viernes, 6 de junio de 2008

Quimica, Chemical: プリウッド~100%リサイクルの再生樹脂マテリアルは水に浮かぶ complete recycling of plastic waste using 100 percent renewable materials recycling.

◆ → complete recycling of plastic waste using 100 percent renewable materials recycling.
Scenery ◆ wood specific gravity of 0.65 to 0.78 → light performance.
◆ outstanding durability → deterioration rate is very low,腐りませんsemipermanently.
◆ → easy workability of the nails, and they saw all of the tools used for woodworking.
◆ → can be lengthy process of manufacture of extrusion, 4 m in length production.

Example: [Applications Performance
◆ size of special materials palette
◆ corrosion is significant progression of marine, coastal parts of the facility
◆ deterioration caused by ultraviolet light, wind and rain erosion of significant progress in a park bench, fence, and as a member of so-called擬木
◆ work in process in the factory yard digit materials, etc.
◆ traditional wood for durability and resistance to corrosion, oil-resistant surface of the problem is the case


◆紫外線による劣化、雨風による腐食の進行が著しい公園内ベンチ、柵などいわゆる擬木 としての部材

*仮に破損して使えなくなったとしても、再度同じプリウッドに生まれ変わることができ ますので、地球環境に負荷をかけない低炭素社会の実現にも貢献できる素材です。
*標準は黒色のみ、板材と角材の各サイズがありますがご希望に添えない場合もあります ので、詳細はお問合せください。

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