miércoles, 30 de diciembre de 2009

quimica - chemistry riding in an electric car.

I wrote much of this post, or I should say I dictated it into my digital recorder, while riding in an electric car. A colleague of mine, Stephen Currie, is the first person in Atlanta to own a Wheego electric car and I am one of his first passengers.

The ride is thrilling for its, well……lack of thrill. I expected to feel as though I was riding in a golf cart but riding in this Wheego electric car is like riding in any other car. The top speed is supposed to be 25 mph but the speedometer reads 35, and as any of you that have driven in Atlanta know, if we weren’t keeping up with traffic the drivers behind us would let us know. My seat is roomy and comfortable, and I am not in fear of an accident; or at least I have no more fear than any sane person would have driving in Atlanta. I am impressed.

Wheegos sell for about $20,000 and Stephen got a $7,500 tax credit, making the vehicle a very logical solution for in-city driving. The current model Wheego is not allowed on highways so Currie has another car for that.

The Wheego looks a lot like a SmartCar, which are very popular in Atlanta. The difference is a decal of an electric cord and an electric outlet where a gas tank would normally be located.

Currie is by no measure an over the top global warmist. He is bothered by our nation’s dependence on foreign oil so he is making a statement. He is also making a statement about practical, cost-effective transportation to meet his lifestyle. The folks at Wheego make a convincing case that this car will meet the needs of people that do most of their driving in town. If I understand Wheego’s strategy correctly, they hope to add a model suitable for highway driving once they have a base of early adopters like Currie.

The tax credit means that the Wheego is not fully a free market product which would be my preference, but given all the benefits oil companies and traditional automakers receive from our government, I have no issue with a tax credit for electric cars.

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