lunes, 30 de noviembre de 2009

Mold Making with 74-30 Rubber

Quimica - chemistry: The huge hangar receives approximately 1,000 tons of plastic bags each year, various machines chopped, dry cleaned and then p

The huge hangar receives approximately 1,000 tons of plastic bags each year, various machines chopped, dry cleaned and then passed through water to result in thousands of small plastic balls, which in industry jargon are known as chaff.

The joint venture Berziklategia Bizkaiko Plasmatics, based next to the waste separation plant of Biscay, whose remains plastic draws, sells these little gray abroad. Germany, Britain, Portugal and Belgium are the natural markets for the company, for which there is no gap in Spain, "because the pieces can be made from our raw materials are not sold here," says Peter Goikoetxea manager the plant.

In total, there are no more than half a dozen companies active in Spain for processing of plastic bags and trade the resulting new material. "It is a very desirable because it requires no washing, but not easy to find worthwhile amounts recycled," explains Pedro Andres Parreno, ANARPLA manager, the association of plastic recyclers. That is, a lot of volume but little weight, which is what living the recycling industry.

In the case of the bag as well, "barely has developed an industry-related economic, for that reason was the last I began to be recycled and is below the paper and paperboard" Ecoembes explained from the association of packaging companies. In 2008, recycling of paper and paperboard reached 81%, metals 69%, and plastics 38.4%, according to the agency.

The crisis has accentuated the downward trend of this industry in miniature. "One and a half ago we sold a tonne to 550 euros, now the price has dropped to 350," said Goikoetxea.

The recycling of all plastics sold a ton between 1,400 and 1,480 euros in August 2008. Earlier this year, the price had dropped to 740 euros, and is now in a range between 1,000 and 1,020 euros, according to figures ANARPLA.

"When the price of virgin material is very low, the difference with the recycled material is reduced so that the processors lose interest," says Parreno. Another factor is oil prices.

Despite the apparent distance from the barrel of Brent polyethylene (which are manufactured with plastic bags), the latter depends on the ethylene intermediate Unmaterial obtained from petroleum. "Just look at the evolution of the price of a barrel of Brent to explain the great variability in the price of virgin materials," explained from ANARPLA.

Asked whether the entry into supermarket bags natural materials (raffia or potatoes) will affect the business of recycling, Goikoetxea answer "is something we will not see us." However, the trend set by supermarkets such as Carrefour and Eroski have a real impact on the sector, already affected by the crisis.

Meanwhile, avoid large areas with this initiative to pay for tons of clean plastic bags and pass the tax get the green point Ecoembes, required under current regulations for all packaging and distribution companies.

The industry, supermarkets can save up to 13 million euros with the removal of plastic bags. The English Court has also joined the green marketing, adding that sells reusable bags for 0.95 Euro. The company expects that this measure consumption of plastic bags is reduced by 7%.

Eroski euro cent discount on the purchase receipt of their customers for every bag not used.

El inmenso hangar recibe unas 1.000 toneladas de bolsas de plástico cada año, que diversas máquinas trocean, lavan en seco y después pasan por agua hasta dar como resultado miles de pequeñas bolas de plástico, que en la jerga del sector se conocen como granzas.

La empresa mixta Bizkaiko Plastiko Berziklategia, con sede junto a la planta de separación de residuos de Vizcaya, de cuyos restos de plástico se nutre, vende estas pequeñeces de color gris en el extranjero. Alemania, Reino Unido, Portugal y Bélgica son los mercados naturales de la compañía, para la que en España no hay hueco, "porque las piezas que pueden fabricarse a partir de nuestra materia prima no se venden aquí", explica Pedro Goikoetxea, gerente de la planta.

En total, no hay más demedia docena de empresas que se dediquen en España a la transformación de bolsas de plástico y al comercio de la nueva materia prima resultante. "Es un producto muy apetecible porque no requiere lavado, pero no es fácil encontrar cantidades que merezca la pena reciclar", explica Pedro Andrés Parreño, gerente de Anarpla, la asociación de recicladores de plástico. Es decir, mucho volumen, pero poco peso, que es de lo que vive la industria del reciclaje.

En el caso de la bolsa, además, "apenas se ha desarrollado una industria económica relacionada, por ese motivo fue lo último que empezó a reciclarse y está por debajo del papel y del cartón", explican desde Ecoembes, la asociación de empresas envasadoras. En 2008, el reciclado de papel y cartón alcanzó el 81%; de metales el 69%, y de plásticos el 38,4%, según datos de este organismo.

La crisis ha acentuado la tendencia a la baja de esta industria en miniatura. "Hace un año y medio vendíamos la tonelada a 550 euros, ahora el precio ha bajado a 350", explica Goikoetxea.

El reciclado del total de plásticos vendía la tonelada entre 1.400 y 1.480 euros en agosto de 2008. A principios de año, el precio había bajado a 740 euros, y ahora se sitúa en una horquilla entre 1.000 y 1.020 euros, según cifras de Anarpla.

"Cuando el precio de la materia virgen es muy bajo, la diferencia con el material reciclado se reduce tanto que los transformadores pierden el interés", explica Parreño. Otro factor determinante es el precio del crudo.

Pese a la aparente distancia que separa el barril de Brent del polietileno (con el que se fabrican las bolsas de plástico), este último depende del etileno, unmaterial intermedio que se obtiene a partir del petróleo. "Sólo hay que mirar la evolución del precio del barril de Brent para explicar la gran variabiliad del precio de la materia prima virgen", explican desde Anarpla.

Preguntado sobre si la entrada en los supermercados de bolsas de material natural (rafia o fécula de patata) afectará al negocio del reciclado, Goikoetxea responde que "es algo que no veremos nosotros". Sin embargo, la tendencia marcada por las grandes superficies como Carrefour o Eroski tendrá un efecto seguro sobre el sector, afectado ya por la crisis.

Mientras, las grandes superficies evitan con esta iniciativa limpia pagar por toneladas de bolsas de plástico y de paso el impuesto por obtener el punto verde de Ecoembes, obligatorio según la normativa vigente para todas las empresas envasadoras y distribuidoras.

Según el sector, las grandes superficies pueden ahorrarse hasta 13 millones de euros con la supresión de bolsas de plástico. El Corte Inglés también se ha sumado al marketing verde, incorporando bolsas reutilizables que vende por 0,95 euros. La compañía espera que con esta medida el consumo de bolsas de plástico se reduzca un 7%.

Eroski descuenta un céntimo de euro en el recibo de compra de sus clientes por cada bolsa no utilizada.

domingo, 29 de noviembre de 2009

future electric cars

In the previous article I comment on future electric cars will be seen in the streets (for now do not think). But do not forget that before these vehicles copen whole market was first developed many hybrids, and the best known case is the Toyota Prius, which is already in its third version.

The number of hybrid cars that are currently developing this level of power practically. This blog is much talk of this kind of vehicles, as like the electric, is the immediate future. Then will see many developments futuristic cars with hybrid engines.
Related information: Mitsubishi L200 Walkinshaw Performance, just for the UK / The electric taxi 2020, an idea of Damian Lucaciu / Lightning GT, the electric supercar / Green GT, the sporty green 2011 / Plymouth Road Runner Superbird Concept, a project Michael Leonhard / New Honda Civic, more futuristic model

En el articulo anterior les comente sobre los futuros coches eléctricos que veremos en las calles (por ahora no lo creo). Pero no hay que olvidar que antes de que estos vehículos copen todo el mercado, primero se desarrollaran muchos híbridos, y el caso más conocido es el Toyota Prius, que ya esta en su tercera versión.


La cantidad de coches híbridos que se están desarrollando en la actualidad esta al nivel de los eléctricos prácticamente. En este blog se habla mucho de esta clase de vehículos, ya que al igual que el eléctrico, es el futuro inmediato. A continuación podrán apreciar muchos desarrollos de coches futuristas que tienen motores híbridos.


Información relacionada: Mitsubishi L200 Walkinshaw Performance, solo para el Reino Unido / El TAXI eléctrico del 2020, una idea de Damian Lucaciu / Lightning GT, el superdeportivo eléctrico / Green GT, el deportivo ecológico del 2011 / Plymouth Road Runner Superbird Concept, un proyecto de Michael Leonhard / Nuevo Honda Civic, el modelo más futurista

quimica - chemistry bioplastic-producing tobacco crop

Massachusetts-based Metabolix Inc. recently completed a field trial of a bioplastic-producing tobacco crop, helping lay the groundwork for planning and permitting of other biomass crop field trials for bioplastics.

The tobacco in the 0.8-acre field trial was genetically engineered to express polyhydroxyalkanoate (PHA) biobased polymers. The experiment is not a commercial opportunity for the company, but was used to validate and learn more about processes for future work in plant-based programs with nonfood crops such as switchgrass, oilseeds and sugarcane, according to the company. Metabolix is a bioscience company focused on providing sustainable solutions to manufacture plastics, chemicals and energy.

The trial provided valuable data relating to biopolymer production, with the best plants producing 3 percent to 5 percent PHA, according to Metabolix. In comparison, Metabolix has achieved a PHA yield of 3.72 percent dry weight PHA in switchgrass leaves and 1.23 percent dry weight in the plant as a whole, according to Matt Lindberg, a communications representative for the company. Research aims to achieve 7.5 percent dry weight from the plant, a benchmark that would be economic for full-scale commercial production, he added. The bioplastic is grown directly within the crop and extracted later through a proprietary process, Lindberg said.

sábado, 28 de noviembre de 2009

Reuse plastic containers to make labels or Christmas ornaments

I've been cutting and saving plastic containers of fabric softener and soap to make these labels with the initials of family members intending to use them to identify packages for Christmas.

Also cutting stars or snowflakes can be used as ornaments for windows or the tree.

We make the computer a letter template, it is best to be as straight as possible and to cut corners to make a long pulse. We will use a cutting board as a base, cut out the letters in the paper template and put them on pieces of plastic to make sure we take all the material well.

We spread the back of each piece of paper with glue stick and attach it to its corresponding piece of plastic. We cut out the outline of the letter with the tip of a cutter using a ruler for straight parts and without much pressure, the curved sides of each letter should be marked by hand. After marking the outline with the cutter insist as often as necessary until it begins to separate. It must release the letter folding the plastic piece gently.

There's always something out burrs or cutting a line the next, so it is necessary to lightly sand each letter once cut, this will use a flat sanding down the straights and curves circular file.

Once completed you have to make a hole for hanging with a noose.

Wanted a piece of wood to support the letter and make the hole. We used an electric screwdriver with a drill tip 3 or 4 mm as we want big the hole. By placing a timber below, we can completely transfer the plastic without damaging the work surface.

Reutilizar envases de Plástico para hacer etiquetas o adornos de Navidad

He ido cortando y guardando los envases de plástico de suavizante y jabón para realizar estas etiquetas con las iniciales de los miembros de la familia con intención de utilizarlas para identificar los paquetes en Navidad.

También cortando estrellas o copos de nieve se pueden usar como adorno para las ventanas o para el árbol.


Hacemos con el ordenador una plantilla de letras, lo mejor es que sean lo más rectas posibles, ya que para recortar las curvas hace falta mucho pulso. Utilizaremos una plancha de corte como base, recortamos las letras de la plantilla de papel y las colocamos sobre los trozos de plástico para asegurarnos que aprovechamos bien todo el material.

letras 1

Untamos la parte de atrás de cada trozo de papel con pegamento de barra y lo fijamos a su correspondiente trozo de plástico. Recortamos el contorno de la letra con la punta de un cutter utilizando una regla para las partes rectas y sin hacer demasiada presión, las partes curvas de cada letra deben marcarse a mano alzada. Una vez marcado el contorno con el cutter insistimos cuantas veces sean necesarias hasta que comience a separarse. Se debe desprender la letra doblando el trozo de plástico suavemente.


Siempre quedan rebabas o se sale algo una línea de corte de la siguiente, por lo que es necesario lijar cada letra ligeramente una vez recortada, para ello se utiliza una lija plana en las rectas y una lima circular para las curvas.


Una vez terminadas hay que hacerles un agujero para poder colgarlas con un lazo.


Se busca un trozo de madera para apoyar la letra y hacerle el agujero. Usamos un atornillador eléctrico con una punta de broca de 3 ó 4 mm según queramos de grande el agujero. Al poner una madera debajo, podemos traspasar completamente el plástico sin dañar la superficie de trabajo.


viernes, 27 de noviembre de 2009

Biopolymers plastics from renewable sources

The need to reduce the high degree of dependence on fossil compounds, suggesting the incorporation within the oil chain of renewable raw materials, which affect not only energy production but also the products of the petrochemical industry such as plastics. This possibility is given inter alia by the production of biodegradable polymers from residual carbon sources as feedstock.
For the production of common plastic materials are used non-renewable fossil reserves, contributing to the depletion of natural energy that the planet has, contributing to increased greenhouse gases (GHGs). These conventional materials, by their nature, are stable from the chemical viewpoint, which means that they remain unchanged for long periods in the environment.

The biopolymer plastics are renewable source molecular structures composed of chains of monomers, which together have a structure and properties similar to plastics of fossil origin. Using as raw material for the bacterial fermentation of carbon sources from renewable sources, such as sugars from energy crops or waste generated in different industries (biodiesel, sewage, biomass ...) can reach these biopolymers, with the fundamental property that are biodegradable and completely safe at the time of decomposition.

For use as raw material, waste from the biodiesel industry (crude glycerin), biopolymers are more projection from PLA (polylactic acid) and PHA (polihidroxialcanatos), obtained by bacterial fermentation and with properties similar to thermoplastics.

The properties and characteristics of these polymers possess biodegradability, make them very versatile for a wide range of functions, such as use in the packaging (containers), profit biomedical (sutures, sccalfolds temporary, controlled-release capsules and facial surgery) mainly.

La necesidad de reducir el alto grado de dependencia de los compuestos de origen fósil, hace pensar en la incorporación dentro de la cadena del petróleo de materias primas renovables, que no sólo afecten a la producción energética sino también a los productos derivados de la industria petroquímica, como los plásticos. Esta posibilidad viene dada entre otras, por la producción de polímeros biodegradables, a partir de una fuente de carbono residual como materia prima.

Para la producción de materiales plásticos comunes, se usan reservas fósiles no renovables, lo que contribuye al agotamiento de las reservas energéticas naturales que el planeta posee, contribuyendo al aumento de los gases de efecto invernadero (GEI). Estos materiales convencionales, por su propia naturaleza, son estables desde el punto de vista químico, lo que quiere decir que permanecen inalterados durante largos periodos de tiempo en el medio ambiente.
Los biopolímeros plásticos de origen renovables son unas estructuras moleculares compuestas por cadenas de monómeros, que en conjunto poseen una estructuras y propiedades similares a los plásticos de origen fósil. Usando como materia prima para la fermentación bacteriana de fuentes de carbono de origen renovable, como pueden ser los azucares procedentes de cultivos energéticos o los residuos generados en diferentes industrias (biodiesel, aguas residuales, biomasa...) se pueden conseguir dichos biopolímeros, con la propiedad fundamental de que son biodegradables y totalmente inocuos en el momento de su descomposición.

En el caso de usar como materia prima, los residuos obtenidos en la industria del biodiesel (glicerina cruda), los biopolímeros con mayor proyección son el PLA (ácido poliláctico) y el PHA (polihidroxialcanatos), obtenidos mediante fermentación bacteriana y con propiedades similares a los termoplásticos.
Las propiedades y características de biodegradabilidad que dichos polímeros poseen, les hacen muy versatiles para un gran número de funciones, como por ejemplo su uso en el packaging (envases), utilidades biomédicas (suturas, temporary sccalfolds, capsulas de liberación controlada y cirujía facial) principalmente.
Acido Poliláctico (PLA):
El ácido poliláctico o PLA es un polímero del ácido láctico que puede reemplazar a los polímeros basados en recursos no renovables. Las ventajas son su biodegradabilidad y su posible procedencia a partir de materias primas renovables. La principal ruta seguida actualmente para la producción comercial de ácido láctico está basada en el uso de sustratos azucarados o amiláceos (normalmente de origen vegetal) por parte de bacterias fermentativas.
Entre los diferentes materiales plásticos biodegradables, el ácido poliláctico (PLA) es el que mayor potencial posee como sustituto del plástico convencional, porque además de sus excelentes propiedades mecánicas y físicas, puede ser procesado por la maquinaria ya existente. El PLA es también un material muy versátil ya que puede ser elaborado con varias formulaciones para alcanzar la mayoría de especificaciones de los diferentes productos.
Polihidroxialcanato (PHA)
Los polihidroxialcanoatos (PHAs), son polímeros producidos como material de reserva por diversos grupos bacterianos que resultan de gran aplicación en biotecnología y en la industria farmacéutica. Son sintetizados cuando el medio de cultivo posee una fuente de carbono en exceso y un defecto de otro tipo de nutriente, normalmente nitrógeno o fósforo. Se depositan en las bacterias como cuerpos de inclusión, ocupando incluso más del 90% del peso, que serán utilizados como fuente de carbono y energía en condiciones de escasez nutricional.
El polihidroxialcanato más conocido y usado es el ácido poli-3-hidroxibutírico (PHB). Las propiedades del polímero que forma son similares a las del propileno, por lo que se define como un termoplástico. La diferencia principal que posee con los polímeros derivados del petróleo es su biodegradabilidad por microorganismos (bacterias, hongos y algas) que transforman el PHA en sustancias inocuas tales como CO2 y agua.

Biopolimeros subdivisiones / Biopolymers

Hay que tener en cuenta que un biopolímero no necesariamente va a ser biodegradable, como es el caso de los nuevos polietilenos hechos con base en fuentes renovables (azúcar de caña), y por otro lado un polímero biodegradable no necesariamente tiene que provenir de fuentes renovables, como es el caso de algunos poliésteres que provienen del petróleo”.

Los biopolímeros pueden agruparse en tres grandes áreas:

a) Polímetos.- Extraídos/removidos directamente de organismos vivos principalmente plantas y algunos animales. En esta clasificación entran los polisacáridos como el almidón, la celulosa y sus derivados, la lignina, el quitosan y las proteínas como la albúmina, la caseína, el colágeno, el gluten de trigo y la proteína de soya.

b) Polímeros producidos por síntesis químicas tradicionales a partir de monómeros bioderivados. Dentro de esta clasificación el ejemplo típico es el polilactato que es un biopoliéster polimerizado a partir de monómeros de ácido láctico, el cual a su vez es producido vía fermentación de carbohidratos provenientes principalmente del maíz o la patata.

c) Polímeros producidos por microorganismos ó por bacterias genéticamente modificadas. Los biopolímeros más conocidos dentro de este grupo son los Polihidroxialcanoatos (PHA’s), dentro de los cuales tenemos el Polihidroxibutirato (PHB), y el Polihidroxivalerato (PHV).

Keep in mind that a biopolymer not necessarily going to be biodegradable, as is the case of the new polyethylenes made based on renewable sources (sugar cane) and secondly a biodegradable polymer does not necessarily have to come from renewable sources , as is the case of some polyesters from oil. "

The biopolymers can be grouped into three broad areas:

a) Polimet .- Extracted / removed directly from living primarily plants and animals. In this classification fall polysaccharides such as starch, cellulose and its derivatives, lignin, chitosan and proteins such as albumin, casein, collagen, wheat gluten and soy protein.

b) Polymers produced by traditional chemical synthesis from monomers bioderivados. Within this classification is a typical example that is a biopoliéster polylactate polymerized from monomers of lactic acid, which in turn is produced via fermentation of carbohydrates derived mainly from corn or potatoes.

c) Polymers produced by microorganisms or by genetically modified bacteria. The biopolymers known within this group are the polyhydroxyalkanoates (PHA's), within which we are polyhydroxybutyrate (PHB) and Polihidroxivalerato (PHV).

jueves, 26 de noviembre de 2009

Tesla Roadster, a new record for an electric autonomy

Tesla roadster record

Factor siempre en constante estado de mejora en los coches eléctricos es la autonomía, cosa que depende de un amplio número de factores, como puede ser la eficiencia de los motores, el peso del vehículo y sobre todo la capacidad de las baterías. Sin embargo, al margen de la mecánica del automóvil el factor humano es de vital importancia para conseguir un buen rango de circulación sin recurrir al enchufe.

El Tesla Roadster tiene todos los ingredientes para conseguir buenos consumos y no hay que preocuparse por el peso, ya que parte de la base de uno de los pesos ligeros con más renombre, el Lotus Elise. La autonomía según el fabricante de este eléctrico es de unos nada despreciables, 392 km en el ciclo EPA, pero con el conductor y carreteras adecuadas siempre hay margen para la mejora.

En esta ocasión el conductor ha sido Simon Hackett el encargado de guiar la rodadura del pequeño deportivo estadounidense, acompañado por Emilis Prelgauskas, durante el evento Global Green Challenge que ha tenido lugar en Australia. El resultado de unas cuantas horas de circular por las áridas llanuras del país de los koalas fue el record mundial de autonomía para un coche eléctrico.

Pararon el coche a los 501 km, tras exprimir hasta el último electrón de las 6.831 células de ión de litio que conforman la batería del coche. Tanto piloto como copiloto han declarado que para lograr esta marca ha sido de vital importancia la experiencia adquirida durante años de competición a bordo de planeadores sin motor.

Una buena noticia para el emergente sector de los coches eléctricos, cuyo principal argumento en contra es su corta autonomía y alto tiempo de carga. Ahora sólo queda saber cuanto tiempo ostentará el título Tesla antes de que se lo arrebate un coche eléctrico de nueva hornada.

miércoles, 25 de noviembre de 2009

A hybrid car of 1916?

Some ideas take time to mature. Some take both, so that when they do, those who gave birth long ago ceased to have them and did not affect the benefits of success nor rewarding personal recognition.

Clinton Edgar Woods founded in 1899 in Chicago, the Woods Motor Vehicle Co. of the ashes of the American Electric and during decade and a half developed and marketed thirty fully electric-powered models or 'dual', what is now called hybrids.

Of the latter, has been presented at the recent exhibition in Detroit, 1916 model, the Woods Dual Power Coupe Model 44, that can operate silently with a set of batteries that supply an electric motor that can move about 24 km / h, or by a gasoline engine, 4-cylinder internal combustion capable of launching this coupe to 56 km / h.
Woods_4 Woods_5

This is a hybrid almost complete. Unlike modern Prius, Civic, etc, was not using both engines simultaneously, and lacked regenerative braking systems ...
Woods_7 Woods_8

Its exorbitant price of $ 2700 can not compete with the less than $ 500 that was beginning to cost the Model T, and kept dropping.


Algunas ideas tardan en madurar. Algunas tardan tanto, tanto, que para cuando lo hacen, quien las alumbró hace ya tiempo que dejó de tenerlas y no le afectarán los beneficios del éxito ni el gratificante reconocimiento personal.


Clinton Edgar Woods fundó en 1899 en Chicago la Woods Motor Vehicle Co. de las cenizas de la American Electric y durante década y media desarrolló y comercializó una treintena de modelos con motores totalmente eléctricos o “duales”, lo que hoy denominamos híbridos.


De estos últimos, se ha presentado en la reciente exposición de Detroit un modelo de 1916, el Woods Dual Power Model 44 Coupe, capaz de funcionar de manera silenciosa con un conjunto de baterías que alimentan un motor eléctrico que permite desplazarse a unos 24 km/h, o mediante un motor de gasolina de 4 cilindros de combustión interna capaz de lanzar este cupé hasta los 56 km/h.

Woods_4 Woods_5

Se trata de un híbrido casi completo. A diferencia de los modernos Prius, Civic, etc, no usaba ambos motores al mismo tiempo, y carecía de sistemas de frenada regenerativa…

Woods_7 Woods_8

Su exorbitante precio de 2700 dólares no le permitieron competir con los menos de 500$ que empezaba a costar el Ford T, y seguía bajando.

martes, 24 de noviembre de 2009

Silicones in hair care products

Today I am going to talk about a topic that is being discussed in forums and blogs of beauty, and that seemed of importance about him.

I can not speak from a professional standpoint, but from my knowledge base to gather information on the subject. I can not determine whether the silicone in hair products are good or bad for health, but their effects are well known, based on the experience of others.

Today, silicones are in almost all shampoos and hair products like serums, conditioners, masks, soothing ... and In comparison with that if there are fewer free products contain silicone, and the price on some is somewhat higher.
I see hard to find "afro hair products" free of silicone.

Silicones may be compared as a double-edged sword, because on one hand and wrap the hair will look healthy, shiny, repaired at once ... but otherwise they do is damage the hair as it gradually silicones are glued to the hair axfisiándolo and prevent the absorption of external moisture, natural oils and treatments such as masks and so on ....
They also affect the scalp, preventing this breathe and absorb moisture needed for their optimal state.

Silicones are quite difficoult to remove hair, and whether to use a shampoo that contains them, we have not tackled the problem, if not to aggravate.

These are the most common silicones found in many products.
The vast majority of cosmetic silicones usually end in-cone, "Conole,-xane

* Dimethicone.
* Cyclomethicone.
* Siloxane.
* Amodimethicone.
* Cyclopentasiloxane.
* Dimethicone copolyol.
* Dimethiconol.
* Cetyl dimethicone.
* Cyclomethicone.

If you want you can download this list will prove very useful if you need to consult at any time.
Download list of silicones

Actually when they stop using products with silicone, is when you see the true condition of the hair, possibly off, dry, rough, or even brittle and / or split ends.

Following an appropriate regime hair by avoiding these components gradually reappeared hair strength and health.

All this has made me think and even alarmed me a bit but not easily recognize the silicones unhooked .... I personally I am saying and I see a real problem ...

Yesterday I did a review of all my products (see products here) and of all who use all contain some type of silicone (except the pure oils). I was amazed that my favorite that I use every day to hydrate my hair is the more classes that contain silicone!

For more information I recommend that you visit the blog of Bold pissed, because it has a very comprehensive article on the theme. We also want to thank you for letting me use the list.

lunes, 23 de noviembre de 2009

Luminoso Masterbatch

Luminoso Masterbatch

El masterbatch fotoluminiscente consta de alto rendimiento de cerdo fotoluminiscente-ción de tamaño de grano grande, además de resina de PP y aditivos diferentes.

Esta masterbatch se puede añadir a una variedad de diferentes materiales, como PE, PP, ABS, PVC, EVA y PC. Por lo tanto, excelentemente adecuados para la fabricación de productos de plástico fotoluminiscente.

Greenpeace ha renovado completamente su tienda on-line (1) donde se pueden encontrar decenas de nuevos productos ecológicos

Greenpeace ha renovado completamente su tienda on-line (1) donde se pueden encontrar decenas de nuevos productos ecológicos y de comercio justo como juguetes o eco-cosméticos sin olvidar los artículos tradicionales como las originales camisetas de la organización. Además, los ingresos de la tienda se destinan a la financiación de las compañas que Greenpeace mantiene activas en defensa del medio ambiente.

El acceso a la tienda se puede realizar a través de la página web de la organización en España o desde el siguiente enlace TIENDA y en ella se puede navegar de forma sencilla por las diferentes secciones hasta encontrar el producto que necesitamos.

Destaca la nueva línea de productos de cosmética totalmente naturales para toda la familia o los juguetes respetuosos con el medio ambiente para los más pequeños, además de artículos tan originales como el chubasquero de fécula de patata que, una vez desechado, podrá convertirse en una flor.

Los apartados de los que se compone son las siguientes:

Práctico chubasquero de bioplástico de fécula de patata 100% compostable y biodegradable. Utilízalo tantas veces como quieras: en la bici, en un concierto, en tus vacaciones..

Práctico chubasquero de bioplástico de fécula de patata 100% compostable y biodegradable. Utilízalo tantas veces como quieras: en la bici, en un concierto, en tus vacaciones..
Textil: donde se podrán encontrar artículos como las simpáticas camisetas de las campañas de Greenpeace o forros polares, todo fabricado con productos ecológicos.

La Casa Verde: con productos como huertos urbanos o cocinas solares, además de economizadores de agua, delantales o tazas.
Complementos: lugar reservado para bolsas de tela de algodón ecológico, chapas, etc.

Papelería: con cuadernos de papel reciclado y ceras para pintar naturales, además de bolígrafos reciclados o lapiceros de madera FSC certificada.

Infantil: los más pequeños tienen un lugar específico con juguetes de madera certificada, productos de papelería o textiles.

Cultura: un espacio para la literatura ecológica o la música.
Organiza el 2010: un lugar para encontrar la original agenda de Greenpeace
Eco Cosméticos: cremas faciales y corporales, además de productos para el cuidado del cabello: Belleza respetuosa con el medio ambiente.

domingo, 22 de noviembre de 2009

Nutrition: "The low-calorie diets are not effective long term"

This was stated by the medical Spanish, Ana Ramos, specialist protein diet: A treatment that achieves weight loss by reducing fat and sugar but - unlike the common diets - maintains the proper amount of protein that the body needs.

"The low-calorie diets are not effective long term and are slow in the early stages so the patient feels unmotivated - the specialist says - while the dietary protein can reduce weight quickly and then re-education so no food no rebound effect. "

Protein diets consist basically of a diet low in carbohydrates and fats, but compensated with a normal amount of protein, allowing the body to have what they need to perform their vital functions and is maintained with energy and good encouragement.

"Rapid weight loss is the result of a chemical reaction in the body called ketosis, which essentially means that the body takes the fat you need and transforms it into energy," said the specialist.

"Being overweight is not just about aesthetics, high weight predisposes the person to develop diabetes, cholesterol, hypertension, and a host of diseases that fall into the 'metabolic syndrome' - explained - however people come mainly because want to see thinner, then quickly lose weight encourages further treatment.

Dr. Ramos is training of physicians in the method Pronokal in Barcelona, a treatment based on a protein diet, aims to weight maintenance. It is divided into three stages: weight loss, rehabilitation and maintenance food.

"The complex of proteins that we provide is unique in that it has adapted to different tastes and textures so that the patient can tolerate psychologically and not the entire day with shakes. Are provided in the first stage of the thinning is, "he says.

Thus, the "envelope protein" can be transformed by a minimal preparation in a cappuccino, a cream of vegetable soup, a bacon and cheese pancake flavor or taste chocolate dessert.

"It's not magic envelope, but its prescription is given after an assessment of the patient, provides in conjunction with diet and puts it on track. Therefore, these protein foods are sold by prescription only trained personnel. Moreover, the source of protein in each envelope is indicated in the prospectus, "he says.


sábado, 21 de noviembre de 2009

Siliconne Rubber: Relying on glass as a component material for CPV system

After years of research, concentrating photovoltaics (CPV) technology is gearing up to achieve what has been promised over the years.

For a technology that only exploits normal direct solar irradiation, the challenge has been to move it out of the research phase and prove its worth. Benefits of concentrating are related to cost, and also manufacturability and reliability.

By Hriday Malik.

CPV, which features an optical system that focuses a large area of sunlight onto each cell, is all about minimising the ratio of expensive components such as the solar cells. Instead, the focus is on optimising the use of cheaper components, such as the glass, used in the collection system. Companies like the US-based SolFocus highlight that concentrating systems are mechanical assemblies. They can make use of inexpensive, field-proven materials and manufacturing techniques. An efficient way of overcoming the supply constraints of specialised materials such as PV cells is to use materials such as glass.

Unique challenges

From glass manufacturers’ perspective, when they break-down the cost of traditional c-Si and thin-film modules (whether silicon-based, CIS/CIGS or CdTe), glass is a relatively inexpensive component of the system compared to the semi-conductors and other components.

However, the economics are a bit different when it comes to CPV.

This is because as both the cost and conversion efficiencies of the modules increase, so does the importance of the performance of all the other components.

Because the cells used in CPV applications are generally both significantly more expensive and significantly more efficient than standard PV technologies, the economics are all about trying to get as much of the usable spectrum of light as possible to the cell or module and to protect that very expensive cell from any environmental or other damage.

The slight difference in CPV versus traditional PV applications is that the performance of the glass is far more important than just the cost, says Scott Thomsen, vice president and chief technology officer of Guardian group.

“That’s not to say that cost is not still a key driver of the decision to use glass. However, it is somewhat less of a consideration overall given the premium placed on performance, durability, system longevity and the protection of the cells themselves,” explains Thomsen.

According to another manufacturer, Perrysburg, Ohio-based Glasstech, when it comes to reflector shapes, glass has proven to be a viable, effective substrate in focusing sunlight. The tighter the tolerances achieved, the more energy driven into the prescribed target area for conversion.

Though the glass used in glass reflector technology is a low-iron glass, supply continues to grow for this product and it is available in the marketplace.

The capability of Glasstech systems, according to its director for solar energy systems, Mike Ondrus, is to process glass in high volumes at fast throughput rates and produce formed and strengthened finished product to become advantageous to the customer in driving down production costs and minimising installation and in-field losses which all contribute to driving down cost per watt.

Usage of glass

CPV technology companies have been looking at developing CPV products to generate electrical power at a cost that will reach grid parity in countries with good levels of sunlight by as early as 2010.

The UK-based Silicon CPV plc is one of them. Germany’s Concentrix Solar GmbH, too, is making rapid progress.

Glass is still by far the best transparent cover and therefore used by two of the three most competitive CPV companies, says Dr. Andreas Gombert, chief technology officer of Freiburg, Germany-based Concentrix.

For its part, Concentrix also uses glass due to its low thermal expansion and cost.

According to Silicon CPV’s CEO Prof. Humayun Mughal, the use of glass in CPV systems varies considerably from one manufacturer to another.

“For example at Silicon CPV, we use half the amount of glass compared to equivalent flat plat PV whereas Concentrix Solar uses twice as much as equivalent flat plat PV. In my view glass will be a relatively small but an important component in future CPV systems,” said Prof. Mughal.

He added that there will be a need for glass with high transmitance and low reflection properties specially formulated to deal with a very different optical arrangement, compared to flat plat PV, that exists in CPV systems. There will be a need for low cost glass with anti-reflection coating.

According to Guardian’s Thomsen, generally the advancements fall into the categories of the lenses and reflectors, along with their performance and configuration within the system. The ultimate goals, of course, are to concentrate the maximum amount of light in the tightest or most accurate concentrating path to achieve the highest concentrating ratios using the fewest components and least space possible -- all at the lowest cost possible.

“The contribution glass makes regarding these goals is related to technologies that enhance total solar reflectivity and focus precision (e.g. very high transmission glass, superior reflective coatings, custom and precision bending of mirrors to optimize focus, etc.),” said Thomsen.

For instance, manufacturing methods and designs which enable the use of very thin glass reflectors can dramatically improve reflectivity and efficiency. “In fact, Guardian is pioneering several thin, high-efficiency monolithic and laminated reflector designs for CPV which provide not only best-in-class reflectivity but which are also customised to meet the specific needs of each application or technology,” Thomsen said.

Mass production

There are two main types of concentrating optical systems: refractive types that use Fresnel lenses, and reflective systems that use one or more mirrors. Mirror-based systems rely on reflected light and Fresnel and other lens-based systems use refracted light, in both cases the transmission of the usable light through the system and to the receiver is one of the most critical issues. High-performance solar glass is considered to be a perfect system component because of the higher solar transmission in both systems and higher reflectance in the mirror-based systems.

According to Glasstech’s Ondrus, reflective technology and low-iron glass of varying thicknesses are being used for CPV systems. Glass can be bent and formed into the shape with the potential of being thermally strengthened and used as part of a structural support, depending on the application. Glasstech systems are well suited to bend glass reflector shapes to precise tolerances and at high volume to reduce costs.

Concentrix’s Dr. Gombert explains that Concentrix’s technology comprises fresnel lenses replicated in silicone rubber under a glass plate (instead of the widespread hot embossed acrylics), bent glass is also a substrate for mirrors, providing a better durability of the coating.

One of the critical factors is related to mass production of highly reliable CPV devices in order to drive the costs down.

Prof. Mughal says CPV technology is still at low volume stage and the supply chain has not really been tested.

Only when the technology moves into GigaWatt level, the strains in the supply chain will become visible.

“This technology has the potential to be most cost effective at the utility level deployment. The glass will largely be used for either system protection from the environment or as a substrate,” said Prof. Mughal.

It is certainly true that there are advantages to trading off more widely available materials like glass and mirrors for relatively expensive PV cell materials. However, when it comes to comparison between, say, a traditional (non-concentrating) c-Si PV system vs. a CPV system, it could get more complicated depending on the CPV technology. For example, while many of the CPV systems may require smaller quantities of PV cell material, some of those materials themselves can be very expensive and hard to come by, particularly in the form of finished goods ready for assembly into modules.

“So,in general it is a benefit to trade-off more widely available components for those that might be in short supply but I would put a caveat on stating that as a rule,” says Thomsen.

At the same time, Thomsen says “mass production” is music to “our ears”. Just as in many other industries, the real efficiencies in manufacturing glass products come from large scale production campaigns. In addition, product quality and consistency also becomes easier to maintain at a lower cost as volume goes up.

Mutually beneficial relationship

Prof. Mughal says the glass manufacturers should work closely with CPV system designers to produce the type and quality of glass needed to give highest optical performance at the lowest possible cost in order to achieve grid parity using CPV technology.

Guardian’s Thomsen says the industry is ready to provide the glass necessary to scale up with higher volumes of production of these PV and CPV products.

At the same time, he acknowledges that in the short-term, the greatest challenge lies in dealing with all the different and competing CPV technology platforms and customer requirements.

“It seems that each company or CPV technology platform requires a slightly different - in some cases, extremely unique- type and configuration of glass. Until they reach high-volume production, these competing platforms result in very high R&D and prototyping costs along with higher production costs that result from short production campaigns,” said Thomsen.

In the longer-term, there remain opportunities to incrementally and continually improve the transmission of the glass itself, as well as the reflectivity and accuracy of mirrors.

“The real technical challenges will probably come in making progress in other areas. These fall into many categories. For example, anti-reflective coatings are becoming more widely available today and Guardian is launching such a coating on our EcoGuard Pattern glass. One challenge for the industry, however, is to develop next-generation anti-reflective coatings that provide the gains in transmission while also being able to stand-up to long-term and often very hostile environmental conditions,” concluded Thomsen.

Dow Corning web-enabled business model introduces more than 20 China-made silicone rubbers

The rubbers, made in Dow Corning's manufacturing sites in Zhangjiagang and Shanghai, are available through the XIAMETER website, and include three newly developed fumed-silica filled silicone rubbers.

"The combination of our growing manufacturing capacity in China and the efficient way that our expanded XIAMETER business model allows customers to purchase products will benefit manufacturers throughout Asia," said Shelley Bausch, XIAMETER global executive director. "The additional capacity in China will also make high-quality, proven, standard silicone rubber products more readily available for customers in other parts of the world from our other plants."

Fumed-silica filled silicone rubber is widely used in food contact consumer goods, wire and cable and other various rubber fabrication applications due to its high physical properties such as tear strength and elongation.

"We have more than 40 years experience in producing fumed-silica filled silicone rubbers across the globe," said Bausch.

Introduced by Dow Corning in 2002 as the first of its kind in the silicone marketplace and unrivaled to date, the XIAMETER business model allows customers to purchase high quality, standard silicones ranging from rubber bases and compounds to dimethyl fluids and emulsions, to sealants and silanes at market-driven prices online. These materials are widely used as performance enhancers by multiple industries, including personal care, textile, energy, construction and automotive where they provide qualities such as durability, stability, adhesion and weather resistance.

In June, Dow Corning announced that the XIAMETER business would feature double the number of standard silicone products than previously available, a new order entry platform with enhanced self-service functionality, volume quantity options, and the ability to buy from distributors for the first time. Standard technical service and more information on the XIAMETER brand is available at


The XIAMETER brand of Dow Corning Corporation, offers market-driven prices for standard silicone products. Introduced in 2002, the business offers more than 2,100 products including silicone fluids, sealants, silanes, emulsions and rubber. The XIAMETER business is a no-frills model offering cost effective products through streamlined services and a web-enabled order platform. It's designed for customers who know what they need and do not require additional services or technical support. For more information, visit

About Dow Corning

Dow Corning provides performance-enhancing solutions to serve the diverse needs of more than 25,000 customers worldwide. A global leader in silicones, silicon-based technology and innovation, Dow Corning offers more than 7,000 products and services via the company's Dow Corning and XIAMETER brands. Dow Corning is a joint venture equally owned by The Dow Chemical Company and Corning, Incorporated. More than half of Dow Corning's annual sales are outside the United States. For more information, visit

viernes, 20 de noviembre de 2009

Quimica - chemistry: Plastic Packaging Institute presents with flavors that are satisfying consumer

Plastic containers capable of increasing the shelf life of foods or flavors incorporate transmit consumer satiety, or with bar codes to instruct the kitchen equipment, will be presented at the First Seminar of the Technological Institute of Plastics (AIMPLAS ).

New technologies applied to these packages aim to simplify the consumer's work in the kitchen and increase your safety, according to organizers of the seminar to be held in Paterna (Valencia) on 3 and 4 of next November.

The seminar, led to processors and packagers of plastic raw material, technical managers responsible for quality, production, R & D, design and business, is to "establish a meeting point between science and technology enterprises, research staff and technology centers.

According to a press AIMPLAS, to date there have been no forum for those features of national character so it can "become a reference meeting for discussion and sharing of the latest scientific developments.

Among these developments, highlights the note, are able to deliver containers smart messages, thanks to a bar code that transmits a variety of kitchen appliances for information on any dish, referring to the date of expiry, data storage, as well contain information relevant to safety and allergies, among other options.

May also be aware of the interaction with active packaging with consumer feelings, as is the addition of aromas that lead the user a feeling of fullness, in order to control uncontrolled consumption of food by consumers with weight problems. Envases de plástico capaces de aumentar la vida útil de los alimentos o incorporar aromas que transmitan sensación de saciedad al consumidor, o con códigos de barras para dar instrucciones a los aparatos de cocina, se presentarán en el I Seminario del Instituto Tecnológico del Plástico (AIMPLAS).

Las nuevas tecnologías que se aplican a esos envases pretenden simplificar el trabajo del consumidor en la cocina y aumentar su seguridad, según los organizadores del seminario, que se celebrará en Paterna (Valencia) los días 3 y 4 del próximo mes de noviembre.

En el seminario, dirigido a las empresas transformadoras del plástico y envasadores de materia prima, directores técnicos, responsables de calidad, producción, I+D, diseño y negocio, se pretende "establecer un punto de encuentro científico-tecnológico entre empresas, personal investigador y centros tecnológicos".

Según un comunicado de AIMPLAS, hasta la fecha no se ha celebrado ningún foro de esas características de carácter nacional por lo que puede "convertirse en un encuentro de referencia para la discusión y puesta en común de los últimos avances científicos".

Entre esos avances, destaca la nota, están los envases capaces de emitir mensajes inteligentes, gracias a un código de barras que transmite a diversos electrodomésticos de la cocina información relativa para realizar cualquier plato, referencia a la fecha de caducidad, datos de conservación, además de contener información de seguridad y de interés para alérgicos, entre otras opciones.

También se podrán conocer los envases activos con interacción con las sensaciones del consumidor, como es la incorporación de aromas que provoquen en el usuario sensación de saciedad, con el fin de controlar consumos incontrolados de comida por parte de consumidores con problemas de peso.

jueves, 19 de noviembre de 2009

quimica - chemistry Victor Manuel Bautista Lopez presented an initiative at the LVII Legislature to amend several articles of the Code of Biodiversity

On behalf of the local congressional PRD caucus, Rep. Victor Manuel Bautista Lopez presented an initiative at the LVII Legislature to amend several articles of the Code of Biodiversity of the State of Mexico to the effect of decreasing the use of plastic bags in supermarkets.

One proposal is that concerning the reform of Article 4.47, which prohibits commercial establishments to deliver to their customers free plastic bags for containment, EMBASE and transport of the products they sell.

These businesses may only use plastic materials for aseptic or preservation of food or supplies.

"The use of plastic bags will be permitted only if they are created under technological procedures to give them the quality biodegradable. "The regulations and rules issued if the Secretariat (Environment), determine the technological standards that the bags must meet to have the property of biodegradable," says the initiative.

The proposal also includes amending Article 4.6 of the Code of Biodiversity mexiquense to develop, disseminate and implement a program to replace plastics in order to reduce their consumption, which includes educating state residents about the negative impact that this material produces in the environment.

When using the grandstand, Bautista Lopez explained that according to various estimates, 90 percent of the bags end their lives in landfills "are harmful to the environment for several reasons: the nature of non-biodegradable plastics which are manufactured, besides the fact that the manufacture of polyethylene is made from fossil fuels that emit polluting gases.

Quimica - chemistry: Create biodegradable packaging from sorghum

Create biodegradable packaging from sorghum

The commercial introduction of various foods requires the use of plastic containers and cans that sometimes alter the properties of the products, a situation that is intended to be enhanced with the incorporation of active and intelligent packaging.

The preservation of packaged food without adding any chemical substance to change its composition, taste, texture, and while the case of containers or biodegradable containers, was what motivated a group of researchers from the Istituto Tecnológico y de Estudios Superiores de Monterrey , Campus Monterrey to develop a biological alternative to traditional packaging.

The containers are made from natural biopolymer derived from sorghum, a cereal grown enough in the north. Furthermore, they are biodegradable, then the container degrades in less than six months or can be removed with boiling water temperature.

According to Dr. Cecilia Rojas of Gent, head of research, development of the Tecnologico de Monterrey currently focuses on packaging for cheese, meat, chicken or sausage, as it is bags are in direct contact with food, as a plastic film.

"The biggest challenge of packaging is that once in contact with the product retains the natural state of it, because everyday, common packaging occur in reactions between compounds potentially occluded (closed) on their walls and the food," he said.

The active and intelligent packaging can be used to dry or wet food, and when no longer useful for the food it contains does not become trash, and discarded if not represent risks to the environment.

"The containers are biodegradable, assets, control humidity, and emitters of antimicrobial agents against all microorganisms, besides having the property of absorbing certain substances," explained the researcher.

Moreover, Mexico has a dependence on technology in regard to food packaging, and this development "proposed" help to reduce this dependence through a different alternative conservation, ie have a package that will decrease the load microbial oxidation reactions and degradation in food, which undoubtedly can give nutritional benefits and extend the refrigerated shelf life of the product or rack environment.

Finally, Rojas said Ghent existing private sector interest to employ innovation, especially in the dairy industry and sausages.

The development of the Tecnologico de Monterrey was supported by the National Council for Science and Technology and the Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock, Rural Development, Fisheries and Food, through sectoral funds program, and also received the support of the Ibero-American Science and Technology for Development. The group of Dr. Rojas of Ghent, Alessandra complement it Schaus, Benito Tinoco, Jesus Rios and Andrea Valderrama.

Crean envases biodegradables a partir del sorgo

La presentación comercial de diversos alimentos requiere el uso de envases de plástico o latas que en ocasiones alteran las propiedades de los productos; una situación que pretende ser mejorada con la incorporación de envases activos e inteligentes.

La conservación de alimentos envasados, sin agregarles alguna sustancia química que cambie su composición, sabor o textura, y al mismo tiempo que se trate de recipientes o contenedores biodegradables, fue lo que motivó un grupo de investigadores del Istituto Tecnológico y de Estudios Superiores de Monterrey, Campus Monterrey a desarrollar una alternativa biológica a los empaques tradicionales.

Los envases están hechos de biopolímeros naturales obtenidos de sorgo, un cereal que se produce bastante en el norte del país. Además, éstos son biodegradables, pues el envase se degrada en menos de seis meses e incluso puede eliminarse con temperatura a ebullición del agua.

De acuerdo con la doctora Cecilia Rojas de Gante, titular de la investigación, el desarrollo del Tecnológico de Monterrey actualmente se concentra en envases para quesos, carne, pollo o embutidos, pues se trata de bolsas que están en contacto directo con los alimentos, como una película de plástico.

“El mayor reto de los envases es que una vez en contacto con el producto conserve el estado natural del mismo, pues cotidianamente, en los envases comunes ocurren potencialmente reacciones entre los compuestos ocluidos (cerrados) en sus paredes y el alimento”, comentó.

El envase activo e inteligente puede servir para alimentos secos o húmedos, y cuando deja de ser útil para la comida que contiene no se convierte en basura, y si se desecha no representa riesgos para el medio ambiente.

“Los envases son biodegradables, activos, controlan la humedad, y son emisores de agentes antimicrobianos contra todo tipo de microorganismos, además de tener la característica de absorber ciertas sustancias”, expuso la investigadora.

Por otro lado, México tiene una dependencia tecnológica en lo que respecta al envasado de alimentos, y este desarrollo “propone” coadyuvar a disminuir esa dependencia a través de una alternativa diferente de conservación; es decir, tener un envase que va a decrecer la carga microbiana y las reacciones de oxidación y degradación en los alimentos, lo que sin duda puede dar beneficios nutrimentales y alargar la vida en anaquel refrigerado o anaquel ambiente del producto.

Finalmente, Rojas de Gante comentó que ya existe interés del sector privado por emplear la innovación, sobre todo en la industria de lácteos y embutidos.

El desarrollo del Tecnológico de Monterrey fue apoyado por el Consejo Nacional de Ciencia y Tecnología y la Secretaría de Agricultura, Ganadería, Desarrollo Rural, Pesca y Alimentación, a través del programa Fondos Sectoriales, y también contó con el respaldo del Programa Iberoamericano de Ciencia y Tecnología para el Desarrollo. El grupo de la doctora Rojas de Gante, lo complementan Alessandra Schause, Benito Tinoco, Jesús Ríos y Andrea Valderrama.

miércoles, 18 de noviembre de 2009

quimica - chemistry Electric Cars From Tesla

tesla roadster

The Tesla Roadster: Who could argue with its sex appeal? (Tesla photo)

The financial establishment is getting bullish about electric cars. I just talked to a Bank of America/Merrill Lynch analyst who told me that EVs will need "sizzle," or maybe the right phrase is sex appeal, to triumph in the marketplace.

"Cost is not the only factor driving the purchasing decision," says analyst Steven Milunovich. "EVs need to appeal to consumers on a psychological level, such as prestige and driving enjoyment." I totally agree. The good thing is that many EVs already have sizzle to burn. Or is sizzle already burning?

The car magazines are stuck in the past with high-performance dinosaurs, but most of the cars that attract buzz in the financial media today are green. The Fisker Karma, for instance, is a visual outrage--it makes Megan Fox look like a nun. And it's bristling with cool eco-features, including interior wood sourced from river bottoms and a rooftop solar panel to run the heating and cooling systems. And it's not surprising that Fisker is working on some kind of proprietary noise--a Formula One car crossed with a spaceship--so that pedestrians will know it's there when in battery mode.

The Tesla Roadster is, of course, off the charts in sizzle factor, and the forthcoming Model S is the Maserati of electric sedans. General Motors would love to pay for the positive publicity Tesla gets for free.

Another reason Wall Street likes EVs is that it can make money on them. When the battery company A123 (a supplier to Chrysler) went public, its stock--one of the few "pure plays" an investor could buy (most battery makers are either not public or part of large conglomerates) doubled in price on the first day.

Other financial analysts like the switch to cleaner cars, too. A very positive report from Citigroup Global Markets says that the automakers should actually applaud the stricter fuel economy/greenhouse gas standards they once fought (but now endorse). Why? Because the 35.5 mpg fuel economy goal (by 2016) will increase their profits. The report says that under the national program announced by President Obama last May, "Detroit's gross profits are likely to increase by roughly $3 billion a year, compared to an $800 million increase for the Japanese Three," the report said. "And sales are likely to increase by the equivalent of two large assembly plants for the Detroit Three."

Further, the report gets into the reason people buy cars. "Complying with the national program renders the vehicles in the majority of segments more cost effective for consumers," it said. And that's because the extra cost will be less than the fuel saved.

Carol Lee Rawn of the Investor Network on Climate Risk, representing over $8 trillion in combined assets, testified at a recent EPA hearing that the national standards are a key enabling strategy for the U.S. automakers to produce cars that consumers will actually want to buy, and that will be fuel efficient and competitive. "It is critical that American auto companies significantly change their business models to ensure that they are able to compete successfully in the 21st century," she said.

Finally, a University of Michigan survey that just crossed my desk shows strong consumer interest in buying plug-in hybrid electric cars. Some 42% of those surveyed said they might buy one--the acceptance rose as the cost came down, obviously.

A New York Times editor joked to me recently that, given some of the bizarre EVs we've seen recently, it seems anybody can slap up a web page and call themselves an automaker. Yes, it was that way in 1910, too, but the bad ones fell by the wayside and the cream rose to the top. The good thing is that good plug-in cars are already on the horizon, and people will want to buy them.

Test driving the sexy Fisker Karma (and talking to Henrik Fisker):

Photo Credits: Tesla Motors, Tesla Motors
Photo Credits: Tesla Motors, Tesla Motors

compañías eléctricas vendiendo coches de baterías

RWE e-Paket: coche eléctrico y cargador

Una cosa está clara: las mayores interesadas en la implantación del coche eléctrico de baterías son las compañías eléctricas. Los cerebros pensantes de estas grandes empresas se han puesto las pilas para ofrecernos todas las facilidades posibles a la hora de adquirir nuestro próximo vehículo “ecológico”. La primera en mostrarnos el camino ha sido el consorcio energético aleman RWE AG., que ofrece, de momento solo para la región de Westfalia, su “e-Paket”, al estilo de las mejores ofertas de telefonía móvil.

El “e-Paket” se compone de un coche eléctrico y de su correspondiente cargador, que se puede elegir en versión “columna de recarga RWE” para uso exterior o como un “punto de recarga RWE” de interior para instalarlo en la pared del garaje. Ambos, por supuesto, con la etiqueta “ecológica” por bandera, a pesar de que RWE obtiene la mayor parte de su electricidad de centrales térmicas que queman carbón. Claro que, desde el punto de vista de las compañías eléctricas, la electricidad “ecológica” por excelencia es la que se obtiene de la energía nuclear. Solo falta que la iniciativa tenga el éxito deseado y empiezen con el baile de las tarifas de consumo.

RWE e-Paket: coche eléctrico y cargador

El catálogo de modelos no es, de momento, demasiado amplio: se puede elegir entre el Micro Vett 500 E (basado en el Fiat 500) o el Micro Vett Fiorino E (sobre la base del vehículo comercial de Fiat). Ambos emplean baterías de litio y ofrecen una autonomía estimada entre 100 y 140 km. Tiempo de recarga en el mejor de los casos: 3 horas. Los clientes que reserven ahora su pedido lo recibirán a partir de marzo del año que viene. Por si la oferta no fuera lo suficientemente atractiva, incluye la posibilidad de utilizar, previo pago por supuesto, las 150 estaciones de recarga públicas que la empresa tiene instaladas en ocho ciudades alemanas.

El contrato incluye, como era de esperar, una cuota mensual de mantenimiento de la estación de recarga (el negocio es el negocio), y recuerda que su utilización requerirá adaptar la instalación eléctrica de la vivienda. RWE se presta a asesorar en este sentido, pero la minuta del electricista correrá a cargo del cliente. Además, los más pudientes podrán adquirir estaciones de recarga por separarado para ubicarlas allí donde deseen (2ª vivienda, por ejemplo).

Lo que no he encontrado es información sobre el precio, ya que la empresa prefiere plantear ofertas personalizadas a cada posible cliente interesado; tampoco me ha quedado claro si es obligatorio que los coches lleven esa decoración o recibirán un descuento por la publicidad. Otra cuestión: ¿se contempla la opción de la portabilidad cuando nos cansemos de nuestra compañía eléctrica favorita o acabaremos todos como clientes cautivos?

martes, 17 de noviembre de 2009

La campaña de vacunación de la gripe A comenzó ayer y satura los hospitales

La campaña de vacunación de la gripe A comenzó ayer en la provincia de Castelló con las unidades de pediatría de los centros de salud saturadas. La primera oleada de otoño del virus H1 N1 se ha cebado, aunque de forma suave, con la población más joven de la provincia. El conseller de Sanidad, Manuel Cervera, instó ayer de forma encarecida a vacunarse a los 123.500 castellonenses incluidos en los grupos de riesgo (embarazadas, enfermos crónicos , personal sanitario y servicios especiales), y apuntó la posibilidad de ampliar para más adelante la cifra de beneficiarios.
Las unidades pediátricas de los centros de atención primaria de Castelló no dan casi abasto, según admitieron fuentes sanitarias y sindicales, y ello a pesar de que la primera embestida de la gripe A ha sido suave. La tasa de afección en la Comunitat es de 246 casos por 100.00 habitantes, el 98% de los casos son leves y de éstos sólo un 1,65% corresponde a ingresos, según informó la Conselleria de Sanidad.
La mayoría de los afectados son menores (escolares de infantil y primaria) a causa de la relajación de los hábitos higiénicos en este colectivo. Sanidad estima que hay un 15% de bajas escolares por el virus H1 N1 en la provincia. El servicio de pediatría del centro de salud Fernando el Católico de Castelló, que ayer fue visitado por el conseller de Sanidad para comprobar el inicio de la campaña de vacunación, atiende a estas alturas a 300 niños al día. «Cuatro niños con síntomas leves cada quince minutos», subrayó Encarna Sorribes, una de las tres pediatras que dispone el lugar. El jefe de servicios básicos del centro, Agustín Fuster, explicó que en los últimos 15 días el número de visitas en pediatría ha crecido un 50% y en urgencias un 70%.
Las aglomeraciones han sido comunes en buena parte de las unidades pediátricas de la provincia, y se han concentrado sobre todo en esta primera mitad de mes. Los mayores aluviones de gente en la capital de la Plana se han dado en los centros de salud de Perpetuo Socorro, Pelleter, Rafalafena, además de Fernando el Católico, indicaron por su parte desde el Sindicato de Treballadors de la Salut (STS). La planta de ingresos de pediatría del Hospital General está al completo y el 18% de los niños atendidos ha tenido gripe A. Responsables de centros de salud han reclamado por ello a la Generalitat refuerzos en las áreas de pediatría.
Cabe tener en cuenta que la Comunitat ha pasado el primer envite de la gripe A y que con la llegada del frío se augura una nueva oleada, según admitió el jefe de servicios básicos de Fernando el Católico, quien apuntó que esta segunda fase podría aterrizar a finales de diciembre. Ello dependerá de la evolución de las condiciones meteorológicas y de la intensidad de la bajada de las temperaturas, dijo. «La gripe A ha invadido ya a la estacional», agregó. Fuster resaltó que esta oleada de otoño, que arrancó hace dos semanas, parece que empieza a estabilizarse.

Primeras vacunas
Y en estas circunstancias empezó ayer la vacunación contra la gripe A, que se prolongará hasta enero. El primer día de campaña marchó con normalidad y sin incidentes. La solicitud de la vacuna a través de una cita previa redujo los tiempos de espera y evitó los temidos colapsos.
El conseller de Sanidad explicó que su departamento contempla vacunar a 1.122.783 ciudadanos de la Comunitat, 123.500 en Castelló, 609.300 en Valencia y 389.983 en Alicante. 972.054 dosis serán para enfermos crónicos, 50.000 para embarazadas, 71.389 para sanitarios y 29.340 para el personal de servicios esenciales. La distribución de las mismas en las mujeres embarazadas empezará, resaltó Cervera, a finales de esta semana o a primeros de la que viene. Sus dosis no llevan adyuvante (un potenciador de respuesta del sistema inmunitario). Cervera las aconsejó esperar tres días para solicitar la cita de vacunación.

Who were the most important chemists of the seventeenth century?

Who were the most important chemists of the seventeenth century?
Robert boylel scientists who excelled in the science of chemistry during the seventeenth century were mostly Irish Boyle (1627 - 1691), which establishes the basic principles and the law itself that bears his name (or even Boyle's Law ), the Belgian Van Helmont (1577 - 1644), which investigated the gases generated in chemical reactions, such as carbon dioxide, as well as the Germans Becher (1635 - 1682) and Stahl (1659 - 1734), who studied combustion and formulated the theory of phlogiston.

¿Quiénes fueron los químicos más importantes del siglo XVII?

Robert BoyleLos científicos que destacaron en la ciencia química a lo largo del siglo XVII fueron sobre todo el irlandés Boyle (1627 - 1691), que establece los principios básicos de la misma y la Ley que lleva su nombre (o también Ley de Boyle-Mariotte); el belga Van Helmont (1577 - 1644), que investigó los gases que se generan en las reacciones químicas, como el dióxido de carbono; así como los alemanes Becher (1635 - 1682) y Stahl (1659 - 1734), que estudiaron la combustión y formularon la teoría del flogisto.

lunes, 16 de noviembre de 2009

a leading additives supplier for thermoplastics processing and compounding, has announced a joint sales and development agreement with Emerald Perform

a leading additives supplier for thermoplastics processing and compounding, has announced a joint sales and development agreement with Emerald Performance Materials (Akron, OH) regarding Emerald's Good-Rite phenolic antioxidants for thermoplastics. The two companies intend to work together to develop new antioxidant chemistries and technologies. Struktol becomes the primary sales distributor in the NAFTA region for the Emerald product line.

"Emerald, whose lineage goes back to Goodrich Chemicals, and later, the Lubrizol Co., was spun off, and is now independent. They were manufacturing for Ciba, and that relationship ended as Ciba developed additional offshore manufacturing," said Mike Fulmer, product manager, plastic additives, Struktol, in speaking with Plastics Today at his company's headquarters. "Emerald needed someone with global plastics reach, and the agreement fits well with Struktol, as we're fast, agile, and reactive. Many people have used Emerald's products for years without knowing who they are. They're one of the few major antioxidant manufacturers left in the U.S."

In a statement, Pete Getzinger, commercial director for Emerald said, "We felt that Struktol would be a good commercial partner for Emerald, as they manufacture complementary products to the industry, and have an energetic sales team in place. Emerald's predecessor organization, B.F. Goodrich, originally developed and held patents for certain phenolic antioxidants, such as the ones used in polyolefins, about 30 years ago. Emerald and its predecessor companies continued to produce these phenolic products under a long-term manufacturing agreement that recently expired."

Fulmer added that Struktol's "thioester products are synergistic secondary antioxidants when used with Emerald phenolic AOs."

Struktol intends to expand Emerald's penetration into the polyolefin market, targeting the thermoplastic compounding and masterbatch markets. Both companies will continue to focus on product development for thermoplastic processing.