. Any external surface can be studied for the addition of OFFNOx ® surface.
Glass products
Civil Works
Tunnels and parking
Air purification filters
If you think you have a suitable material, please contact us.

OFFNOx ® activity is based on a natural oxidation on the surface, photocatalyzed by sunlight.
OFFNOx ® activity is based on a natural oxidation on the surface, photocatalyzed by sunlight.
OFFNOx ® activity is based on a natural oxidation on the surface, photocatalyzed by sunlight.
Try them in period laboratory developed tests were very satisfactoriasLa "ceramic that purifies the air"

They also tried not affect the service conditions of pavements where it is placed, not to alter the components constituting the bituminous mixtures and, above all, achieve maximum reduction of ambient nitrogen oxides.

OFFNOx ® is a powder additive for use in exterior surfaces capable of removing nitrogen oxides (NOx) pollutants from the air by photocatalytic oxidation.
It is a "ceramic that purifies the air", composed of a substance called OFFNOx.

This substance imitating plant works as semiconductor that converts energy from sunlight or chemical energy photons.

Nitrogen oxides found in the atmosphere (which damage the environment and are harmful to health) are transformed by OFFNOx nitrate which is harmless.

It can be mixed with the materials used for the construction of buildings, such as ceramic or acrylic paint or exterior, turning buildings into "sponges" that help clean the air.

Another advantage of this material is that, as a ceramic that is has no pores, rain naturally clean nitrate ceramics and falls to the ground, being used as plant nutrient environment.

Not yet tried the drug in an open atmosphere, but its effectiveness was demonstrated in the laboratory, with gaseous pollutants in amounts similar to those that would have in a big city.

By exposing the material to sunlight and using spectroscopic techniques to determine the atmospheric composition could see that the amount of nitrogen oxide concentration decreases and drops to levels almost depreciable.

"Also do not form other undesirable gases such as nitrous acid or nitric acid, but that's in an ideal atmosphere and closed", explains Professor Garcia (one of the scientists responsible for the research).

When trials are underway with OFFNOx in Barcelona, ​​but according to the scientist, his invention achieved "clear the air".

Our R & D continues to develop new technologies to facilitate the incorporation of other materials OFFNOx ® support and continuously optimizing NOx removal ratios.

So far, the new product has been evaluated in laboratory with very positive results and the first road tests are being carried out in the Alicante town of Sant Vicent del Raspeig.

In this town the way will be held over the next semanasensayos newspapers to test the absorbency of the product and its durability.

"The laboratory developed tests were very satisfactory, but it is true that environmental conditions are very different to those found in the street," said Julia Real.

According to the researcher, these conditions play a key role in the efficiency of the product and are highly variable even within the same geographic point.

The new material comprises a substance called OFFNOx, a semiconductor that converts energy from sunlight or photons, into chemical energy. Nitrogen oxides which are in the atmosphere, harmful to health, are transformed into nitrate, which is harmless.
The substance can be added to materials for the construction of buildings such as ceramic or acrylic paints and outside, and when exposed to sunlight, and a chemical reaction ensues is transformed nitrogen dioxide.

Naturally the plants would work to transform CO2 and other gases in the atmosphere.

"Our material is a mimic of a plant," he told BBC Prof. Hermenegildo Garcia.
"The idea is to convert the buildings into trees in forests and cities", "Ideally stop emitting greenhouse gases using fuels that do not pollute, but as long as we pollute we must find something to clear, so this technology can help address the damage we do, "adds the scientist.

domingo, 18 de agosto de 2013

Condometric nuevos preservativos para saber exactamente cuando le mide el miembro a tu pareja y no mientan...

Para que ellos no mientan más... un preservativo ahora mide el pene

Condometric se trata de un nuevo invento que no sólo cuidará a las parejas en la cama sino que, además, también medirá el miembro masculino, ya que tiene una regla con centímetros en él.

Condometric se trata de un nuevo invento que no sólo cuidará a las parejas en la cama sino que, además, también medirá el miembro masculino, ya que tiene una regla con centímetros en él.
Los profilácticos, que están fabricados a base de caucho natural como el resto de sus competidores en el mercado, están verificados electrónicamente uno por uno para asegurar una mayor protección y la tinta usada en la regla no tiene ningún compuesto que pueda generarle un inconveniente ni al hombre ni a la mujer.

jueves, 15 de agosto de 2013

sistema de control de plagas en las plantas, que consiste en una mezcla de aceites que contienen elementos de protección natural

Tamar-Tech, de la empresa Agro Shelef, es un sistema de control de plagas en las plantas, que consiste en una mezcla de aceites que contienen elementos de protección natural de la planta. Estas emulsiones se pulverizan sobre las plantas en invernaderos o en los campos.
“Usamos la capacidad de lucha natural de las plantas contra las plagas para crear Tamar-Tech,” explica Almog Yaish, vocero de la empresa Agro Shelef. “Para poner un ejemplo extremo, los melocotones contienen cianuro en sus hoyos. Esto se debe a que han evolucionado para protegerse contra las amenazas como las ardillas. También lo hacen otras plantas y frutas, que contienen muchas maneras de bloquear a sus enemigos-”.
Reducir el uso de los productos químicos hasta en un 80%
“Hemos recogido básicamente un montón de diferentes aceites y productos químicos de diferentes plantas, y analizamos lo que cada uno hizo. A continuación, hemos creado una fórmula que equilibra las diferentes acciones “, explica Yaish. “Una ventaja clave de la utilización de aceites vegetales es que las plagas no pueden desarrollar fácilmente una resistencia contra ellos.”
Las emulsiones pueden tanto parar físicamente las plagas, al actuar como un veneno (que no es perjudicial para los seres humanos), así como disuadir a que se acerquen a las plantas.
Según Agro Shelef, esta delgada capa, simplemente se puede enjuagar con agua por parte de los clientes. Agro Shelef cree que con Tamar-Tech el potencial de reducir el uso de pesticidas químicos es de hasta un 80 por ciento.

jueves, 8 de agosto de 2013

¿Qué es una silicona para cabello? Tipos de silicona Beneficios Contraindicaciones

¿Qué es una silicona para cabello?
La silicona es un componente que acondiciona los cabellos, es por eso que se encuentra en la mayoría de los productos capilares. Al usar la silicona nuestro cabello queda más sedoso y brillante, le da la apariencia de estar sano.
Tipos de silicona
Cuando compren silicona deben leer los compuestos que la forman.
Volátiles (van desapareciendo cuando se exponent al aire): cyclopentasiloxane, cyclomethicone, cyclomethicone & dimethicone.
Solubles: amodimethicone y todas aquellas que llevan PEG (fácil e disolver al agua) delante.
No Solubles: La dimethicone es la silicona más pesada y no soluble.
- Brillo y suavidad
- Hay diferentes tipos de siliconas, unas controlan el friz, reparan las puntas, controlan el volumen, etc.
- Brinda un aspecto sano al cabello
Brindan protección al cabello.
- Si aplicas demasiada puede tener un cabello más graso.
- Se puede generar un build – up. Si aplicamos silicona no soluble, esta puede impedir que otros productos que apliquemos que tengan nutrientes no puedan penetrar.
Puedes usar la silicona que desees, de acuerdo a tu necesidad.
Trata de que su uso sea interdiario, sino podrías tener un cabello algo graso. Recuerda ir probando si tu cabello tiende a ponerse grasoso, no la apliques tan seguido.
Usa pequeñas cantidades. Yo uso solo dos o tres gotas para todo mi cabello (lacio 20 cm. Bajo el hombro – saquen sus conclusiones, es poco lo que uso)
Si van a comprar silicona que sea la volátil o soluble.
Pueden aplicar la silicona antes de plancharse el cabello.
Si su cabello es muy grasoso, traten de buscar otros productos que tengan la silicona incluida.
Siempre revisen bien el modo de aplicación. Yo tengo una que se aplica de medios a puntas – la mayoría se aplica de este modo- Recuerden que el cuero cabelludo de por si tiene algo de grasa y aplicarle más generará que se nos engrase. Tengo otra que se aplica en todo el cabello, pero ahí si indican que es en pequeñas cantidades. Tengan cuidado con las indicaciones, de preferencia de medios a puntas, de dos a tres gotas.

jueves, 1 de agosto de 2013

bolsos de playa de silicona

Bolso de playa Brety grande o mediano

Topten Design SLU
Exclusiva a Península
La forma más moderna y colorida de llevarlo todo este verano, es en estos bolsos de silicona. Elige tamaño (grande o mediano) y color (azul turquesa, rosa fucsia y verde).
  • Valor46
  • Ahorra24
  • Precio22
  • Descuento52%
  • Envío a domicilio
  • Ya lo tienen4
  • Finaliza en01d 09h 58m
  •  Comprar