viernes, 1 de mayo de 2009

The role of the Internet to the swine flu

influenzablogCon the outbreak of swine flu in Mexico, which is on track to become a major global epidemic, the Internet is positioned as an important resource for informing the general public. In Internet chat now fourteen hundred million people around the world and influenza has been the most searched term on Google and other search engines in recent days.
On April 28 they could find 117 million pages and over 27 thousand reports. A day later, the content had been increased to 281 million search results and more than 100 thousand news. Furthermore, the Mexican secretary of health has become the most popular, surpassing that of finance and the president of the government, Felipe Calderón. Ultimately, the Internet has become the main source of information for the public to monitor the disease.
Furthermore, with the government's recommendation to stay five days in isolated houses, with schools, restaurants and other enclosed public spaces, the Internet communication is also becoming to the Mexicans in the safest way to maintain daily contact with friends and family . But hopefully soon back to the usual role!
Via: Influenza, the virus that came to the Internet

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