domingo, 22 de noviembre de 2009

Nutrition: "The low-calorie diets are not effective long term"

This was stated by the medical Spanish, Ana Ramos, specialist protein diet: A treatment that achieves weight loss by reducing fat and sugar but - unlike the common diets - maintains the proper amount of protein that the body needs.

"The low-calorie diets are not effective long term and are slow in the early stages so the patient feels unmotivated - the specialist says - while the dietary protein can reduce weight quickly and then re-education so no food no rebound effect. "

Protein diets consist basically of a diet low in carbohydrates and fats, but compensated with a normal amount of protein, allowing the body to have what they need to perform their vital functions and is maintained with energy and good encouragement.

"Rapid weight loss is the result of a chemical reaction in the body called ketosis, which essentially means that the body takes the fat you need and transforms it into energy," said the specialist.

"Being overweight is not just about aesthetics, high weight predisposes the person to develop diabetes, cholesterol, hypertension, and a host of diseases that fall into the 'metabolic syndrome' - explained - however people come mainly because want to see thinner, then quickly lose weight encourages further treatment.

Dr. Ramos is training of physicians in the method Pronokal in Barcelona, a treatment based on a protein diet, aims to weight maintenance. It is divided into three stages: weight loss, rehabilitation and maintenance food.

"The complex of proteins that we provide is unique in that it has adapted to different tastes and textures so that the patient can tolerate psychologically and not the entire day with shakes. Are provided in the first stage of the thinning is, "he says.

Thus, the "envelope protein" can be transformed by a minimal preparation in a cappuccino, a cream of vegetable soup, a bacon and cheese pancake flavor or taste chocolate dessert.

"It's not magic envelope, but its prescription is given after an assessment of the patient, provides in conjunction with diet and puts it on track. Therefore, these protein foods are sold by prescription only trained personnel. Moreover, the source of protein in each envelope is indicated in the prospectus, "he says.

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