viernes, 1 de mayo de 2009

The United Kingdom is launching a campaign to inform of the swine flu

Swine flu, is what remains the world with many cases not only relate to people who have been in Mexico, outbreak of the virus, but it begins to occur in people who have nothing to do with the country and have not been in it.

In Spain are more than a hundred suspected cases to be diagnosed as swine flu, Mexico in excess of 6000 and the rest of the world after the chaos is widespread in Canada as known in our country are finding cases of people without to have visited Mexican soil.

While waiting to see what joint action to be taken by the European Union to cope with the swine flu virus, as each country can fight against this flu. In the United Kingdom, for example, the Health Ministry has used an ad on television to explain how transmitting the flu virus and to recommend measures of hygiene.

In the ad we see a young man enters an elevator and then starts to sneeze, so see you later with all those around him and touch him as the buttons on your floor or railing for fastening risk contagion.

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