sábado, 16 de mayo de 2009

New York closed three other schools for fear of the new flu

Hundreds of students from the counties of Queens and Brooklyn have symptoms similar to those affected by the virus
The latest death was announced Thursday and is a woman of about 40 years who died last week
The city of New York has ordered the temporary closure of three other schools in the counties of Queens and Brooklyn, after hundreds of students showed symptoms similar to those affected by influenza A. The heads of the departments of Health New York, Thomas Frieden, and Education, Joel Klein, announced the closure of three schools, which amounted to six schools that remain closed in New York.
"We have decided to act because they have been exceptionally high and increasing levels of symptoms similar to those of influenza in these three schools," he said in a statement Frieden, who was appointed today by the White House new director of the Center for Disease Control and Prevention Disease (CDC). While so far there have been no confirmed case of AH1N1 affected by the virus in the three centers, there has been disinfecting classrooms, floors, doors and desks for schools affected by the possible new outbreak of influenza. New York's mayor, Michael Bloomberg, had on Thursday ordered the closure of only three centers in the county of Queens, where new cases were detected in affected, including the professor of a school that, according to the authorities , remains in critical condition.
It is the deputy director of the school I.S. 238, Mitchell Wiener, and represents the most serious case detected so far in the city of New York. Follow hospitalized in critical condition. As you can imagine are very difficult days for her family and I urge New Yorkers to take into account in their prayers, "said Bloomberg at a press conference. The mayor reiterated that any individual you feel flu symptoms should stay home and that parents should do the same with their children if they have fever, cough and other flu-like signs. "If you are seriously ill with respiratory problems, for example, go to the hospital," he pointed and said that Bloomberg will receive medical care regardless of their status as an immigrant in this country.
The city authorities are still warning of the symptoms of influenza A are similar to those suffered during the season which gives the disease, and identify risk groups such as children under 2 years and those older than 65, those suffering from chronic lung disease, heart, kidney, liver or blood, with low immune systems, pregnant women and people undergoing aspirin therapy. The Center for Disease Control reported today that there have been 4714 cases of U.S. sick from the flu to spread in 46 states and the District of Columbia, and announced that there are four deaths so far by the virus. The latest death was announced Thursday and is a woman of about 40 years who died last week from complications of influenza A, but suffered from a lung disease.

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