miércoles, 26 de mayo de 2010

electric cars to be connected by internet


Experts and managers of major national energy company discussed at a roundtable on future of electric car and the importance of ICT in development, under the title "eCare: Connecting the electric car to the network", in "III ICT and Sustainability Forum "that took place on 20 and 21 May in the Convention Center Barceló Renacimiento in Seville. In the roundtable participated eCare Jorge Sanchez Cifuentes, project Endesa electric vehicle; Susana Bañares, director of demand management for Red Electrica of Spain Ezequiel Navarro, CEO of Grupo Premo, Agustin Delgado, director of Innovation Iberdrola, and Agustín Aragón, secretary general of the Foundation Institute for Security Technology Motor (FITSA).

The speakers said that "without a political impetus to the demand and industrial restructuring of the sector, consumer demand alone can not develop the economies of scale needed to complete industrial and technological opportunity that involves the introduction of the electric car" collection in the European Strategy and Sustainable Economy Act.

They have also reported that one of the most innovative in the coming years will be the development of interconnections of the vehicle that will exceed the connection elements that are already known nowadays as MP3, DVD, mobile or Bluetooth. The aim is to provide Internet access for drivers to go the way of life "connected" that surrounds us today, including elements for internal connections, connections "car to car, providing information GPS, wireless Internet services using devices NAD network access or wireless networks, contacts and calendar management agenda, plus road safety benefits that could save 2,500 lives a year.

For specialists, the main challenges facing the ICT sector and industry are to achieve the evolution of power electronics, the evolution of energy storage systems, improved electromagnetic compatibility and electrical safety, as well advance the development of drive systems and interconnection of the vehicle. Another aspect that most concerns experts are charging and communication needs, which must evolve in parallel with the emergence of new vehicles and new technologies.

Another of the difficulties faced by industries involved in electric vehicle development is the evolution of storage systems. The batteries are currently a major constraint to the implementation of eCare technology. Currently, the main objectives have to do with protecting the battery from damage, whether mechanical or overload or load / unload defective, prolonging battery life to ensure a minimum hours of operation and finally , ensure maintenance of the status of the battery along with reduced size, weight and volume.

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