viernes, 1 de mayo de 2009

Internet versus swine flu

Ignoring the full range of gray that exists in the corners of the mind, there are two angles to approach the Mexican flu, swine, poultry, pork or whatever you call this collusion virus: science and the arts.

It is probably better to use the prism of science. That you talk about statistics and all the deaths that occur each year so you and I consider it an unimportant gripilla. That tells you that you are lucky to live in civilized country Social Security. However, under the screen of our oral tradition, religious and literary landscape is very different.

Because in the arts, when it appears in this scene is not for nothing bug good. Whether for a futuristic story about the mockery of a pandemic, a biblical plague, a disaster film, or the memory of a time when the Spanish was not a brand of olives, the picture is not rosy for these small and busy ants We are humans. So the virus is a very special: it is smaller, but no more asshole.

The media speak of prophylaxis in the real world, but forget about hygiene in cyberspace. While networks like Twitter jump scares and all kinds of jokes, I do not want to miss these lines to appeal to sailors: the selected information. Mashable as recommended, go to subject specialists and agencies such as WHO and U.S. CDC. Theories avoid appearing next to a drawing of Homer Simpson sharing a table with porcine friend.

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