miércoles, 6 de mayo de 2009

Swine Influenza, Influenza A caused?

Media disinformation, and the government in the shadows, they again attack our health and quality of life. This time under the threat of a new global pandemic of swine flu.

In early April in the American program The Power Hour, a http://www.thepowerhour.com/ reporting on ties with U.S. government agencies said no more, no less, who has knowledge that have been moving strains of influenza Avian to military installations, as the Pentagon.

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iSV7jVOjIwQ&eurl=http% 3A% 2F% 2Fwww% 2Erafapal% 2Ecom% 2F & feature = player_embedded

There are fears that the outbreak of swine flu, a variant of bird flu, has been created in the laboratory for military purposes.


Handling of this material for military purposes, is the disappearance of a few days ago a boat with a dangerous virus of some of its facilities.


An officer (which seems a mayor) in a village near Chicago a few months ago revealed that, as he had told the Department of Homeland Security, was planning the establishment of martial law as a result of the outbreak. At the time of writing, was introduced in the State of Emergency in United States. Here you can listen to what the officer said

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X0P-Q0vvCM0&eurl=http% 3A% 2F% 2Fwww% 2Erafapal% 2Ecom% 2F & feature = player_embedded

We do not know if they are trying to provoke a global pandemic or just a strategy to sell more vaccine left, right and center, as happened with the assembly of the avian flu from the U.S. Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld on the part of that was the president the pharmaceutical company that developed Tamiflu.

The mere creation of a comprehensive social fear may cause people infected by a normal strain of influenza, can reach a state of immunological down which leads to death, as happened with many of the deaths attributed to Asians avian influenza. Well there are many studies that show how emotions like fear and guilt can affect the immune system, and often behind AIDS, some even by many who want to sell us the lie of HIV.

The means of disinformation and fear begin to get into the body, and then selling them false hopes, the Pharmaceuticals and Baxter, said that will get the vaccine for swine flu.

http://espanol.news.yahoo.com/s/ap/0904 ... ina_vacuna

Pathetic, some base their hopes for the same company that just sent to Europe a few months for the flu vaccine free from avian influenza viruses. So that could be transmitted to humans.

¿Baxter Vaccines intentionally contaminated with avian influenza?

The U.S. pharmaceutical, Baxter, had been circulated by Austria, Germany and the Czech Republic, vaccines that have caused a deadly epidemic were it not for the fate that was discovered in time due to the sudden death of an entire group of animals in a laboratory experiments. The most incredible news is that it is virtually impossible that it was accidental contamination of vaccines.

"There is also the fact that the mix of Baxter H5N1 virus is a mixture of H3N2 virus (seasonal flu). The H5N1 virus in its pure form, has killed hundreds of people, but it is narrower and less airborne ease with which it can spread. However, when combined with seasonal influenza viruses, which as we all know are super-easy and airborne spread, the effect is powerful, super-airbone super deadly biological weapons.

As a newspaper article of Canada explains: "While the H5N1 virus does not infect people easily, the H3N2 virus itself. If someone is exposed to a mixture of the two would have been simultaneously infected with both strains, and he or she would have served as an incubator for a hybrid virus can be transmitted easily between people. "

Pollution "accidental" vaccine of avian influenza virus virtually impossible
http://www.falsarealidad.com/2009/03/05 impossible ... /

There's a lot more news in English in major media sources (links below)


http://scienceblogs.com/effectmeasure/2 ... _conta.php

http://atinachile.bligoo.com/content/vi aviar.html ...

If it comes to recommendations for vaccination, should not be ruled out before resorting to natural therapies to strengthen the immune system.

And all that before anyone get carried away by the fear that we continually try to get the media, TV, radio and the official press.

Psychosis is a disease but a way of bringing down the defenses. So quiet, good food, natural remedies and optimism to face the backlash of a recent pharmaceutical industry and an economic criminal.

To this end we propose the start of the "Sweet Revolution" http://www.dulcerevolucion.com

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